Feel weaker all around after the patch today

Did they really shadow nerf something? I’m low level yet few chars around 35, but felt no difference so far?

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Also playing frozen orb. I wasn’t dying yesterday doing lvl 61 for mats, but now I can’t complete even one lvl 61. It’s pretty annoying because the build wasn’t exactly strong to begin with.

I’m certain they have done something in the patch but not sure what. They did a similar thing when I was playing season 1 and it was the reason I quit the game.


Honestly I know what you mean. My rogue was blasting through then it felt like I just wasn’t doing well anymore and dying quite a bit. I figured I was just sucking but you might be on to something. Or I really was just sucking. It’s possible lol


same here, my barb which had no issue with resource generation all of a sudden doesnt generate even close to what it was before the patch, and no i didnt change anything.

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me to. i was farming level 90 b4 patch right know its like 100+. idont get it. i got bash bleed barb

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Cause the community taught them what would happen if they did.

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100%. I loaded up a level 30 pit to farm mats. And it played like a level 50+ pit. I was confused because Ive been loading and running 30s for mats for a few days. And now its far tougher than it was. Though I can still get through it no problem. I was taking far more damage, and it was taking far more to take down mobs.

Definitely changed.

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I disagree.

Before the patch I was able to do a 61, although fairly difficult and slowly pushed with multiple deaths to 67 but couldn’t clear 67.

After the patch, I was able to clear 68 with relative ease.

I did change my build multiple times, to be fair, but with the same level of armor, resistance, health, and damage reduction I seem to be a little more tanky than I was (if anything). It’s possible that they fixed some bugs that your setup was taking advantage of, it’s also possible that a new bug has been introduced that’s effecting you, but generally I don’t think anything has changed with regards to balance in this patch; it’s just bug fixes and QOL stuff.

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Was doing pit runs in the 40s with a buddy if mine, and things were definitely taking longer to kill than a few days ago. Spider poison pools seem overtuned again, as the party barbarian with 70K health with max resistance kept dying to them.

Some elemental damage is ignoring some DR… so it seems. Lightning and cold seem out of control.

Cold for sure. One of those little ice bomber guys took me out last night and they barely touched me before that.

Well I guess I’m not losing my mind after all. Oddly, my nadodruid felt stronger than before.

This. I was in the same place. Now, I can’t get the mats as I can’t pass 61… not that I’ll give up but why on earth are changes not in the patch notes?

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I just want to know what they changed so I can find a way to compensate for it.

It was a bug - Vulnerable damage was not adding properly… it’s fixed now in the hot patch…

And my apologies Devs - I suspected these were intentional nerfs - not bugs.

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I have to say I feel like my barb is weaker since the patch. I had killed 8 hellborne while using mindcage for the season jouney. Since the patch I have not been able to kill even regular hellborne and die each time in spite of my stats being better than they were pre-patch. I have 65k AP, 10k armor, Resistance maxed, and 40k life and plenty of life per sec/ and on hit. I don’t know strange days.

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Also I feel weaker in helltides since patch, which is good of course, but would be nice to know if they changed something. Playing as Rogue.

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I don’t see that in any notes. Do you have a link to this?

Sure thing.
Sorcerer Vulnerable Damage Multipliers “Fixed”
So vulnerable wasn’t working right
There are more threads also…

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Thank you for the time and effort to find this for us all. You are an absolute champ!