Sorcerer Vulnerable Damage Multipliers “Fixed”

Apparently they finally got around to addressing his very obvious bug. The only question now is whether that bug fix alone will be enough so that it no longer takes sorcerers 5-10 business days to kill a boss…


didn’t change anything, still bad, sorc needs a +50% dmg buff across the board.


I’m actually not sure how to read that. First, it specifies “against Bosses” - was that what the various people who’ve noted issues with our Vulnerable multipliers were testing on? Either way it implies that the change will only affect boss damage (which is certainly welcome at any rate).

Second it’s interesting to note that there are fixes for Glinting Firebolt and Enhanced Firewall in there too, which aren’t related to Vulnerable at all. All in all I’m not certain what they actually fixed here.

nah… more than 50%. i heard each pit level is 33% more hp on enemy, if we go from there, the gap is a lot more than just 50%

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I am not sure either. I will check tonight but I remain highly skeptical. The class has been in shambles since the game released and with this latest patch it’s in complete free fall. Also the Pit is overtuned in general and that has nothing to do with any bugs, it just needs to be nerfed particularly in the 50-60 bracket.


This wont fix the class, not even close, we are still so far behind that its shamefull


I have a level 89 Thorns barb to compare a fully decked LVL 100 Sorc…Comparitivy, Sorc still sucks just sucks slightly less.

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I have a fully geared bash barb and a fully geared sorc. They don’t even play the same game.

Id say sorc needs a baseline 50k hp with 50% dmg reduction and 500% damage to stack up.


Ain’t that the truth! :skull:

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Pyromancy critical strike damage tempering still need to be fix

I agree. Also Blizzard have you noticed that every sorc uses a staff what happened to build diversity. There is one viable build immortal sorc that is it. The rest can’t push past pit lvl 80. Necro’s can get to 100, Barbs 100, Rogues again 100. So you guys said we would be able to do a lot of different builds. There is not diversity and if everyone has to use a staff it is just laughable. You guys need so many ptr’s before every season cause you never get anything right ever. Do your worker’s have a college education. Do they know masterworking increases by 3.8 percent what 2210x.05 hmm roughly 110 not 80. So spend a lot of time on Sorc and get it right just once in your life.

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what about icefall legendary node in the paragon board? does the node get fixed also?

They didn’t fix anything i still can’t push past 75 I am in the exact same spot got really good gear. There is no build diversity wait for the next patch and I bet another slew of bugs will come up lol thats all I gotta say makes me want to uninstall the game for the first time. Thought about it before but I don’t see a point anymore.

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So after these “fix” do you think how much dmg improve can FO build gain?

This is how i feel. I truly want to uninstall. I waited patiently only for ice shards sorc to suck. So sad

PTR doesnt matters if they use as they did…
Just a meme PTR. 1 week only, they didnt give a sh*t to what people were reporting… the result is a buggy and unbalanced game

Frozen orb and Blizzard build already completed T111 one week ago.

In the recent Interview the developer already said they going to fix Barb instead but carefully without completely ruin this class.

Its just sad I use Ice shards and Blizzard and I am the second strongest sorc in my 110 clan. The one that is stronger guess what he is the immortal sorc lol. I tried Uber Duriel Died at the exact same spot. Half health. Using no potions or elixers. They need a patch just for sorc lol. They should take glass cannon down to 1% increased damage taken. We are so squishy the only way is to have flame shield up the whole time which I despise.

I bet you use a staff to. I could copy a build but i don’t I could use immortal sorc or frozen orb with hydra and get to a hundred but everyone should have build diversity. It lacks terribly and I will not copy icy veins maxroll etc. They have never had balance in this game you either play 2 builds or wait 2 months for them to fix it.

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