Sorcerer Vulnerable Damage Multipliers “Fixed”

The problem is the PIT mob HP overtune. It was all fine in PTR until some plp cried D4 was so easy.

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Blizzard best to play with staff for the Glacial aspect damage. Frozen orb you need a GA affix on conjuration mastery and Masterwork on it 12 rank again for the damage to clear pass T100. Frozen is more on AOE, is lack in single target even in PTR before nerf. The PIT mob HP in PTR was low, that’s why this issue was not obvious.

I understand but in Season 3 before all changes I could use Blizzard with a wand and still be powerful now I have no choice but to use a Staff nah it shouldn’t be like that. I have seen no sorc for any build using a wand or dagger lol thats my point no diversity. Thats all im saying. I have checked 100 profiles using different builds and no daggers or wands. My point is exactly that. I understand to be the most powerful with blizzard is to use a staff but as I said I want to be different.

There are complications with Wand because usually we use Wand and has a free slot in focus and will use the Stormwell aspect. But it is currently bugged, Therefore if use staff then we can save one slot by double the damage of glacial, as there is not a lot good aspect to replace stormwell.

Agreed but hopefully you see my side to.

The whole game has ridicules over buffed characters (especially barb) …game is broken with everything not even mentioned PvP. Too many drops, too many gold, too many different materials.

I just beat an 84. Was very hard tho with lilith 1 shot mechanics

Professional streamers with perfectly rolled greater affix, tempered, master-worked items are an exception. Even then, an under-geared necro that just dinged 100 will do more ST damage by spamming the golem refresh button.

So I ran a few Pits last night and there does seem to be a small difference. It’s noticeable but ultimately not game changing, like everyone else pointed out. But they definitely did something because I had not touched the game in more than a week and my gear or anything else on my sorcerer had not changed at all but the Pit was definitely a bit easier to handle.

Ignore him, hes a troll.

He says look at d4 pit leaderboards, where one singular sorc abusing immortal flameshield, and rngmaps to abuse a setup which requires boss adds and resetting until he gets the right boss hit 132, meanwhile the next ones are 9 pit levels below, STILL abusing immortal flameshield, and using firebolt builds.

Dude thinks abusing immunity and turning sorcs into a glorified basic skill attacker is good game design and theyre fine lmao.

Meanwhile other classes are getting higher with multiple build types, worse gear, etc


Yes golem is easy but going higher tier Rogue and Barb is easier as they are tanking. All Heartseeker Rogue abuse the bug Victimize passive and the Bash Barb tempering multiplicative damage is consider bug.

Blizzard already nerf Hectic to make cool down reduction less viable, but keep flameshield duration Tempering as original. This make achieving permanent flameshield uptime need extreme investment in gear farming and masterworking. It is a balance between keeping a flameshield build viable but not something easily abusable like bash barb. Will see whether Blizzard will keep this as status quo next season.

We shouldn’t have to rely on what is essentially a gimmick if we want to push the Pit at all. It cannot possible be intended for players to run with half of their skill bar empty and invest everything into extending the duration of an immunity ability just to survive. That’s just terrible design and makes for an even worse experience to play the game in this way.

What’s more, the current masterworking system is straight up worse than the old one in virtually every respect. It’s RNG based, requires an incredibly amount of time investment to fully upgrade your gear, and 12/12 is worse than 5/5 in almost every instance unless you can somehow manage to target the right affix every time, something that is exceedingly rare and almost impossible.

As someone who plays exclusively on the Eternal Realm I have no incentive to engage with this new system and even less desire to do so. Again, just terrible design choices all around. I have already given up any hope of salvaging this game aside from some miracle when the expansion eventually comes out.


It’s quite hilarious that sorc was meant to be the ‘glass cannon’ class but has the worst DPS in the game. They delivered on the ‘glass’ part though.


Yup, safety glass though. :rofl:

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They can do a few changes that are not to hard glass cannon you should only take 1% damage for using. Increase our barrier and mana shield passives. That should help a little defensively. As for offense I play Ice Shard Blizzard with a wand yes one of the few the need to increase aspects especially vulnerable thats what needs to happen or else everyone will continue to use a staff.

well, is still feel so powerlessness when fighting boss, as if sorc is bringing a nail clipper to the fight.

masterwork 12/12 nail clipper.


By now, they should just copy the RuneMaster from Last Epoch and learn how to make a mage archtype that is REALLY FUN AND POWERFULL

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The problem is balance I need to use a staff for max dmg. That should be bs I have 22% attack speed 44 percent cooldown I can wrap myself in Ice Armor. I can have flame shield up for 4 seconds with only 1 temper the only reason I can’t do higher tiers than 80 is because I use a wand period that’s the problem. Certain aspects need to be buffed or else buff wands and daggers so aspects are increased like the amulet slot.

I got a REALLY good laugh from this, thank you!
-For clarification, I mean this in the agree-y way.

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If there was a change in damage, i cant tell. Tried a few pits on FO sorc (with shako and starless ring) and switched back to HS rogue very quickly. The difference isnt even funny. Might as well delete sorc at this point.

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