Solo players getting shafted. Its bounties all over again

Are they though? if you group, you can do 4 ubers to the solo players 1 uber. Grouping is already brokenly OP to solo, does the whole game have to revolve around group play? It is garbage game design to punish solo players.

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What the slow kids, I mean four kids don’t understand is that you can mow the lawn 4 times as fast and can make the same amount of money in the time it would take the 1 kid to mow one lawn.

So if solo was lets say 800% more efficient, it would likewise be fine since everyone had the capability to play solo?
Cant say I agree. Balance is always better.

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it already is balanced. every player gets 1. you cant argue with math.

Which never was the issue. That is not what makes solo and grouping unbalanced.

  • Have each player pay a key to do an activity.
  • Kill splitfarming, no xp or loot if you are more than 2 screens apart
  • Properly scale monsters for group synergy
  • Deaths in a group should count toward the max death counter, even if ressed

That would be a start.

the i play solo its unfair that other people are sharing is unfair argument doesnt really work though. because thats what the argument is. you are complaining that people are pooling their resources together. multiple people pooling resources together for the betterment of the group is always going to make it more beneficial than playing solo. loot is always going to be based on individuals. the more individuals you group together and the. they choose to work in a group for the betterment of the group, good for them.

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It is also unfair to group players though, being pushed into playing on easy mode, because the game is not properly scaled for it.

No, none of that is set in stone.

IF this was intended - they would have said so - they didn’t. In fact, they kinda pointed to the opposite, that you’d be able to trade the mats you don’t need for ones you do (like to other solo players). This is - again - bad game design. It’s cool to have some reward to encourage group / social play, all for it - but this is next level disadvantage to solo players. It’s also super punishing to anyone considering coming back. All my gaming group stopped playing the game - why would I want to come back if I am going to be at such a huge disadvantage.


yes it is. that is why the loot that drops for me you dont see and the loot that drops for you i dont see. loot is individual. and because loot is individual it will always be fairly balanced as individuals, whether you are in or group or not. so because you see it makes more sense to group you might as well make a friend

Honestly I can’t remember - so someone enlighten me - are we getting ANY social QoL in this patch ? An LFG channel or queue or a trade channel ??? I mean - this could also be partially solved by making it easier to find / join groups. I know this SSF players wouldn’t technically be SSF anymore - but you know, even Kirito plays in a group sometimes …

Not all games work like that… Again, clearly none of that is set in stone.
But it is totally fine that you each see your own loot (albeit the game should offer an FFA option for groups who preferred it). That is not part of what should change.

there is no problem and nothing should change. a solo player gets 100% loot from the boss kill. the boss is 400% of what it was to a solo player in a group of 4. each player gets 1/4 of the drops….equal to 100% the solo boss or 1/4 of the 4player boss. the math has never been off. you solo players are mad because people are choosing to play together.

Nothing really indicates that.
Nor does it matter.

The “math” is certainly off with they keys to enter content.
As well as deaths not counting in groups.

The rest is just about better game design. People wanting to play in group, but the game telling them they are supposed to solo while being grouped (split farm nonsense), and monsters dying too easy due to not scaling properly with group power (well, also a math problem obviously).

lol they do scale. and the scaling is based on how many people in group. the scaling isnt off. so your angry people can go in different directions in a dungeon to accomplish the tasks quicker? this is part of the benefit to being in a group. if you want to experience it, make a friend

By the time a solo player has farmed enough material for 10 Duriels the 4 player party has farmed materials for 40 Duriels.

This is what is needed to change.


yes but each individual player has farmed the same amount as the solo player. and because the content in a 4player party is 400% that of the solo player it is equal and not in need of a change. this is whining for the sake of whining. the solo player just needs to make some friends

Just remember that the group game is in theory more difficult. In terms of the monsters’ lives and such

Play D3 solo season. D4 is trash.

Will SSF be available with leaderboards in season 3? It took them until season 29 to add it to D3.

Looking forward to D3 s30 SSF, will be a blast.

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