Srs - "We're listening" - on these forums?

If this were true, druid players wouldnt be so angry.

Bliz needs to address the current state of druids, the direction, and the intent behind the class. It is seriously like they are completely ignoring the community and the class.

Which is the complete opposite for another specific class.

Oh really you do this daily???:clown_face::clown_face::joy::joy:. So how come Sorceresses was, is and will continue to be a trash class even in the next season?.

Yeah sure “you pass the memo” let me laugh again​:rofl::rofl::rofl:


There is some pretty low hanging fruit and extremely common things absent.

  • Matchmaking and Group-Finder Tool (Why was this ever released without one and when will it be implement?)
  • Game Balance, or lack thereof. Unlike AoZ and players completing what was thought not able to be completed (largely due to imbalances and exploiting via snapshotting and Glyph), The Pit has exposed some major flaws in balance. It is widely reported that the current game design is Feast or Famine. You either walk over mobs in droves and one shot enemies, or you get one shotted randomly. This just does not feel good. Considering the stunted progression in The Pit, metrics do not lie. TLDR - Most builds do not do enough damage due to enemy health tuning and Bosses are one-shotting a lot of players which is bad design.
  • Bricking items via Tempers does not feel good. This is one of the most common posts and Blizzard seems hell-bent on somehow making the system worse by broadening it. Regardless, the system itself does not feel good and has led to player attrition and burn out.
  • Why can’t all skill groups be built to be viable builds? Not everything needs to be Meta and there are very obvious over-tuning that needs to stop (Dust Devils, Bash, Flay). Build diversity is what keeps ARPGs afloat as does loot hunt and progression.
  • Season 2 was arguably a high-point for the game which fixed a lot of wrongs after the mega nerf snafu. What the hell happened with Season 3 and Season 4 being basically…not a Season? Season 5 doesn’t really appear to be a Season. Are you just stalling and diverting resources for the Expansion?
  • Paladin where? Only half joking. Not nearly as important but seriously? The most popular class in the entire franchise and probably most ARPGs (or any RPG) and it isn’t at launch in some form lol. Ok.
  • What the hell is going on with Trading? Do you want Third-Party gold selling, Bots, exploits etc. to be rampant? Do you want to actually implement a real trading system in game or can you balance it with a SSF mode?
  • You’re running out of space bro. Like, in every sense of the word. You keep adding Aspects and Uniques but we have the same amount of item slots. Same amount of Skill Points and Paragon. Seems like you are painting (designing) yourself into a corner. Oh yeah. And character and inverory slots.
  • Why even have WT3? Seriously what is going on with leveling? We went from a steady pace to grind to hit 100 in a season to being able to do this in a day. What the actual hell? Not even trying I walked into Hell Tides in WT2 and hit 50 in like, an hour or something stupid. Where is the progression? Is literally rerolling Masterworking and hoping for GAIII items (you don’t Brick) for the sole purpose of maybe being able to run a higher Pit (for zero reward or benefit) the only end-game content now? Geez.
  • So uh. Map overlay?
  • Elemental Damage is stupidly overtuned especially Poison. This seems like a bug it is so bad.

Then do me a favor and pass this message onto the Devs - “On behalf of all druids, you’re doing a pathetic job with the class. It does not seem that you are listening to any of our feedback. so much so it doesn’t seem like you even have one play tester assigned to the class.” like there is a laundry list of problems and i could go on but at this point you might as well delete the class as soon as you drop the new one.

  • sincerely a druid main with 2.3k Hrs

Woah, meaningful feedback. But be careful they’ll take it as an attack?

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They thought: “We are listening…But this is our game Bro! It should follow our direction, not the forum feedback…” :smile:

Even if they say they do listen/read the forums, what they’ve been doing says otherwise.

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So you really post for the love of posting. You don’t have things to say, just throw stuff out there … yeah …

It’s a nice idea, but it’s the same reason most of them don’t post on their other forums either.

Certain individuals take advantage of engagements with staff and behave inappropriately. It just takes one bad apple in a thread to make staff regret engaging.

It makes them want to engage with us as a community less and I don’t blame them.

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The hell kind of reply is that? Just because they did something worthwhile means we can’t speak about blatantly missing features which should have been there from the outset? By saying that they need a feature, doesn’t mean I’m ignoring anything else.

carrotfeets made a great list there, but at this point matchmaking is the only one I’m actively missing. You know, things that you’d think would be essential in a Diablo game… like was there for D3 and in the form of custom games in D2? For all its faults Immortal had a very good implementation of this feature.

Yes, they’ve done some improvements here and there. Most of them nobody really asked for, but they turned out alright. Now, it’d be nice if they brought in features which are making this game seem half-baked simply because their lack is so visible.

yep they read it. I bet some post here too sometimes with some lambda account, not saying they are dev of course :slight_smile: And sometimes you see some points that are fix or added as feature in a new season, but it’s rare though. So it’s important to stay a bit positive on the forum, to support dev team I think, it’s a hard work.

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It’s a direct response to the title of the post. Which in essence is “are you even listening?” I didn’t say there was anything wrong with making lists of things we all want a lot of them are valid requests. But as a direct response to that question it seems that people do ignore what has been done and times they did listen just because there’s still things to be done.

To me a better question would be “is there a timeline for these items”


…and my point is that a lot of the stuff that has supposedly been “fixed” is contentious at best and might have been opposite of what was requested. At the very least, they might be minor things in comparison to the major items which should have arguably been there from game launch.

Things that you mentioned would have likely been adjusted regardless as more stats became available. In particular around itemization. The things that many (myself included) are asking for are straight up missing features which were thought to be staples of the genre.

To simplify it, if Blizzard addressed an issue that one person brought over an issue that one hundred people brought up, then the question of “are you even listening?” is very much valid. But sure, I will agree they have definitely fixed some things… good on em and I think they should get a bronze medal for it!

It may all be moot if many of these things would be fixed in the expansion, which would be par for the course.

They are listening to our feedback with great attention - the louder our screams of rage and anguish echo, the more they know they have done well.

Loving the blue poster “we do not respond to all threads”.


You can probably count the number of blue posts made to the D4 forums on one hand, unironically.

What a brazen lie – Donald Trump, is that you?


this being a posted in a thread where the CM replied.

Honestly, get your anger issue checked.


And some people wonder why they don’t respond. :joy: They get attacked for not responding, and they would also get attacked (for having different ideas and not making everything exactly how they want it) if they did respond. It wouldn’t get better and they wouldn’t stop crying if there was communication, and they would get scapegoated for everything.

They’d also have to deal with having the public eye on them, like when the Starfield devs responded to reviews and everyone on the internet complained about it (including press sites). Like they complain about everything else.

I wouldn’t want to deal with all the clowns out there either.

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right? honestly, i cant imagine being a CM here. I like the forums for what they are, in my private time. i couldnt imagine doing this as a job. Some stuff here literally just melts brain cells.

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Lmao this coming from the most delusional/egomaniacal person on the forums – hilarious.

How about taking a 10 minute break from the D4 forums for the first time in a year?

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To be honest, the way the Starfield devs responded, they should have expected the backlash. Much the same as the many times that Blizzard has gaffed at Blizzcon. If you are tone-deaf to your audience, you deserve the criticism.

However, by engaging with your customers, and actually taking feedback and responding to them in an honest manner, people will be a lot more understanding towards your ideas and implementations. Currently they choose the “ignore” option, and only pay lip-service to “listening to feedback”. The only “engagement” the community gets is the 5 or so questions every other month that the devs choose to answer during the campfire chats.

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