STOP nerfing dungeon elite/exp - Maugan's Folly, Champion's Demise, Eridu


game has been out less than 2 weeks. wow!

The core benefit to nightmare farming is leveling up your glyphs, not loot or xp.

Diablo 2 had Trist Runs, Cow Runs, Tomb Runs, Chaos Runs and Baal runs. Imagine if they were nerfed into oblivion the game would have been boring.

They improved it recently in D2 Resurrected, instead of nerfing the classics they added Terrorized zones which compete with and sometimes beat things like Baal and Chaos runs.

For Diablo 4 they need to BUFF density everywhere so that it is within 5% of each other and then everything feels good to play.

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Sure, but glyphs are pointless if you do not have lvls to use them, enjoy leveling those glyphs and not being able to use them.

I have an EVEN BETTER idea. How about you stop telling people how to play the game? You are no authority.

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I don’t think you understand how glyphs work. They have their own level system and they don’t require a level to use.

Yes, I know all that. I’m just saying that I can’t waste time doing NM dungeons now because they’ll just keep nerfing any other content out there that is actually fun and useful. That when I’m playing, my time is better spent in these areas before they eliminate them due to fun being detected.

Diablo 2 had extremely low mob density, the only time there were high density mobs was rng spawning it that way not to mention diablo has a fixed rate at which you level up and that’s considered too slow to diablo 3 babies.

I dont think you understand. I’ll dumb it down for you. If you do not have levels, you do not have points to put into your Paragon tree, this means you are not able to unlock your glyph socks, if you cant unlock your glyph sockets those glyphs you leveling does you NO GOOD.

I mean i’m only level 69 now (nice) and if I were to go participate in the next helltide close to the starting few minutes, in the 40 minutes I’d spend there I would gain 3 quarters of my xp bar.

That’s exactly what I am doing. I have done like 15 NM dungeons and I realized I need to farm the normal dungeons for experience before it’s too late and Blizzard finishes nerfing all of them. I probably won’t touch NM dungeons again until like level 97. I slaughter everything in T4 anyways. Glyph power is meaningless unless you are trying to push high sigil keys or doing the 100 pinnacle boss. I’d might as well start leveling my glyphs when I’m close to 100 and I can start off with higher sigils anyways for more glyph experience per run.

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We’re talking about glyphs, not the need for paragon points and actually your first usable glyph is 13 points into the first board

I clearly need to keep it simple when talking to you.

Running Sigils is blizzards end game, this means they should have INCREASED xp from those dungeons so people actually clear them and not just rush them for glyph xp. THERE is no other efficient way of getting XP then doing dungeons over and over. People wouldn’t be spamming dungeons this way if they would do the following:

  1. Click a sigil it opens a portal directly to the zone so players dont have to run
  2. XP from mobs in a sigil are increased by X amount so its worth clearing
  3. Increase drop rate of better items so people want to run them and try to find those good items
  4. Make Sigils worth running as its your only end game system right now.

Ya, have 100% Region in all zones as well, just going back to finish the dungeons / side quests to complete the zones 100%. Fun end game content in a ARPG LOL

Yup, exactly. So I’m done with nm dungeons. Thx Blizz, your nonsense had the opposite effect.

Great rifts didn’t offer increased anything important to players besides leveling up your stuff. While I do agree with you nightmare dungeons should have increased xp but you’re also being pretty brain dead and rather ignorant of how mathematically slow dungeons actually are for xp. I’ll keep saying this, spend 40 minutes in a helltide actually moving around on your horse to minimize downtime and proceed to kill pack after pack elite after elite. You will see that bar go from next to nil to roughly 3 quarters full in less than an hour.

Edit: More effort means more xp and loot as I get a ton of loot from helltides and have to teleport out just to do an inventory clean up, of course you are advocating for a semi-lazy method because let’s be honest here you’re a diablo 3 baby and you can’t handle an xp rate slower than 20 levels a run.

One thing they COULD do also… is upon entering the dungeon you could ‘upgrade it’ to increase density, etc… maybe via crafting mats or gold (Maybe 50k or less cause you know, 600% inflation costs to enchant).

But all dungeons should be within about 5% of eachother… incentives for killing boss as well would be nice.

They are Nerfing the Dungeons for a simple reason, because after hitting that 100, there is no true endgame, and they know that and that’s why they are trying to slow us as much as they can,


Sure, but helltides are not up 100% of the time so you will have downtime. Just look at any other ARPG. Ill use POE. You run maps, what do you know, put a map in your device and you get portals, run the map for XP, GEAR … you want to farm XP, you farm a MAP with a great layout and spam it, is this an exploit?

The facts are Blizzard has no idea what they are doing or what directly they want this game to go. They think their solution is to just nerf and not fix. The community will just find the next dungeon and do the something. They need better systems in place and its a ARPG so let your plays have fun spamming dungeons farming XP or loot and let them destroy mobs. Nerfing isn’t the answer.


The problem is that adjusting density as a means to slow down progression is the wrong decision.

People leveling too fast? Reduce xp per mob

People acquiring gear too quickly? Lower drop rates.

Reducing density just makes the game less enjoyable to play.

I know that group of 30 fallen is worth basically no exp and wont drop anything. But I will dismount 100% of the time AoE them down without thinking twice.

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