STOP nerfing dungeon elite/exp - Maugan's Folly, Champion's Demise, Eridu

If people would play the game they wouldnt need an optimal dungeon. They dont need to buff any of the dungeons the congregating at doors for free exp I hope they also remove. You aint doin squat and getting free exp. Go back to WT3 and farm your gear like you are suppose to then at level 70+ come to WT4. Stop crying because you have to actually play the game.

You can’t farm your ancestral pieces on WT3… but if you actually knew what you were talking about you would know that.

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Everyone is playing the game, which is part of the massive problem because blizzard keeps nerfing every aspect of the game.

you clearly haven’t seen the infographic on xp required to level up. At level 70, you hit a brick wall until 100. There is more experience required between levels 90 and 100 than there is from 1 to 90, making the “halfway” point of leveling to 100 at about level 85-92ish. Its nuts… But yet, you’re here, telling blizzard that nerfing xp gains (or what little there is left of them) is “acceptable”.


Make it faster to earn EXP rewards from actually completing difficult Nightmare sigil key dungeons and the problem will go away. Right now the nerfing of mob density is just a band-aid and ruining the experience for more players than it is improving.

Exactly this. Nerfing mob density only makes the game less fun. Increase the rewards for your end-game content so we don’t have to farm the first objective of these dungeons for exp in the first place.

you must be new to diablo lmao

this is why WoW patches have gating. people do an entire patch in 2 weeks and complain there’s nothing to do.

Imagine if blizzard couldn’t release “updates” like they used to with older game releases like D1 and D2, they might have actually shipped a finished product!

You can’t expect people to do that when blizzard made it a race to the first 1000 to hit 100 in HC as a incentive to try to sell more early release editions

Life cannot be compared to playing Diablo in this case. In life, people commit crimes because it’s a matter of survival or for pure sportsmanship (being competitive). In Diablo there is no deadline, no bills to pay, no food to be taken, no surgery to perform to save your life, no kids that you have to feed. It’s an open ended game where the entire point is the process, not the finish line. You see enemies, you kill them - bam, satisfaction. Got a good item? Another bit of satisfaction. It’s not Left 4 Dead where you have to survive getting from A to B. It’s not a Starcraft match where you either win or lose. Diablo is like … eating tasty food. Or watching a good movie. It’s entertainment. You do it, you feel good, you then do it again later. What freaking path of least resistance, lol.

It’s like imagine you’re taking a stroll through the park. The point is taking the stroll, breathing the fresh air, listening to the freaking birds and sidestepping dogpoop on the path. It’s not “how do I walk the park in the most effective way and get home as soon as possible?”. OMG the path of least resistance - I’m gonna skip the road and walk right across the grass! Wow, I’ll show 'em all! So ridiculous.

Wow they actually really nerfed Eridu? that’s crazy, the game is already getting more boring and a snorefest the longer you play, and getting exp is extremely slow, and they are actually making it worse instead of better, they should make other dungeons more like Eridu, not the other way around, they just keep making their game worse and worse…

I have already not logged in D4 the whole day, that’s not a good sign, but then reading that they actually are nerfing the least boring dungeons is just crazy, I can already tell I am not sticking around for season 1, I probably wont even try and lvl my 82 sorc to 100, just doesnt feel fun thinking of doing the same stuff while gaining nothing from it, the gear is not getting better, nothing to look forward to, just an EXTREMELY slow grind to lvl 100, I think i’ll pass, dont see a reason to try and push myself through that, it’s just not fun.

Unless they change A LOT for when the season starts, and give us actually stuff to do or look forward to while lvling, if they wanne keep it this grindy, then I might try season 1,
right now there is no difference between lvl 60 or lvl 82, its the same, you get the same, and I’m not even close to reaching lvl 100, just the thought of that makes me not wanne log in and play.


I think they are playing the game. You might think they are standing at the dungeon door, but really they are just remaking the group and going right back in to clear it. No one is just standing around.

The real problem is not here.
If u reach lv.100 you would just found there is nothing you can really do if you dont like the way pushing to a higher Nightmare dongeon.

Funny that when I thought ppl talking about ENDGAME play experience I thought it was things after reaching Lv.100, but it turns out to be just after you kill Lillth.

The team must have know that, so they are trying their best to stop us from getting Lv.100


The example is just an example, the path of least resistance is using groups as a reset mechanic which isn’t an intended feature blizzard had in mind, yes technically they should have removed that function instead of nerfing, yes they can remove dungeon resetting on log out and relog as a function, but it doesn’t change the fact that dungeons that shouldn’t be spawning packs of elites in droves is being abused on top of abusing group resetting dungeons.

If people could cheat in the game they would, which is why cheating in online games is extremely prevalent in the first place.

Path of least resistance.

I wonder if Blizzard was expecting leveling to take way longer, even in dedicated grinding groups and didn’t realize how quickly people get to level 100?

Because it seems as if leveling is supposed to be a slower process, but the exploit/groups made it seem like getting to 100 is nothing, so it became expected that we’d all reach 100 relatively quickly, say within 100 hours or so when Blizzard is thinking the opposite.

Nobody played d3 to begin with genius :skull:

Actually Nightmare Dungeons isn’t that bad, I just hate walking to the dungeon.

I timed my Eridu, it takes me about 3 min to clear 1st floor, 2 min to tp sell and relog. I am at the start of every dungeon run in 5min and get avg 500k xp = 100k/min.

For NMD, I do monster lvl +8, that’s Tier 30 at lvl 76. I clear in 7 min and 2-3 min to sell and walk to the next dungeon. That’s about 10min to get 900k = 90k/min. But the upside is, I noticed I get higher ilvl drops and you get glyph xp.

dude no, the end game is meant to be pushing nightmare dungeons. Its like D3 players complaining rifts were nerfed and now they need to focus on GR’s.

If you ask me buff nightmare dungeons and nerf regular dungeons to the ground.

you are npc or what?
we want to play the game OUR way and to have OUR own experiences and ways of playing.
not playing it by how the company wants us to play.
and if you do rush to 100 and “get bored” it’s the companies fault of not providing a healthy and sustained ENDGAME
instead they downgrade the game and nerfnerfnerfnerf
game will die quickly this way

A very large percentage of players enjoy games by playing them efficiently. It always blows my mind how ignorant people are of this fact. Not everyone enjoys games the way you do.

Games that have win conditions or measurable statistics - sure. Like, in competitive games. Or strategy games like Civilization, where you want every turn to be perfect. Yes. Because that’s the entire point of those games, you’re fighting against an enemy and in order to win, you need to do your best, assuming you’ve cranked the difficulty settings up.

Or, in Left 4 Dead pve, because there is a final stats screen where you can see who did best, you might be motivated to show the best results. If not to other players, then at least to look at your great result and think “yeah, I did super good, feels good”.

But there is no win condition in Diablo. There are no sessions to play like in Left 4 Dead, where you do a coop run with a random group of people and then see who did best in those 20 to 50 minutes. So what exactly are these players, as you claim, trying to achieve? What’s the point of getting to level 100 in 7 days, instead of 14 days (arbitrary numbers)?