Temper Changes = Victory Lap Confirmed 🏎

1 hour 17 min temper changes confirmed on June Campfire Video. 1 more temper per Greater affix on item.

This is game over for all those saying tempering would not be changed.

Love to hear from some of you and you can admit your wronginess!

Time to take a victory lap here for me and all those supporting changes.

And then get back to work because this is just a band aid. Bricking will still happen. We need to address the manuals.


The tempering change was a joke
Increasing it to 10 rolls instead of 5 and letting us keep the current temper should of been the change .That way you can try go for higher roll.
What we got was a band-aid fix.


are you neglecting they specifically said items need a chance to fail and thats why they are leaving a limited number of rolls on tempering?


bricking isn’t needed
people won’t grind more just make them frustrated
they rather RMT to acquires items then drive up the prices of the whole market to billions of billions that no normal players can afford


I grind more, cause that’s the game


It’s the one change that everyone was pretty well on board with. I don’t think it’s a victory lap, and although they changed some manuals to be more interesting, they have not shifted philosophy on having manuals with tempers from several different builds or on reining in the most powerful tempers to make the system less all-or-nothing.

What I heard them say was that they are doubling down on the current manual design, but they will consider other approaches to let us control the RNG. So that means either letting us keep the previous roll, letting us choose one of two rolls, or introducing some currencies that influence the roll in various ways, like the two I just mentioned, or even letting you pick the affix or spend a curency+reroll to add a fixed amount to the current affix, or give a chance to not spend a reroll or a chance to crit the roll into a GA. If you have to choose one currency to spend and the currencies themselves are rare, then that makes for a more interesting journey without it just being “reroll till its perfect”. Maybe they can let you use some of those currencies in enchanting and masterworking too and put a limit on those.

I think crafting currencies like that would be a cool way to enhance the system while still keeping the balance more in check and still providing an endpoint for an item.

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While it is disappointing more rolls are added for GA items, it is also good that they didnt destroy the whole tempering system.
I am positively surprised :+1:

I worry how long that infamous Blizzard Spine will last however.


Given the rate at which GAs appear on absolutely garbage affixes, twice or thrice nothing is still nothing.

I still find it perversely hilarious that a Diablo crafting system can have more bricks than an underground Super Mario Bros. level.


There is a difference in thinking that the system doesn’t need changes and thinking that they wouldn’t change it. Plenty of people didn’t see a need for it to change, but also figured that there may be changes given that plenty of others wanted changes.

I think most people could get behind a few more rolls as it would still be possible to brick the item. The campfire chat confirmed that the chance for it to brick is intended. They just want to give players more control over the RNG.

It’s a step in the right direction. Still rolling crit on rogues only I guess?

Guess not as per Saiko below.

They added a new tempering recipe for all classes:

All Classes

Tempering Recipes

Worldly Finesse - Offensive

  • +X% Critical Strike Damage
  • +X% Vulnerable Damage
  • +X% Overpower Damage
  • +X% Ultimate Damage

Please have a look at the ‘Sandstorm Augment’ for barb which is an implementation of what you want. 3 choices all for one ‘skill/ability’. But I still bricked about 12 2-Hand Maces trying to roll Damage. In addition i never want Size on a 2-Hander and already have Chance to cast twice.

TLDR; no matter how you arrange the manuals there will be bricking!

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No they showed new manuals that had it for all classes.

Dude, your main complaint was the fact that the item bricks and they said straight to your face no change. How is that a win? You are so dumb.


Speaking from personal experience,

  1. You don’t need to max out or even have 1-2 GAs to clear the first 60 tiers of Pit (which is already way more than most players would get to) needed to masterwork through all 12 levels. The min maxing only matters if you are trying to push for top tiers, and you do need to grind.

  2. With RNG, on average every 3rd or 4th weapon will end up with both the right tempered affixes. Ancestral legendaries are everywhere at this point. Existing affixes are also grouped so enchanting have higher success especially on weapons.

  3. The only thing I agree with here is letting players keep the previous tempered affix so at least they could backtrack if needed or maybe refund part of the tempering material cost.

The solution seems fine, if you have 3 GA you get 3 more chances to get Poison Creeper repeatedly while you are not using it. :hamster: :popcorn:


This system will drive people away to other games.


It’s not a band aid fix. They have made it very clear: they deliberately want to trash people’s items via tempering.

They designed it to brick items on purpose.

So there’s no victory lap to be taken. They have given the final word: they hear us, they know it feels bad bricking a good item, but they are keeping it because they want items to be bricked.

They are perfectly fine with it and actually do want to see players feel bad. That’s the gist of it.


They actually said things along these lines.

“Tempering is currently the most debated topic.”
“Current system has RNG with no player control, and feels pretty bad.”
“They want to provide ways for players to manipulate the process to the desired outcome.”
“The additional tempering rolls will be added in season 5 on GA items, and retroactively given to the currently bricked GA items.”

Reading between the lines, this seems to be more like first change that’s coming. This sounds about as far from them saying no changes needed.

People here say that the complainers about the “bricking” are a whiny minority intent on ruining the game. Based on Blizzard’s words today, it seems like the opposite is true. The complainers about the tempering are the suffering masses, and those that want the current system unchanged are the elitist fun police.


They clearly stated that they do not want to change the fact that there is an end point for tempering, ie the brick. Just like when you find a 3GA and pretend the item is 5/5 when in reality it is 3/5, you are setting yourself up for disappointment when you find out, the brick is going to stay.