So, went back and actually played D3 for awhile

What he said. The Emperor Has No Clothes.

I’m genuinely amazed that people can use this as a justification. These games are made by THE SAME company. They had more than 10 years to learn from Diablo 3 and yet they didn’t. Why do you think spending 10 years developing a game and then releasing another one just like that but worse makes any sense?

It’s not like every time BMW release a new car it’s somehow inferior to their previous models. It’s not like when Samsung releases a new phone it’s worse than the previous one. It’s not like when Apple releases a MacBook it’s worse than its predecessor. See where I’m going with this? Yet the usual justification for a bad game is “but it took them 20 years to perfect the previous one!”. Crazy…


Comparing a 10 years of updates, with 1 month,

stay on d3, do us a favour, but promise that you do not return

I will go back and play it, because I did not play it the first time, as it was pretty bad then.

Do you not realize previous titles exist and a new game can incorporate well received parts of the past titles and that would’ve been just enough to not get half the complaints it gets right now? They did not do much of it while some of it are just straight worse. No wonder players like me are not happy.

You can play something else perhaps, maybe from being unhappy you will switch your mood in to a better one

Try Grim Dawn. A far superior game to anything past Diablo 2.

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What are you doing not playing the game you love then in the retrospect?

D3 at launch was just as big of a mess. It didn’t improve until the original lead dev was replaced. It’s had 10 years of development. Much as I find D4 frustrating, this isn’t a fair comparison.

I’m just going back to Elden Ring.

Who told you that i’m not playing it?

You responding immediately would tell me that instead of playing your favorite game? Pretty obvious, isn’t it?

It isn’t obvious that the game is running and i’m pooping while reading your crying

NMDs are basically bounties…which nobody liked…

Aspects sound cool, but all they really do is make you pay gold to experiment.

Hell Tides are fun once or twice, but then you realize all your doing is looking for events…which you wouldn’t do any other time because they aren’t fun or interesting.

Tree of whispers are pretty worthless once you get to WT3

D3 is a good game. But I had played for more than 10 seasons. I want to play something different.

Sure thing, buddy. But tmi.

Lord knows I played D3 a lot, but I’m not going back, I had my time with it and it was great. I did fire up D2R last night again though, I miss “Acts.” This whole “play how you want” crap is garbage. That’s like when sandboxes tell you to make your own fun. I don’t want to make my own fun, that’s why I’m paying you $70 to create a fun experience FOR me.

Is what it Is. I still will play D4 with my buddy, it’s def more fun together. But I dislike the end game rotation of tree of whisper events and random world events. Feels like a discount MMO. Anything can happen though, D3 sucked at release too until RoS came out, then it got me for 1300 hours.

D2 is better. Petition for an expansion.

It’s likewise not a fair comparison between launch D3 and launch D4. Know why? Because D4 is launching 10 years after D3. Why would you make a comparison with D3 as it was a decade ago, instead of as it is now?

I honestly enjoy HOTS Ranked more. Also looking at that new Darkest Dungeon II although that also appears to be a huge grind fiesta.

But that slick 3-D 2-D animation though…

Yeah, it is.

If I showed you 2 screenshots side by side (one being from D3 and one from D4) I bet that most players here could tell me where the screenshot from D3 was taken - not so D4.

That’s because D3 had something called “theming” whereas D4 is happy with presenting “blood/gore and grey” in every area. This simply doesn’t work because you need variety so that the “blood and gore”-areas feel atmospheric - it’s the same with horror movies.

I swear to you, when I did the story part in D4 in that city that was just bathed in blood and body parts I could not help but laugh by how ridiciolous the entire scene is.