So, went back and actually played D3 for awhile

Lost Ark is the literal best overhead action combat game ever created. The inferno legion raids are the epitome of pinnacle boss content that is challenging but fair.

Lost Ark’s got MANYYYYY issues that leads to player burnout, but lets not pretend that it doesn’t have amazing aspects. Even the PvP is really good.

I was on holiday for a week just come back played for 5 min and still borring…

haha!! You did not play D3 when it first launched or you would not have said that. The stats were all over the place. Strength on caster gear intelligence on demon hunter gear Oh the list goes on.

Lol I love how people use some made up excuse for bad games.

Like as if someone forced Blizzard not to use any lessons from previous game and previous 10 years.

Who forced Blizzard to have bad itemization again? Who forced Blizzard to have class imbalance again?

Surprisingly people have this concept of learning from mistakes and no you can’t go “well the previous game sucked at launch so it’s okay”.

We paid $100 for a game. This is not okay to excuse based on the outcome of a decade old game launch.

You mean like level scaling?

You mean like the druid loot bug that took them weeks to fix?

You mean like how every class requires some sort of unstoppable ability to counter the drastically overtuned amount of CC?

I remember how bad D3 was at launch. I remember how it was better to run around breaking jars to hopefully get a legendary. I also remember the auction house. Now, I want you to take a look at how bad D3 was and the awful things the game tried to do within the first year until they decided to actually pull their heads out and apply it to D4 as the state it’s in now.

Literally learned nothing from it and are trying real freaking hard to make the same mistakes and ignore player feedback. And, was audacious enough to say on a live stream “we’re just now getting this feedback” after almost a year of getting the exact same feedback we’ve been giving them.


If you’re old enough, D2 was the same. It took until 1.10 to get to where it is now and that’s also with LOD. D2 Vanilla wasn’t great. 1.09 and all the bugs were fun for a bit, til you lost 40 soj’s not knowing everything starting getting duped.

D3 launch was awful, and it’s still just a fast paced arcade game with no real feel of a diablo franchise. Get a set, run the same maze to a boss which you obliterate in seconds.

D4 is a good game. Not great, yet. The itemization needs to get reworked for sure, but people can’t claim end game issues when you did thousands of Baal runs, Meph runs, etc, then did thousands of GR’s.

The itemization is the same in that regards, it’s just that the stats matter less in D4.
The problem with itemization in D4 is there are still too many potential stats that don’t fit the build.

At least D3 had a trade market. I greatly enjoyed that.
Right now you have people on the official D4 discord basically trying to do the same thing that blizzard could have easily implemented.

As opposed to… what is this?

Dumpster fire?

Im in game now. Everything is packed with peeps. Keep on being a sad panda :slight_smile:

Youd think a multimillion$ company would know how to make a game and include the good things from the old game and not make the same mistake on their next game. But its blizz so LOL


Im sure you could do it better. Start coding let us know when your done.

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Not sad at all. Continue being delusional panda :smile:


That’s the thing, people are. Could you please provide more information so that people like you aren’t allowed to such games? It’s better if we use blizz games as a containment zone for people like you.

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People are coding? Whos these people. Do you see a butterfly in the ink Blotch?

Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.

Thats how D2 veterans felt when D3 came out. Blizzard was on decline before then even.

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They said that about d3 too and eventually it got better. Also there are way worse ARPGs around then d4, you’re being a little over dramatic. I haven’t played in 2 weeks. It’s in a sad state and nothing was learned from d3.

Sixteen torment levels, rifts, pets, armory, crafting, transmog, cow level, whimsyshire, gems, set weapons and armor, and very alt friendly=D3 for the win. D4 will get there someday in the future.

It’s like they worked hard on finding out good game play loops in D3 and ignored it completely for D4. Anyone who played it for 10 hours would see the half-baked ideas and user interface problems immediately. Granted, they are working to correct it - but its like they didn’t even play their own game before releasing it.

Which triple-A ARPGs are worse than D4? Exactly, there are none.