Solo players getting shafted. Its bounties all over again

Whaaat? 4 players get 4 times the loot? No wayy!! This is unbelieveable!! How could they possibly even make this mathematical impossibility an actual thing?? NOO WAYY!! :skull: :skull: :skull: :roll_eyes:

Same things with keys. You have 4 people getting keys so the chance your group can stay in the efficient dungeons goes way up.

Can solo a world boss or legion events when you have that gg 100, but yeah, other than that… it’s the whispers over and over and over again. Then, dungeons and the helltides to do something different.

Simple: you kill the boss in a group, and the room turns into a temporary PVP zone - last one standing gets the loot.


Oh noes! Someone doesn’t get the totally easy to get benefits of grouping… .even though it’s available to everyone!

What ever shall we do?

i dont see the problem. you can do the farming all solo if you wish to do so.

who cares? i’m not gonna play this crap anyway


just make each player have a popup to consume a fragment when entering the thing, no fragment no enter


It’s imperative they get a group matchmaking tool going asap. Should be top of the list. We already have a group meta game, WoW. Don’t need another when the demand for solo/pug player meta has been so high for so long.

Sorry but I read this as “I don’t have any friends, waaaaah!”

Group play always has and always will be optimal. That doesn’t mean solo has to suck, but complaining about groups being more efficient is just silly.

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This is me. I realize that progress is faster in groups, but after years of B.S in MMOs I have no interest in playing with others. So I’m fine taking the slower route on my own.

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Sorry, but I read this as confirmation of why I don’t want to play in groups with randoms on the internet.


That is not true.
Early on in D3, group play could be fairly inefficient due to monsters dealing more dmg per player.
Afaik, group play in PoE got some substantial downsides with shared portals?

In any case, even though group play has generally been easy mode in Diablo games, it should not be. It is not a good situation for either the group players or the solo players.
D3 was the wildest example here. Group play was so much of an easy mode that it just became boring.

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It’ll be fixed when they release SSF leaderboards.

Only if SSF adjusts the drop rates as well. I could careless about leader boards but what I do care about is drop rates, gold, mats, etc. They will have to balance the game around what groups can do and when they are way more efficient than solo the solo players get hosed. I.E. I still pay just as much for a reroll as the group player earning 10X (or whatever) the gold per hour.

Group play in PoE acts as solo for all intent and purposes except you get a experience, quantity and rarity bonus.

You share portals, if an 8 man party goes inside a boss and someone dies theyre dead, cannot re-enter, all portals used.
Loot is also shared, everybody see all the loot that dropped. You do not get 8x the loot in an 8 man party from a boss. And in terms of boss keys/fragments only the party leader would be able to loot those.


Just want a damn matchmaking system already so its easier to actually play with people.

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You get exactly the same as if you were doing it solo, but you are probably 5-10x more effecient than a SSF player, so in general you would do alot more bosses / share the items at the end.
You shouldnt get 800% more loot if you play with you friends, if this is your honest opinion, then you need to seek medical help asap.

dont see the problem. because the solo players have the capability to play with others. its their choice to not.


This is an easy fix. If solo, drop 4 of the item. If duo drop 2 of the item for each. If 3/4 drop 1 for each and one extra for someone. If 4/4, drop one for each. Problem solved, everyone gets the same amount.