Sorcerer season 5

Started with Diablo, played D2 for years but Im done with Blizzard until they tear Sorc down and fix it. No expansion. No nothing. Last Epoch beckons and next year P.O.E. 2. Upon review it looks like their Dev Teams understood the assignment and most importantly did the homework. These devs shouldnt be in charge of a lemonade stand. They just throw darts at a board so
Blizzard can suck eggs.


I’m very interested to see what needs to be done to inflict 5-10 million per blow… The funny thing is that you can actually get 50-70K if you don’t go purely intellect. Which is a little inconsistent with lightning builds.

I’m skipping S5 most likely, as well. I’ll play VoH for the story, because I love Mephisto, but I’m probably never buying another battle pass again after they did us dirty and keep doing so out of spite.

It’s got to be out of spite at this point, right? You can’t blame this on incompetence anymore. They’re making a willful decision for sorcerer to suck more with each patch. There’s no other explanation.

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There is so much to be done for sorc it is mind blowing. The new dmg buckets destroyed our dmg when they were redone ie critical strike dmg and vulnerable. Then they cap everything and we have only been able to kills mobs for like the last 2 seasons lol at ease. I can do a 110 lvl pit right now with ice shards and blizzard but the boss takes forever. Now we have no shields. Has anyone noticed how many potion rare nodes we have lol on the paragon board its like 10 or more. And adding another enchantment slot will do hardly anything for dmg period. Blizzard your seasons have been terrible besides 1 stop doing seasons and fix the classes i.e. necro, sorc, druid although druid is in a better state for season 5 then the other two.

season 5 for sorcerer will be worst than season 1

Spite is definitely one possibility.

Well, that makes me sad. The Diablo 4 community hasn’t even been that bad, besides people constantly gaslighting each other.

I read the responses. Keep in mind that people tend to get very dramatic very quick. Right now, things are not looking great for sorc in season 5 but what the drama queens tend to forget is:

-We have patch notes for PTR.
-We do NOT yet have patch notes for season 5.

If season 5 patch notes come out and things haven’t been tweaked for sorc then yeah, sucks. I am reserving judgement until the actual notes come out. I also would love to do chain lightning again but I’m waiting to see if they stop kicking sorc in their vulnerable places first.


See my post about Sorcs in S5. BOYCOTT SORCS IN S5. Blizzard has done NOTHING but nerf us to the GROUND since beta. TAKE A STAND!

While I’m usually not a fan of boycotts, the class balance in this game is so bad that people just need to refuse to play classes that are not designed well. Most players aren’t going to see this forum, but hopefully there is a huge dropoff in sorc players next seasons and maybe Blizzard might actually do something beneficial for the class.

I’m not going to play D4 again until there is a better balance amongst builds and sorcs have at minimum one S-tier build that is not BS like firebolt invulnerability.


Ok so this is what pisses me off a streamer his name starts with an S released Chain Lightning build for season 5 which is fine. Then states to leave it bugged so sorcs can have their fun. Then refers to ball lightning from season 2 that build was bugged. How about saying fix the class so people can do a lvl 100 pit with I don’t know fireball, incinerate, ice shards etc. Instead lets give Blizzard the company the easy way out since they are completely incompetent.

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blizz hates sorcs. by all logic, its a mage which should have low armor, but big dps. now barb have 4 guns, billions damage, and 100000 armor… yeah right. nice balance.

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Well I am happy with the buff’s for Season 5 now only got two minor and they are minor complaints or questions why wasn’t Avalanche buffed not the dmg part but the lucky hit part a little like 10%. Second, Shatter they increased dmg again which is fine but I would have rather they kept the dmg at current state and lets say it does 10% dmg to bosses or something cause that is where it lacks other then that I can at least survive without a huge flameshield so I am happy.

Shatter was actually nerfed hard. They increased the damage it does but stopped it from counting damage done from other nearby shatters toward the next one. No more giant groups turned into icecubes instantly.

burning instinct was nerfed very hard.
I will skip this season as I did with season 3.
Last Epoch seems more fun tan paying a battle-pass and being frustrated and killed because of a weak sorcerer

typically burning instinct can be scale to 130%x.
the new capped is 80%x. a loss of 50%x.

but other legendary node like searing heat & frigid fate has been buffed from 30%x to 60%x. a 30+30=60%x gain.
and combustion also buffed from 20%x to 60%x. a 40%x gain.

and we have not discover the buff of uniques yet. so soon to declare skipping the season 5?

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It is indeed heavily dependant if Uniques are getting interesting or not. Currently many Sorc builds use a lot of uniques, so them buffing them, could possibly make it so Sorc might be better to play. But we don’t know that before we see the uniques.

Am still holding hope that they give us more CDR from the uniques to gap the difference losing implicit on offhand made and well that could also make the difference on the Teleport cd nerf if we can get close to capped CDR.

if some1 says he will skip next season, you can be 99% sure he will play

well, originally i already joined the band of skipping season 5 in a thread here after totally fade up with the PTR.
then comes with these sorc buffing patch notes and it looks not bad at all. so i excused myself from the boycott.
its pretty straightforward thing: dull and repetitive = skip ; innovative and adjusted = give it a try.

None of the classes, not even barb, should have to depend on uniques to make them work. Uniques should accent the build, not define it.

The core design philosophy of Diablo 4 is bad, because it’s more reliant on gear than actual skills. This is where it differs from Diablo 2, or even Last Epoch.

Both of those games are skill based. The gear accentuates, but does not define. Of course in D2 you can break the game and end up with like +19 to skills if you build correctly, but you have to work for a very long amount of time if you’re not spending real money on a shady botter website to buy gear, instead of just farming helltides for a day or two.

The devs seem to be becoming resistant to the fact that people are not happy with the way they balance the game. I really had hoped with Loot Reborn, they’d move away from the “build defining loot” and move towards the accenting of builds, as I described above.

Diablo 4 will never be properly balanced for all classes because of the inherent deficiencies in relying totally on gear to build a character. There are too many variables for the developers to look at every interaction feasibly, even with AI assist.

They can adjust numbers, and do regularly, but the game will never be in a spot where every class has at least 4-5 builds they can do, because of these deficiencies.

This is the core problem with Diablo 4. I was thinking about this last night, and it seems very apparent and easily seen once you see it. But once you see it, you’ll never unsee it.

This game will never be what will make the majority of fans happy because of these deficiencies, either. Someone will always be getting the short end of the stick.

I’ll enjoy the expansions for the story, or at least this coming expansion because Mephisto is my uncle, but as I’ve said previously, I know for me, I’m not spending anymore money on the game in terms of battle passes.

And there’s no guarantee I’ll get any more expansions. I’m just locked into this one because they committed a breach of contract and will not refund the expansion to anyone.