So, went back and actually played D3 for awhile

…it’s night and day. Sorry guys, D3 is actually better. We waited a decade for an inferior game to D3, lol.

Don’t believe me? Go back and play it, you get good feels all over your body playing that game, D4 doesn’t do that, it just feels like scraping my face on a cheese grater


It’s like a deeper Torchlight 2, which in all honesty isn’t horrible. I might just reinstall it. Then I’ll be juggling D2R, 3, and 4. Lol


Do you even remember release D3? Bad difficulty tuning, set pieces dropping with stats that classes couldn’t use, melee classes requiring a shield to even survive in the highest difficulty? Legendaries that did nothing? No kannai’s cube, no transmog, none of the nice features D3 has now? No season journey.

It took D3 years to get to where it is and D4 has been out for like a few weeks.

I am not excusing D4 for this I’m just saying the trend these days is to release now, worry about updates/features later. We’ve all essentially paid 70 dollars to post-beta test.


do you not realize d3 really really wasnt in the state it was in rill reaper of souls? D4 is gonna be the same thing.


So I guess no more need to post here. Have fun in your arcade game lol.


So your saying they have a Exact roadmap of what not do do from one of their OWN games, and couldnt make this one better than the previous one before releasing it?

You are making a huge case that they are either Inept/incompetent or just lazy


so you wanna wait years until this game becomes playable?

in what world is that okay? maybe they could just not release a half-baked game then?


Yeah, but that begs the question of why D4 is starting from a bad place and not the good place that D3 spent years getting to.


Great go play it and post on the D3 forums :slight_smile:


D4 honestly feels just D3 when it comes to itemization and end game. I come to this genre to find or craft something that few will ever own. It’s all about grinding out meaningful upgrades through farming and trading, and always having a potential upgrade that is obtainable. D3 and D4 are both stuck with 4 affix bis gear that everyone is wearing, because trade doesn’t exist. The combat in D3 is faster and more fun, but neither game is very good imo.


Its only in a bad place in your opinion 9 million + others are fine and having fun.


I’ve heard the exact same thing with Lost Ark and look at that game now, hahah. Keep telling yourself that.


That’s the thing. D3 never actually got good, but it’s still a better game than D4.


Alright your job here is done. Go correct the record in some other threads now. They’re neverending after all - must be a busy life you lead.


Except its not its for mindless arcade people lol

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There’s no reason to not learn from their own history and game.
They did not take the time to apply any of their own wisdom to their new game.


I’m making a huge case that it was likely some of the higher ups said “Go ahead and release it then make periodic improvements so we can start profiting NOW NOW NOW.”

I don’t think anyone is lazy and incompetent. I think the trend these days is just “release now, make good in half a year to a year or so because people will buy it anyway.”

Diablo 3 had plenty of experience from Diablo 2 and what players liked, still took it a while to get to where people considered it fun.


if your point is that a game takes a long time to become good then that only reinforces the fact that diablo FOUR should be better then diablo THREE and had the numerous things that made d3 better in the end.


Plz stop regurgitating what Rod said. A new game in the series is supposed to build upon previous releases. Not be released with lower QOL and reskinned systems of the previous, with “it had ten years of development” excuse. You learn from that and implement. What a joke excuse. They literally said today they sold us a foundation. Imagine paying for a house but you get a concrete slab with the contractor saying “it took ten years to build the last house, this will be a process, grow with us”


Yes, basically. I mean it sucks to hear but we’re all playing what is essentially the beta version of what D4 will be in 1-2 years. It’s likely an entirely different team than the people that worked on D3. Blizzard has had a lot of issues since then. A lot of senior development probably left the company, leaving new people to parse the data from their past work. It can be tough picking up on someone else’s work like that when you had nothing to do with it.

It’s also just the industry fad these days to launch games and improve them much later. There will be stash improvements, UI improvements, gear improvements, new legendaries and uniques that actually do things, etc. Of course knowing current Blizzard that stuff might all cost extra. Create a problem and then sell the solution is also pretty common gaming practice.