Solo players getting shafted. Its bounties all over again

its after all not a solo game. if you personally want to play it solo, you are welcome to do it.

It definitely isn’t a multiplayer game. It lacks all the Multiplayer QOL, and has all the downsides. So what is it exactly?


nah its not something that needs a fix. because here is something if i am in a 4/4 group and 1 item drops for each of us what is preventing the person from leaving group afterwards? what forces them to use item while i am there? exactly. doesnt matter if your solo or group you get same drop of 1. if you are in group and everyone wants to pool resources then thats the bonus of grouping and everyone can do it. nothing holding you back from doing it

If you are playing with friends, you can let them kill you in turn 1 and next turn, they let you kill them. Rotate the rewards. This will makes thing slower but still it bypasses the PvP idea.

Let me quote someone for you.

Just reverse that.

perhaps you dont understand he inverse property. you see one involves what you yourself is capable of doing. the other involves what another person, not you, chooses to do. so because it takes control out of your own hands not equivalent

Or another way is reduce the % loot chance, more players less chances but then that discourages playing in groups.

Or make the difficulty 4x harder. Everyone needs to contribute 25% dmg to ensure everyone is doing something. Another player can’t do more than 25%. 25% from a 4 player team is equivalent to a 100% dmg from a solo player.

Just throwing some ideas.

boss/mob hp already scales like that

I think you are missing the part where it is your choice to group with others and it is their choice to not group with you. You still got your 1, and you got it easier than a solo person. You essentially want all the benefits for grouping and none of the downsides.

are you dense? they previously said that if solo get 4x drops to even it out or do you just jump in with no info and think you will sound intelligent?

Well, scaling the HP doesn’t necessarily mean more difficult. It just slows things down.

Unless longer duration prevents one hit mechanics like with Uber Lilith, then yeah more HP would mean harder difficulty in this scenario.

But if the boss mechanics aren’t difficult and if we prolong the duration of the boss hp by 2x, it doesn’t make it really difficult. It just makes it tedious because it’s longer to kill.

Who is “they” that you are referring to?

so it was you and then you feign ignorance later

maybe something you dont want to play? honestly i dont know. im looking forward to s2 2^^

No, I knew it was me, you just had no idea, which is why I asked a rhetorical question. You can’t even keep your own thoughts straight let alone follow a conversation with another person. I just use my response to make sure you literally had no idea who you were talking to.

This game is trash, forum is end game. I quit playing this steaming pile of dumpster leakage months ago.

saying solo should get 4

saying its equal because you get your 1. so about that ignorance

You are missing the point, again, not that I am surprised. The point is 4 people get quadruple what a solo player gets. Whether or not someone leaves the group, they still got 4 to the solo player one. The only way this is ever even for the solo player is if everyone leaves the group. Otherwise, the solo player got screwed. How do you not see this? Just willful ignorance? I gotta hope it is that, cause the other reason is not as flattering.

i dont think you get the point. an individual gets the same as another individual. its called equality. whether people want to pool resources are up to them. but the rewards are always going to given out on an equal part for individuals whether you can grasp that concept or not

Right, let’s try it this way.

Let’s say you pay the neighbor kid $10 to mow your lawn. Then one day he shows up with 3 of his friends and the 4 of them mow your lawn in a quarter of the time. They then come and ask you for $10 each. In one case you are paying $10 to have your lawn mowed and the other $40. Is that equality to you?


if my lawn quadrupled in size sure. because when you group in d4 thats what happens to mobs/bosses. if only your real world analogy was meaningful :joy:

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