The definitive solution for Tempering (and Masterworking) RNG | Add a Slow but Safe option šŸ¢

The solution:

Let us choose ingame (between these two options):

IntroI just thought about this, sorry if someone has already suggested it. It's simple and I think it's a very good idea, So it wouldn't be strange if someone else thought of it.

Currently Temperin (and masterworking) have a big problem: frustrating RNG.
You feel like you lose your item, your materials and your time if you donā€™t get what you want.

BUT not everyone dislikes it. Some love to feel bad and waste time, so this solution seeks to make both types of players happy.

  • :rabbit2: Option 1 would be the current system: current costs and the current possibility of failing or losing your item/materials.

  • :turtle: Option 2, in exchange for considerably increasing the price of the improvements you can have exactly what you want.

In other words: just add an additional-non-mandatory safe (but slow) option.

  • Edit: Option 3: Anything you want!! Add it and let me choose ingame. (Extracted from messages in this thread. Credit and link when you put your mouse over the option). (Not my ideas nor my like) (I only add alternatives to the list, not complete system redesigns)
    -Option 3.1: Item reset for killing thousands of monsters in helltide.
    -Option 3.2: Item reset for recycling GA3.
    -Option 3.3: Extra rerolls or choose affixes in exchange for identical items.
    -Option 3.4: Sacrifice one GA on an item for a temper reset. (Turning a 3GA into a 2GA for a reset)
    -Option 3.5: P2W. Sell the reset in the item shop for 1000 platinum.
    -Option 3.6: Scattered Prism also have the power to reset tempering.
    -Option 3.7: Special material/gem to guarantee outcomes.
    -Option 3.8: Additional reroll depending on the amount of GA
    -Option 3.9: Escalating quality/amount of Pit mats to re-temper.

(Just an example. Iā€™m not trying to make it easier or faster, but just add a slow but safe option.) ( :rabbit2: vs :turtle:) (If you think the numbers are too low, just increase them in your head until itā€™s right for you)


Water Tempered (Risky): Identical to the current one in prices and mechanics.
Oil Tempered (Safe): 5 to 10 times more expensive, but without limits.
Magic Tempered (Itā€™s Magic): 20 to 40 times more expensive. It allows you to choose what you want.
Once a tempering type is chosen for an item, it cannot be changed for that item.


A Shady Work (Risky): Identical to the current one in prices and mechanics.
A Master Work (Safe): 20 to 40 times more expensive, but you choose which stat to improve.
Once a Masterworking type is chosen for an item, it cannot be changed for that item.

Safe versions will only be possible/sustainable for those who are more advanced in the EndGame and will give players a goal to pursue during Season.


Oh yea, this post is going to be a lot of fun to watch. :popcorn: My body is ready, bring it on.


I really doubt it. There is no reasonable third option, and if there were:

Let us choose ingame.

All I will say is, things are not always black and white as you propose. Life is filled with grey areas everywhere. This post is no different. That being said, Iā€™m just waiting. :popcorn:

The word ā€œreasonableā€ is the key.

Rebuilding the entire game is an optionā€¦ but itā€™s not reasonable.
Remove or replace Tempering and Masterworking is an option, but it is not reasonable.

And I think this thread will not receive replies. If I changed the title and made it sound like I was complaining, Iā€™m sure this would change.
But Iā€™m going to make it easier to readā€¦ in other wordsā€¦ fewer words :sweat_smile:

liked the idea, but also I want a better/harder content for farming gold and material.
since whisper is too easy and boring for a level 100 character. and helltide, only the boss have enough difficulty for a endgame character.

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I agree, but I think this will come with time, in other words, it is already in development :wink:

I think this is a fair suggestion and wouldnā€™t mind a safe path option to work towards.

That being said, I dont think it would cull most of the complaints. I would imagine that the complaints would shift to how boring and tedious it is to farm the materials needed for the safe path.

Then the point would be made of how you might as well just save the mats and gold and just farm the rng, because it takes the same amount of time without the cost.

Again, Iā€™m good with options for safety nets, but I donā€™t think the forums would be anymore content with trmpering.

I would personally go with something that increases tries the per the amount of greater affixes on the item. But, Im not sweating the RNG of thr tempering system too much anyways. ā€œBrickingā€ a 3 GA item sucks and I would be happy with some more tries on them, but if that never comes, that is ok.

And I think thatā€™s good. The game has to be fun. If it is not fun, it is good that it is discussed and subsequently improved.

but farming gold and material is already boring at current patch.

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So that is accomplished with gameplay and objectives then, and not relevent necessarily to the proposed changes.

If it is just as tedious to farm mats for a safe route as it is to farm content for gear to try and successfully temper your desired stats (on average), then nothing really changed and you just moved the goal post.

The discussion of fun gameplay and objectives is one to be had, but not really relevent in the discussion of fixing tempering. I think the better thing to look at, is does this proposal really fix the issue for the people having an issue with it. I dont necessarily think so.

Iā€™d be fine with it (to reiterate), but if the idea here is that this idea will make everyone happy, I doubt it. It just moves the complaint goal post from RNG bad, to farming to get exactly what I want is boring and bad.

My suggestion would be to just increase the tries the more GAā€™s an item has, and focus on making the gameplay and objectives fun by design on their on merits.

I believe both of these options are bad ideas. What should happen is any elongated quest line for untempering an item. That way people will only bother with it on GG level items. Something like killing 20,000+ helltide mobs. Probably more than that, to be honest.

That way you are passively progressing in the quest while playing the game as you normally would.

Just simply popping some gold down on the table to get whatever you want only encou RMT. Besides that, a boring gold grind is a lazy way to do things.

honestly, that sounds boring as hell.

Yes it would be if you werenā€™t going to do that anyway to farm mats. The point is, this quest would passively complete doing what you would be doing even without the quest.

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I very much agree, and my proposal only establishes a goal while removing the frustration of a mechanic.

Gameplay is not part of this proposal and is a completely different topic.

I was thinking about itā€¦ but if you brick your object again, you will feel frustrated again, maybe even more than before.

But and I would say: Add that one too and let me choose ingame.

I will add a third general option to the first post.

Yes but you can always undo the temper. Itā€™s never actually bricked. So long as itā€™s not permanently bricked, then itā€™s within playable parameters imo.

Another ā€œsafe pathā€ option would be to turn 3 GA items into something like resplendant sparks, but for changing a bricked items affix or locking into one manual affix to roll on when using your 5 tries.

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I know, I know, I was one of the first to propose/discuss things like that in the PTR forum.
Itā€™s still an option.

Hey thatā€™s not a bad idea. You can convert a 3 GA item into an item that redoes a temper.

Though you can still end up just buying your way to perfect items that way still. I think they need to avoid being able to do that. I think there should be some sort of built-in time commitment, like an elongated quest line.

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The current cost is a trivial amount of mats + 1/5 of the time it takes to farm a similar item. So if you remove the temper reroll cost in exchange for upping the cost by 5x, then you would need to require an exact copy of the item. I think that could be a reasonable cost: spend an item with the same affixes / GAs instead of spending a tempering reroll, spend 4 items like that to choose the affix you want.