Srs - "We're listening" - on these forums?

What better loot? And helltides are boring, bring back the glitch or make it that permanently, the resummoning bosses I’ll agree there

The whole reworking of loot in season 4? You may not like it but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Same with helltides if it’s still boring for you then too bad but that doesn’t negate the fact it did happen and people asked for it.

So they changed stuff but didn’t fix it but that’s somehow a fix? And most people agree helltides are extremely boring minus maiden event. And I like masterworking, but tempering imo is one of the worst additions to this game yet, bricking an item never feels good, I’m playing a video game… And making tempers stronger then any other stat in the game on top of it wasn’t a good change imo. So yea opinions all around and so are yours.

Helltides are fine imho, theres just no gear to farm for and then when you do find a GA item - bricked. Unique items are just a “gotcha” mechanic as theyre all terrible other than a very select few.

Never seen a game try to frustrate its playerbase before at this level, other than maybe d3.

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All improvements are related to player base per class? Since there is a lack of players using druid and this mean there are no major changes / correction / fixes… Im pretty sad about constant destroy of anything that could work on druids and today probably is the worst class to play when comes related to early game and end game.

Why is a post simply acknowledging that the campfire chats being a groomed pr exercise that isnt a legit forum for meaningful dialog towards fixing content, class tuning/performance issues, bugs, and such, worthy of being deleted and scrubbed from these forums?

Like legit, d4 needs more eyes on class forums/bug reports/and potentially class discords.


So are you also responsible for silencing reasonable discussions?

Or when it says “removed by staff”
Is that just a bot?

I want a dragon I can fly around on and breath fire down on the helltide!


Oh so they aren’t deleting my content, they are putting it behind a wall only they can read.

There has to be room to sue them.

Not sure how the legal argument would go

Yes they do, the CMs have been good at responding to certain threads (like this) and using some questions in their campfire Q/A. It’s much improved from some of their past games where they didn’t interact with the players at all.

The developers rarely posted on the forums for any of their games and they usually got attacked when they did. People are emotional and passionate. :laughing:

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Pretty sad their hands are so tied they cant endorse player feedback or say much of anything. Every blue post probably has to be approved by 30 ppl. Redtape must be infinite at Bliz. Thx for trying blues even if u skipped my 100 improvement posts.


CMs can write up nice reports (and do) and share them with the appropriate team members. It doesn’t mean that they have meetings on how to patch those ideas into the game. They are just suggestions and may or may not be used. I see ideas all the time in the forums on the class boards that the devs eventually add into the game. Sometimes it just takes a few seasons. :smiley:

And you wonder why devs don’t hang out here? It is their forum, they can do as they please.

You do not need to respond to all threads.
But more participation from you would be appreciated.

I remember when I started my adventure in blizzard games, the forums had per week some 10 to 15 response from you guys.

I would really appreciate more response even if it is 1 or 2 per week.


These days forums messages needs to go through 515 layers of approval before you can hit reply it seems.

Probably why they can’t be that engaged

Sorceror players everywhere say youre not telling us the truth.


I don’t know if they can, if they’re not developers. They can’t directly affect the game and if they gave their opinions people would jump on them as if it was the developer’s stance and take everything out of context and say things like “you only care about X because it’s what you play or like” because they’re on the Diablo team and work for Blizzard.

The two people who post are CMs.

Just a tip for GMs that pass along information, fixing the PIT bugs will help progress builds and find actually game breaking bugs good/bad.

Not fixing pit, has people running easy hoards, sitting in helltides from builds they made 2 seasons ago and it makes zero advancement or even a reason to have PTR

Pit is the endless progression to test builds, it shouldnt murder your char that clears 110 1 min and cant clear 61 the next. That means something within PIT boss mechanics are broken in PTR (and no i am not talking about dying 1 time or reentering) I mean some people literally failing PIT 60s because the boss wont die and 1 shots them 6-7 times and timer runs out, but then can restart a PIT 90 and finish it in 3min

The devs don’t read the forums. Their gatekeepers do, aka “Community Managers”

But these CMs prob don’t even play D4 at a high level, so they don’t even know what they’re reading in terms of feedback on these very forums. Which means in the process of sharing what we write with the devs, they probably screw up a lot of VERY IMPORTANT minor, nuanced details, because, again, CMs likely don’t even play Diablo 4.

CM is just a fake title. The real title is “Gatekeeper”

IMO CMs shouldn’t have jobs. They should first be fired, because their jobs are dumb and pointless and actively HARM the game instead of help it. Secondly, devs should be required to read the forums every morning as they start their work shift, and their agenda for what to work on for the day should be driven by player feedback.

None of this will ever happen, tho. Blizzard is garbage.