Stop it. This game NEED RNG

The most pointlessly pedantic crap I’ve seen today. Nobody needs anything except oxygen and basic sustenance, are we really gonna pretend we don’t understand how stupid it is to actually call this out every time someone else uses the word ‘need’ in context of a anything other than those three things? Give me a break.

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you are pendantic on this. what you need for example is capped armor, and cap resistances. what you dont need, is a 3GA item. Difference.

some guys keep exaggerating and acting like 3ga items are needed, when its just them wanting them.

That would produce a rain of items.

Just imagine how many you discard versus how many you temper, and then think about how many tries to get it right (after discarding a bunch of manuals).

It would be insane how many items they would have to give you to be close to your current progression speed. And if you think that progress is very fast,10 times slower would be still too many items.

I kind of agree with the gist of this post. It seems like when all I had to go by was the Diablo I & II strategy guide, I had more fun.

I also liked to read and look at the art work of those thick manuals.

That just proves my point you want to acquire things easy like if it’s not already enough, cool and good luck with that.

No, it doesn’t show that I want it easy, it just shows that you add an even bigger problem: The need for an item filter.

Here is the post I just made. The definitive solution for Tempering (and Masterworking) RNG

If that became an issue, then keep the item targeting to some degree then:

Move tempering to alchemy crafting.

As in, you select two of the existing temper recipes (or maybe just 1 from each category), add them to a potion, and pay some crafting cost.
That potion now gives you 1 hour of increased chance that you will get affixes from those two recipes, on the items you find.
With both temper affixes being generated on an item the moment it drops.

Kinda the same system as today, but with the whole item generation process being moved to the item drop. While keeping the ability to influence which temper affixes you get. And no more item bricking.
Win/win all around.

(an advanced version might be choosing a recipe from each temper category instead, or a more focused potion where you only pick recipes for gloves, and also get a boosted chance to find gloves, for even more specialized Item Targeting)

That is not a problem in any way though.
Have a simple filter where we can choose how many GAs, and which affixes we care about. Highlight the items that matches.

Great, because it does need loot filter either way. Here’s my 20 veiled crystals for Temper reset.

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And also against the rules. But hey you can buy a new copy of D4, get your seasonal journey done again and trade it to your main! ez pz! :thinking:

Look, I don’t mind the rng, but let me go work hard for a scroll to reset tempering on an item so i have a chance to finish my characters.

500… plus 100 from the next tier. No less.

The fact that it is needed is a sign that there is something wrong with the game.

you know the RNG and gold requirement actually stop player from attempting his own build right? since copy the build gonna save a bunch time from farming gold and trying gears.

3 things (+ RMT) which are part of modern gaming thanks to the Internet, so they should have no bearing on the matter at all. Game design & grumpy oldheads must adapt to these new permanent features. (RMT is a plague, and generally hurts quality, so devs should be incentivized to combat it anyway… but RMT is part of their own business model. Didn’t have to be, but it is. Either way, failure to address it is on the devs, so don’t blame player base.)

This is your only specific complaint AFAIK (tempering/MW) and it’s vague as hell. How about prove that you know WTH the players are actually advocating for? And then address some real suggestions. “Choosing what to roll” is hand-waving, so it can be dismissed out of hand.

No kidding? It is? Gorsh! Ok, but how about showing that you understand the difference between looting 5-affix gear, and standing at a vendor pressing a pachinko button in a machine whose job is to eat up affixes (once you get past the surface layer). That’s un-looting. It’s the anti-loot. And you missed the irony of what tempering supposedly is: giving player more choice on what affixes end up on loot… hence, the system you decided to devote your #1 post to protect, goes against the “killing and looting” philosophy you pretend to value.

A large chunk of time that could’ve been spent “killing and looting” is now devoted to… stopping the loot hunt, so as to… resume the loot hunt. It’s a pure time sink & an excuse to make stash space valuable again bc of the new codex system. To summarize: they freed up stash space (because physical aspects was atrocious game design & obviously wasn’t properly tested… and why’d they get rid of them? That’s right: massive negative feedback). They refused to (or couldn’t) implement a loot filter, in part bc they assume it would make “killing and looting” way too efficient, and make players quit the season a bit sooner on average, because endgame is lacking. Meaning, the aspect-juggling being a major time sink (literally staring at aspects, and organizing them) getting rid of them meant adding another time sink to take its place (hence staring at backup legendaries for when Tempering bricks your chit). Idek what you’re defending & why, and I’m pretty sure you don’t either.

There’s a difference between time sink and content - and anyway the above is vague, hand-waving, over-generalizing nonsense. Your mutual epeen-strokers should be embarrassed to endorse your post. Maybe you’re a dummy account.

There are two underlying facts that touch on all these systems, and on “endgame” development as a whole: the devs don’t seem to have a clue yet how their code works; and nobody’s extensively testing the new systems before release. So any grumpy hand-waver should keep these things in mind. The feedback (constructive & lame, mature & whiny alike) is literally a substitute for an internal process that is lacking. Something in the talent pool, or pressures from non-dev parts of the company, or the self-evident fact that the game was pushed out early (which has knock-on effects), plus x-factors, means that they’ve settled on this routine: putting out systems that in some fundamental way don’t work, and hoping to learn for the first time why they don’t work. The list may or may not include Tempering… but it’s a list of core systems and interactions.

The other day there was a note about (iirc) a known bug affecting uber items dropping from uber uber bosses. Imagine: the “endgame” content, not internally tested for the most basic function: loot drops. Kek. There’s apparently now an emerging consensus(?) about regular uniques dropping from bosses with no GA’s… hasn’t been confirmed as a “known issue” by blue yet, but it fits the bill.

Point is, you can flap your cape in defense of a grind that you happen to be enjoying atm (although, who tf knows, you might be lvl 56 and your idea of loot grind is reaching 100 halfway through the season & doing side quests because you like the generic NPC’s backstories. I get to fill in your experience bc you sure as heck don’t bother). But your impression is only as valuable as the context it’s based on.


We get it. You’re okay with trash. You’re someone who settles for mediocrity. Don’t force your horrid paradigm on the rest of the player base.

It’s been said many times tha players don’t want their valuable and rare items ruined by tempering that makes the item worse than the non GA version with correct tempering.

But good for you bro. Enjoy garbage rigged RNG for a stupid gambling mechanic. Enjoy having subpar gear just cuz you can barely do tormented bosses with your basic attack build or summons (90% chance you’re playing one of those builds based on what you said about your trash gear).


I find it hilarious that action rpg players are complaining about rng at all.


you’re just assuming that any randomness is good randomness.

it’s a huge difference if something doesn’t drop from a monster or i ruin a good item with my own actions.


Well that is your fault, once again get better at tempering.

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If they make tempering too trivial where you can pretty much just get whatever you want in a very short period of time or by just laying out enough gold, the whole system is destroyed and it really takes away from the game.

But what I find more interesting about this issue is that people are becoming very passionate about it. This means that the game is starting to get a real following that cares a lot about the game.

Which is good news for Diablo 4.

I think you need to separate good RNG and bad RNG,
a good RNG give you fun and excitement, like gear dropping.
a bad RNG make your gear become brick, or ask you to farm 5m gold. 0 fun and 0 excitement.


This is the only way to look at it in my opinion. The current tempering system is negative reinforcement system whereas it can be come at from a positive angle.

But I’m becoming hesitant to explain that because there seems to be a group of people here who want tempering to be very trivial. And that is a bigger threat to the game.

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I want tempering to be even more complex to be honest with a chance of destroying the item if you go to far.