STOP nerfing dungeon elite/exp - Maugan's Folly, Champion's Demise, Eridu

Facts. I am level 100 and my end game is going back to get 100% completion of the zones. I have max Region, i just want to have 100% completion. After that no idea what ill do b/c farming glyph XP is hella boring and its really not rewarding, just a time sink.

I’ve been filling out my time with nightmare runs and getting my renown rewards. By the time I care to go look at my map there’s a helltide, regardless though being on a better world tier than ez mode 1 and 2 will net you more xp as a whole which quite frankly everyone beyond you to whom I said to switch over to WT3 or 4 never responded back because they know i’m right and that they’ve been trying to level up wrong in the first place.

Edit: I also do a full clear of dungeons not leaving a single enemy alive, ignoring most dungeon events as they’re statistically impossible to get the mastery on by yourself and killing the boss.

I am done with Region and all 6 of my glyphs lvl 15. I am just going back to do all side quests so I have 100% completion of each zone. After that is farming a Shako or Grandfather, but we all know those will not drop so not sure what ill do after I finish with 100% completion. I do like Challenges and im 60% completed there as well, maybe ill play hardcore to unlock those challenges.

I really do enjoy this game, I am just saying Blizzard needs to stop nerfing and let the plays have fun until they fix their issues. Look at GGG, if a build is broken, they let it go during the season and after the season is done they nerf it. Blizzard should look at other games / companies … they might actually learn something.

Honestly, this game is more like D2 than D3 in every aspect but what blizzard should have done is make every build viable not just the ones the elite few deem the most viable which is why diablo 3 as a whole is trash, blizzard went all in on the most effective builds and made them 100000 more overpowered than they should be. I hope blizzard doesn’t do that this time around because it will appease D3 babies and drive away most of the players.

Not going to lie, I have very little interest in running around in empty dungeons. There are instances where I spend more time running to the Nightmare Dungeon than I do completing it, and at the end I get like two random items and sub 250k xp for my time and it’s often more efficient (and slightly less boring) to just ignore the mobs and go straight to objectives.

Something needs to change, because nerfing the content that is actually good to prop up lackluster content feels very bad. Mob density is absolutely awful across the board right now. Compound that on all the other minor inconveniences like the total lack of QOL and the game is starting to feel rough, like very rough.


The game is not about getting the highest xp per second. If these people feel compelled to do that, there’s something wrong with their head. Especially in the absence of leaderboards.

The major problem is that most people in the world are sheep that will follow their shepherd, people will always take the path of least resistance even if it can lead to say life in prison. As an example for path of least resistance, theft and robbery while most sane people won’t do this but people do resort to crime because it’s far easier to just take what you want than work a 9 to 5 and spend money, of course this comes with the added risk of prison or if they’re really unstable a hole in the ground.

Yeah dude, not wanting to grind for hours on end is definitely desired only by drug dealers and thieves.

People: If you dont like D4 go back to your stupid baalruns in D2.
Same people: Stop nerfing this / that dungeon in D4.

Just the truth, not my fault that you’d follow your youtube shepherds just to feel like you’re entitled to success under someone’s learned exploitation which quite frankly I hope blizzard shuts down all dungeons with overspawning elites.

Dungeons are becoming more and more boring with about 1 minute now between a single elite pack – Good luck finding alot of items that are useful outside of vendors now

The current meta now is - get 10 chars to T4 and hunt vendors

lol. this guy just doesn’t get it

Major Boomeritus detected

This guy thinks/is

  • Streamers are toxic and poisonous to gaming
  • Being slow and 2000X% time invested is actual game play
  • Prob is not even level 100
  • hasn’t done Tier 58 Nightmare dungeon or above and thinks thats where the goodies are
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I agree with the original post. Have any of you seen the density of packs in D3 lately? We need those levels of density as we get more and more powerful. Killing 3 to 5 mobs at a time and it takes 45 seconds to over a minute between packs? Feels bad and will push people away in droves.

As we gain power, packs should also increase in power and in density to keep the play loop fun and interesting.

People like this ^ need to go somewhere else and play games that are less “dangerous” apparently. It’s not an exploit to make use of something that is in the game to increase your XP… ON PURPOSE.

We NEED the pack density as we level… and here is why:

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Hope they continue to nerf the ever loving crap out of dungeons people keep abusing. Play the game stop standing at dungeon doors.

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Except all the nerfs make gameplay and farming for boomers and casual players way more tedious.

I honestly don’t mind them nerfing these outlying dungeons to some degree, it’s the lack of compensation elsewhere that really hurts. If they cut elite spawns in normal dungeons but buffed XP gains/drops in nightmare dungeons it wouldn’t be an issue.

Backward logic is backward.

Instead of nerfing each dungeon players are finding optimal… buff all the others. This will stop players from congregating at the door of a single dungeon and make all the others actually viable for xp gains.

Edit: And actually make nightmare dungeons worth it outside of obtaining sigils.

This is so typical blizzard bs. People having “fun” and then they immediately remove said fun


fixed your post for ya.