Tempest Roar TOO rare

I have been doing dungeon grind since I hit level 50. I am now approaching level 90 and have yet to see a single tempest roar between the bad drop rate and the barbarian loot being in our loot pool resulting in 23 of my drops being useless. Thats a possible 23 opportunities that I missed out on.

I have been chain running dungeons, averaging 2-3 minutes per run. NON STOP for HOURS each day, Over the course of Almost 40 levels now… Do the math on how many dungeons I have ran, All solo by the way… In no way should the drop rate be THAT low. If I hit 100 before I get a chance to play the build I want to play I swear to god Im quitting.


I didn’t see one until 94. It’s one of the rarer druid items currently for sure. In my opinion I don’t think it’s too rare it should be a true end game item. Just my 2 cents.


Im all for rarity, But find me a storm build of any kind that doesnt require it. One that is actually worth a crap. Forced to play Pulverize which I find disgustingly boring because its the best option I got for farming and leveling right now.


I played one early on while leveling but switched to trample slide midgame, so not sure if there’s one for end game maybe someone else would know.

Just an FYI, helms have a better chance to drop from Cannibals and Cultists. If you are running dungeons on repeat that do not have these enemies then you might be unintentionally holding yourself back.

Reference this page for more info regarding monster families to help you target farm those rare drops. (Remove the space because it won’t let me post the link)

https:// maxroll.gg/d4/resources/monster-families

Also be aware cannibals also drop 2H axes and you may get a barbarian unique still but it should up your chances for the helm.

Also item is going to roll before rarity not the other way around so it’s not a wasted unique, if the loot table worked as intended you would have got a rare or legendary Druid weapon instead as Druid does not have a unique 2H axe.


Ive seen this and considered it to the best of my ability, Trying to target Cultists as much as possible but sadly there are not many dungeons with high elite rates of these.

I just found my tempest at lvl 69 and it was ancestral. Maybe i got lucky. I was gonna swap from pulverize but then found my first good roll umbral with 4 spirit when cc on it and that is so dang useful i couldnt bring myself to swap specs yet.

What location? Im trying to find a good spot to farm it

Random t4 dungeon. Not even a nm.

Stormclaw id argue the weapon is the only 100% required item.

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Shadow plunge and conclave… Then cultist Refuge for fast completions

And the only reason why you say this is because you got the drop.


Not true at all, I’m pretty sure I said something similar well before I had the drop.


I think they’re all too common.

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just like your blessed mom too

Gotta be the dumbest and lamest thing I’ve ever read on these forums.

but probably true <3

Didn’t realize 12 year olds are as common in diablo as well…

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I was sick of pulverize too then tried a trample build and it’s fun as hell! I level rooms with earth lightning tornado’s and earthquake. I have no trouble with early T4 content

There’sa version the content creator with unique and other video that doesn’t require them.

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Have you tried lightning storm? lol its a great build.