Sorcerer season 5

what do you think about sorc in season 5? chain lightning looks strong, i hope it’s gonna be s tier

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Maybe you haven’t been paying attention, but as seen by all the endless topics/videos and rage on all the platforms… Sorcs as of now and PTR are trash, like abysmally poor.

They’re not even remotely close to any other class. So bad they don’t even play the same game lol. We probably need a extra bellow the Bottom “utterly useless” tier for Sorcs haha.

Can you still play them? Of course and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. But just prepare for a lot of frustration. And when you reach that God end-game gear you’re still going to take about six times longer than any other class clearing any content in the game. So heads up


Yep and the new unique CL pants actually are anti synergy with casting more chan lightings so not only that the dmg is trash so is the gameplay


Sorc got almost no buffs. Only the new sword for Basics and Lucion Crown + Starless skies interaction helped Sorcs on PTR, but still ways behind other classes in general and a lot more clunky because you get less CDR in general because of the implicit changes and Teleport got a CD increase for no reason on the PTR.

So in general, Sorc is about as powerful as in season 4, but feels worse to play. Especially with the torment debuff added to the Pit shadow bosses and Sorcs having by far the least boss DPS in the game.

ok i had hopes, but i’m gonna make a necro for season 5 (hoping it is a good choice)

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Those were Bugs on PTR that scaled the dmg into insane numbers not how the Crown is supposed to work

It’s still a large boost for Sorc if you go by it’s wording rather than how it worked with Chain Lightning. It should still work together with the new Sword and Starless skies. For basic attack builds at least.

Yeah the new Uniques are quite overtuned but that doesnt save Sorc in anyway even builds like Arc Lash doing what? 5-10 mil per hit? While Barb Flay is doing 500 BIL even the bleed from it hits like 20-30 BIL per tick.

Yeah I am compering Sorc to the strongest build on PTR which was Flay Barb but that is the issue the difference is INSANLY high its not hard to see, Blizz is lost in balancing stuff and it doesnt feel like they know what they are doing at all

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Think we are basically saying the same thing. I just commented on those items helping Sorc stay as powerful in general as in Season 4. Which is pretty much trash tier apart from Firebolt - Immortal build.

Necro is right above sorc in 4th place right now for season 5 only thing better is the dmg lol. They should just forget about season 5 lol you are getting hardly anything new for it besides uniques which where so bugged the testing was worthless. They honestly should just focus on balance period. I would hold off on all new uniques and get the base game corrected. They are supposed to be raising stat’s on all uniques. So why not hold off on all the new uniques raise the stat’s on the old one’s. After that whatever uniques are still trash replace those with the new one’s they presented in the ptr. The game has no balance at all sorc’s are trash all the way around right now and in season 4 they don’t do any damage its just the truth. Unless double dipping.

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Hey… c’mon man. Sorc are …Sorc are good.:+1::unamused:

i bet druid will be bad too, at this point instead of d4, blizzard should call it “a rogue and barb game”

Completely agree watch out they nerfed firebolt July 10th barb get buff to a meta build called dust devil hmm. So what we r saying is the dev’s don’t read feedback at all. Like I have said before Blizzard company are a bunch of idiots lol. They probably just look at spreadsheet and see sorc did a 170 pit and are like we need to nerf them to the ground but actually didn’t play the class lol.

Yes and barbs bad we get the meme

Nope. I play Sorc and they are terrible. So play Barb is you want a powerful character even though I don’t care for barb. Barbs are very good.

I know they are and rogue second I know lol. Just sad and pathetic the blizzard team can’t see it. Or sorry they say they do but still absolutely no buffs yet worth while for sorc. Even July 10th patch nothing so sad.

I’m going to probably play D3 S32.

VoH better have sweeping buffs to Druid/necro/sorc.

It won’t.

The team making content is different from the teams that deal with each class.

Sadly there wont be. All focus will be on the new class as everyone will literally swarm to make one, which is what they want.
The only thing for me, worth buying the expansion for, will be the continuation of the story, but i wont be pre-ordering. Ill wait until the price drops significantly before I consider investing. Which is a shame, as i actually enjoyed the main story line. But if im paying nearly the same cost of the base game, i want more than just a new area and a class i have no interest in. Maybe Blizz will surprise me and completely overhaul all the other classes and the End Game with the expansion…but i sadly doubt it.

It could be bundled together with a launch patch.

One sec, need another hit of hopium.