Tank Class Fantasy absence

Everyone can tank including Barb, Druid, Necro have almost immune builds, Sorc can get pretty tanky, Rogue can be close to invincible. That’s not the point.

I’m not sure the game is designed to have a tank fantasy class. Do all classes currently take the same damage if you exclude skills/passives/boards?

Does a shield actually provide a quantifiable mitigation increase or is it just another offensive stat stick?

In D3 they gave melee inherent damage mitigation passive stats, which was interesting.

necro tnk all the way!!

Well, it was possible to make a very tanky barbarian or druid early on. Then all of the key defensive aspects that made it worked got hard nerfed pre season one, in what may go down as one of the most catastrophic mistakes in gaming history.

That being said, would be great to see a new paladin or shield bearer style class.

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Typed a lot and said nothing, you came to talk about barbarian in a post about paladins and crusaders, stop trying to show up and say something useful, nobody is interested if you have fun with your barbarian or not

Well, barbarian has an automatic 10% damage reduction. As for shields, they do have a block chance, and from what it sounds like, a blocked attack does no damage, which can be a life saver.

Skillwise, would need to focus on skills that actually boost tankiness, such as free healing or damage reduction, while providing damage. For barbarian, this is where Rupture comes in, as you can get an 18% hp heal while hitting a group for aoe dot damage.

You probably need to take your own advice.

I know right? Dude wearing a robe taking the same damage as a dude fully decked out in plate armor.


My sentiments exactly.

The topic is generally not about what build can do what. Everyone can try to make their char tanky and it works.

However class fantasy is different. When you see that beefy knight, you know it’s a holy warrior, paladin. Cool armor, medieval theme. It screams fighter/defender.

I can’t say the same about Rogue or Sorceress, I like them, but they have totally different fantasies. Usually more elegant heroes, cunning, fast, intelligent, destructive. It is very different from what people are blabbing about here.

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The entire idea of tank class or heal class or damage class is for MMORPG. This doesnt really have any bearing here anymore. Every class can do everything to some degree.


Agree with this. But don’t you want to play something with a different theme in mind.

Sometimes folks create a build for the theme of it. Pick specific skills with specific cosmetics to fit the outer look with the playstyle and make it feel very distinct.

Usually the heavy/plate armor wearer is the one knight/warrior. And such is currently missing to fill that gap.

I like immersion personally and seeing a caster take damage better then an barbarian totally breaks it for me.

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Someone said the “plate god” will probably be a heretic trying to get the church back online / back to mission.

I liked his idea a lot.

Edit: apostate might fit the game’s theme better although both words evoke caster to me

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