So, went back and actually played D3 for awhile

It’s not tmi, i just showed you that you think you know everything when you know nothing :slight_smile:

I suggest to you to play something else, instead wasting time crying here, you will enjoy more :slight_smile:

I did just that but went from D3 to D2R.

Preach… Man i m telling you i did the same. It just feels better simple as that , what a relief after this mess of a game.

Yet hear you are seeking attention from something you hate. YThats a mental issue my friend lol.

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Nostalgia works? Who would have guessed.

I don’t get good feels all over playing Diablo 3, because I actually played a video game before D3.

D4 doesn’t give you nostalgia because you haven’t let it develop yet. It takes time. I’m willing to bet that al you’ve done is rush to end game, copy someone else’s build, and grinded non-stop for 3 weeks straight. It also is very apparent that Diablo 3 was your first ARPG, if not your first game ever.

I mean, honestly… your basis for comparison is Diablo 3. The only people that don’t laugh about that are people like yourself, who’s first game was D3.

People need to provide negative feedback for developers to see and improve from. If the question wasn’t pointed at SimpleSiren-1146, then maybe don’t respond?

Yikes. The assumptions and assertions you make are unfounded.

Yes, the comparison is D3. The predecessor to D4. They had a literal roadmap as to how to make a good game and departed from it entirely. They should hear feedback from players who aren’t happy to improve.

What purpose does your comment serve, other than fanboying over Blizzard and justifying their release?


This season in D3 is unironically really fun. I’m also done with D4 and back to playing D3 and other games.

LOL first forums adventure? You think they are going to open 20 people flooding the forums with hate or are they going to look at one consolidated hate thread more? Id say later. POE forums hate is no different than here sept they lump all the bs together. D4 needs to move them into 1 big hate post delete any new ones like POE does.

But your on the forums here? Make it make sense as done means done no? Or are you looking for attention?

Consolidate it no devs going to read 50 pages of the same stuff lol.

D3 is also much older and had a lot of change happen. It doesn’t excuse this game for not having the same innovations from the jump but facts are facts. It’s an intentional move on their part. They’re going to drip feed things very slowly and in the end D4 will be the same level if not better. When will that be? Far down the road. Far longer than a lot of people will stick around for.

This really made me laugh out loud. Diablo 3 is a roadmap to a good game? HAHA!

You’re fanboying over Diablo 3 WAY harder than I am over anything. Look in the mirror and ask yourself your questions.

BTW: Saying “Yikes” is the text equivalent of having a phone conversation on speaker or blasting your music in public. You think it makes you cool, but it just makes you look like a dbag.

I think we should keep in mind that D3 had it’s issues when it launched. But Blizzard fixed the game up nicely. I think the same will happen with D4. Blizzard will make adjustments based on intellegent feed back, And not so much if we wine and cry like babies.

a game taking a long time to get better, when it is a game developed and owned by the company that created the current iteration of the franchise, is a nonsensical point.

This is like saying: “well, they played basketball really poorly 60 years ago. Today, the Lakers have new players, so they shouldn’t be expected to know their history, play their techniques or compete on the same level as other teams”

With that said Activision Blizzard is a business, could care less about what fans want or deserve, as long as you keep giving them money.

I’m guessing you’re too young to remember how was D3 back when it was released. D4 has many problems, but it is WAY better than D3 at launch.

“Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”


Interesting, Perhaps that will be the case but i think it’s way to early to say.

Diablo 3 at release had
Better itemization. Better combat. Better abilities. More abilities. Better enemies. Better AI. Magic and Rare monsters. Better dungeons. FLOORS! Better zones. More coherent enemy placements. Better towns. Better voice actors. Better visuals and visual design. Better UI. Better sounds and sound design. Better music. A group finder.
Better story, the only memorable and interesting moment of Diablo 4’s story is Meshif, that says a lot.
Bosses, Diablo 3 had bosses, where are Andariel, Duriel and Astaroth now???
And finally, Diablo 3 had Diablo in it, the name of the god damn game is Di-a-blo! DIABLO!!!

Diablo 3 was not a perfect game, but 4 doesn’t even come close, how could it, it’s kind of a phone game mixed with all the bad elements of Lost Ark.