STOP nerfing dungeon elite/exp - Maugan's Folly, Champion's Demise, Eridu

Guys, there’s a very good reason why monster density gets a nerf/controlled-over

The reason is to keep single-target builds viable and not everything has to be AoE

Good decision by Blizz, just hope they nerf item power scaling and monster HP and give us “secondary” buffs to skills to make up for it… :thinking:

I think more of the reason even is, because the Dungeon themself are boring to death. Who wants to do the objectives. We all rather farm just random mob/dungeon thats it. Not sure why they thought anyone would love this objectives to complete dungeon.

I think they should just buff nightmare dungeons xp significantly and nerf the xp gain from group play a bit. You are at a severe disadvantage if you are not playing in a group spamming regular dungeons.

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Alright, if you want to nerf exp gain in these dungeons cool. Do it. DON’T reduce mob density, that entails reducing more than just exp gain. It affect player experience. I’m playing ww barb and try to run higher density dungeons to counter-balance the nerfs to my fury regen and cdr. If you then remove any good mob density, not only do I receive less exp I also cant clear the lesser exp dungeon as efficiently. Nerf the exp, leave the mobs alone.

People are acting like the xp gain is slow, these same people played diablo 3 post updates where xp gain is faster than it does to fart. In the 40 minutes of being apart of a helltide I gained 3 paragon points (the 3 points you get every 25% of the bar you fill). It is not hard, people just want it to be like diablo 3.

Is the race to 100 over?

it was over when ppl start glitching xp last week

Are you on medication?

Just the truth, get out of world tier 1 and 2 my dude.

Yet another nerf to Dense dungeons - Blind Burrows & Ruins of Eridu. - it wasn’t even broken, no crazy out of the norm experience… just had more mobs and elites…

“We want players to have a choice in what they want to do to farm and play” - Meanwhile killing fun dungeons and dictating where we go. We choose to grind on these dungeons, let us, or bring up every other dungeon to have density.

I personally enjoy linear, dense dungeons… I however, don’t like a full 10-20 minute dungeon that has multiple objectives, 40 white mobs and 2 elites in the entire thing that gives me a net loss in progression.

Should we get into the things that SHOULD be looked at?

  • Search function?!
  • Severely more space - some place that aspects can be stored in a stackable way that doesn’t clog actual stash.
  • Why can I clear a WT4 dungeon, then help a friend in a WT1 and I somehow kill things slower?
  • Fix player & mount movement
  • DENSE dungeons.
  • Make Nightmare Sigil’s more rewarding.
  • RENOWN - That was a crazy slog, and to have to do it over again AND campaign in seasons? / Also making an alt I realized, wait I can’t do that yet, I have more renown on my prior, so let me finish it and then make an alt.
  • Questing. a - If I already finished questline and playing with friends, I dont get quest turn in exp?!?
    – Questing.b - ties in with A, if I make a character that skips campaign but playing with someone new that has not been able to, I literally can’t play with them because no quest xp, I fall severely behind and it’s wicked boring.
  • Desyncing
  • Loot filter / Preferred being able to filter stats & item power. / At the very least Item Power.

The list goes on… but instead of nerfing perfectly operating dungeons just because they’re denser… why don’t you focus on the above instead. I hope you’re listening to your streamer clientele that has experience with ARPG’s that are providing great feedback to better the game.

This has to be one of the dumbest responses. If you enjoy playing and taking your time doesn’t mean everyone feels that way. I for one (already 100) enjoy being at max lvl so I can mess around with full builds and enjoy the game. This game has ZERO ways of getting XP besides farming a dungeon over and over and over. Side quests give zero xp. Doing sigils give zero XP, you spend most your time running to the dungeon. Maybe if they increased the XP in sigil dungeons and also when you click a sigil it opens a portal for you so you dont have to run maybe people would enjoy that better. This game has a lot of issues and for Blizzard to think a casual player will hit 100 is crazy. No casual player will hit 100 by the end of the season. What blizzard is doing is dumb and whoever is in charge is so out of touch with APRG they should be fired. There are so many things this game should have but dont. All they do is nerf, nerf, nerf and think its the right call. Blizzard kills their own games. They really need to get someone running these games that have a clue on what they are doing.

nope, only like 160 players 100 yet and prolly gonna take a few more weeks esspecially with these changes^^

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Killing things has and will always be the source of xp, there are more elites and mobs in a helltide than there are in your 50th exploitable dungeon.

Please explain to me how these dungeons are exploits.

Spawning more elites than they should. Aka not working as intended aka bugged. I’m sorry you hate your pitiful existence being ruined by someone else’s decisions. Also Pro-tip change to world tier-3 or world tier-4, you’ll start seeing that xp bar move then.

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They are not. They created the dungeon and its density. They needed to buff other dungeons, but you know how blizz devs think.

Too long have they suffered under activisions lash to think about player enjoyment.

This, apparently. I wanted to raise my sigils yesterday so didn’t farm the ruin. Turns out I should avoid NM dungeons completely because they nerf anything else worth doing fast. Ridiculous.

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You can craft sigils, if you’re seeking to upgrade your glyphs for the paragon board, less enemies is actually better for you than 1000x more of them. You get fixed amount of spendable xp at the end of nightmare runs depending on the tier.

You should probably learn to enjoy the game at your own pace rather than mindlessly copying what streamers do.

These dungeons were being exploited for unintended much higher than normal xp/loot.

the journey to 100 is just that, a journey.

this isn’t a job. stop trying to turn it into one just because your favorite streamers play it like a job.

Pro TIp: I am already 100 but cool response bro. These dungeons are just fine, blizzard just needs to make better choices on other dungeons and xp / rewards from sigils so people actually run them. You clearly dont play ARPG’s.