Srs - "We're listening" - on these forums?

In all seriousness, do Devs actually read/lurk these forums? Because I have some major doubts. I’ve been here since launch and the amount of times I’ve seen a Dev post is next to zero. A simple acknowledgement from time to time would be nice.

From complaints, bugs to major feedback topics, nothing… Always silence. It almost feels like all the topics here are just read by other users and returned to the void. Pretty disheartening tbh.

The only thing they seem to read are a few Twitter posts. And I don’t believe that’s a good reflection of the playerbase. I’m sure a lot of you are not on Twitter or prefer to leave your opinions here, but is it all for nothing? You would think the official forums is a good place to start, but I guess we have to revert to all sorts of other social media platforms?


The last time they came in was 3 days ago.
PTR Known issues



Even if they did read the forums, pretty sure they will not post here directly. Rather the company will communicate whatever through the Community Manager.


If I was a dev, I would ignore the forums lol.


What? That’s terrible.

We have bug reports, feedback categories, class balance topics, I mean it’s the place where the actual players (who spend countless of hours in your game) come together to report their findings.

If anything I would say, as a Dev it would be the best place to look.


I miss the days when blues would antagonize people in the forums,Greg street aka ghostcrawler like to start fires in wow forums back in the day, it was hilarious. Bashiok did too in WoD


I was partly joking but also serious as there are a lot of posts based on misinformation, ignorance or just selfish whining.
I think the forums here is really more for us, the players.
I mean, if you spend enough time in general discussion, you should understand what I mean.

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devs dont post on the forums period. those are community managers

right? id ignore the hell out of this forum as a dev actually^^

that being said - OP check the campfire chats. just because stuff you personally wanted isnt there, it doesnt mean blizzard isnt listening.

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No way they listen. Seriously?

Like the above said, check out the campfire chats.

We don’t exist here.


The forum is where ‘crybabies’ are whining and the supposed ‘adults’ are making fun of them. Devs can’t really get much out of here.


I’m a big boy.

I would hope that devs don’t spend any of their time on this forum. The actual signal to noise ratio is pretty minimal. There are far more effective avenues for them to procure useful feedback.

If only you would be more attentive. If you were, you’d notice our flamboyant community manager posting frequently, stating he will report crap to the devs on our behalf.

So we got him and his little team, presumably, reading these threads daily and posting if they feel it’s appropriate.

they dont really read bug report unless its a huge post.

i had issues with controllers a while ago, and i kept posting there and it didnt get traction.

they simply do not care, no one gave me any answers.

so i start posting it here on pc general discussion where theres a lot more people, and well, got my answer within days…

the bug report forum is extremely useless…

We read posts here daily, and player feedback is reported in to the team. We can’t reply to every thread, or endorse player feedback points specifically, but it is taken into consideration.


There are some things which were requested from the very beginning which are just not there yet… and likely will never be.

I had a list, but at this point I’ll be very happy if just one item is ever introduced: in-game matchmaking for content. The current D4 community features are behind D2 even, nothing to be said about D3 or Immortal.

But what about all the things people have asked for that have been introduced? Better loot, being able to resummon bosses without leaving the instance, make helltides less boring, more boss materials and so on. You can’t ignore that and say they aren’t listening because your personal list hasn’t been fulfilled.


I’ve brought up the missing resplendent sparks from the s4 migration to eternal many times here, on twitter, even in support tickets with absolutely no response on the issue. A simple acknowledgement would have been great instead of going months with complete radio silence.

And still no sparks in eternal after s4 land in and all eternal sparks vanished