Tank Class Fantasy absence

Apart from all the problems and things discussed which most of us are tired reading the game is missing one fantasy class.
Classic Tank Shield-bearer.

Would that be a Paladin, Warrior, Death Knight, Blood Knight, Crusader, Defender?

Because we all know its coming. During an expansion or whenever Blizzard decides to.
What do you guys think it would be?

i think theyll go a safe route for the “tank class” and go with paladin as it appears highly requested


Could be an Amazon, a Valkyrie. Ugh maybe not. I’d like to see something interesting.

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oh some form of valkyrie sounds actually cool, like, a mix between amazon and paladin kind of.

Like, a spear weilding valkyrie tank :smiley:

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Would need a slightly different name as Amazons and Valkyries are exclusively female. Obviously it’s just semantics, but we could go with Protectors, Guardians, Preservers, Wardens, etc.

I could see Paladin making a come back after that one quest you get to find out what happened to the Paladin order. Either that or the Crusaders since Ksenia is a Crusader herself that helped you with the Paladin quest.


Oh absolutely, I doubt a Valkyrie will fit as a name with the current lore and place Diablo is, it is semantics. Protector and Warden sounds really good. Would love to see a big boy Warden with the tower shield and mace hanging, some sort of big beefy bulwark walking around.


oh i absolutely adore Warden too as a name :open_mouth:

also its a “new” class while it tries to inherit some stuff we like from previous titles. Pretty much like the rogue

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except for the fact that the strongest builds in the game are effectively invincible defensive classes?

“tanking” doesn’t mean much besides cosmetics. having a shield and absorbing damage to then say power your attack is a theme, yes. the problem with those classes traditionally is that they are more powerful when multiple enemies are powering their battery and less powerful when it is fewer / single target / bosses.

It is a hybrid tax problem. If the tank class is unkillable or even less killable while putting out the same damage as squishier classes OR if they’re not, or clear slower as a result, the risk v reward is out of balance.

And so what would the acceptable amount of reduced clear time be to balance their durability?

Is a tank class only really valuable in group play? Does the tank class effectively become a zero-dps? Does a tank class get limited in endgame content dramatically with horrid clear times but 0 risk of dying?

Otherwise, it’s just cosmetics/themes and they’re no different than any other melee.

I’d be interested to see how they’d solve adding a crusader/paladin into the mix here. I don’t know if people would trade levelling/grinding speed for class fantasy

(looks at his tank-build barbarian and smiles)

I did. And it works very nicely.

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The whole game has absence of fantasy and soul :man_shrugging:

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I think there should be a brand new hero each season. You could do alternate heroes as well. I made a post how it could work.

Hero Variants = By the Power of Greyskull here are Powerful Hero Variants! đź’€

Crusader is the most likey choice.

I know everyone wants Paladin, but lore wise, Paladins (and Crusaders) are powered by the heavens. Right now, the heavens aren’t helping out humanity. If Blizzard switches up the story to bring back holy guys, they would be moving away from the dark gritty no hope vibe they’re going for.

That being said, my guess would be Blood Knight, or whatever just released on Diablo Immortal.

A class that is totally a Paladin but not called a Paladin. I can almost guarantee you the Class is fully designed and intentionally withheld from initial launch. Based on performance metrics, they will time the announcement and release.


Does it though? A tank build for barbarian just feels like a spec you can make happen for the sake of making it happen, not because its efficient.

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Yeah…a “Tank” build for Barbarian basically consists of taking the 3 Shouts, Iron Skin, Flay or Frenzy, and a Core Skill of your choosing. You take all of the Defensive Aspects pretty much everyone else takes regardless of spec, take the same Defensive Paragon for pushing NMD, and same Affixes as almost every other Barbarian. Even then, you get pretty hosed in NMD 100.

In D2 you can make a very tank barb too and that doesn’t change the fun of being a paladin at all. According to your logic, there does not need to exist necromancer because there is already sorceress that is caster… And i dont know why im losing my time with a guy that role-play their action in third person on a forum

Well, to answer the last part, you responded because you decided to try and come up with a poorly designed response to my post.

Why is is your post poor? Simple. I was only noting that it was possible to make a tank barbarian that can actually work. And mine has so far. Plus, I am enjoying it quite a bit, which to me is the single most important factor. As for your example, it is completely and totally irrelevant and quite literally the result of you just trying to come up with a response, even if it would be a bad one.

Don’t fight boys, the topic is about a Shield-bearer class.

Barbarian is not that class obviously. You can build it however you want, but it can’t have a shield. Either that, or I missed a lot while playing barb.

Efficiency comes in many ways. Does not matter how great the damage you put out is if you are getting one-shotted by something outside your damage range.

I agree, was only pointing out that you could make a tank-style build. I would wager that if someone really wanted to play around a bit, they could come up with a “tank” build for the necromancer, as it is the only shield bearing class at this point in the game.