So, went back and actually played D3 for awhile

I am not “simping” for anyone, but I’m not going to pretend that D3 is suddenly the best Diablo ever and was amazing upon release. Even Diablo 2 didn’t reach legendary status until additions were made with Lord of Destruction. They had plenty of experience with Diablo by the time 3 came out and it was a train wreck. I expect it will be similar here too.

I can’t pretend to know what goes on in-office with the varying development teams and people (especially senior developers and writers) leaving the company these last few years. Still, it is never really progressive or constructive to insult the developers and likely why they’re so cagey about communicating with the players.

That does NOT make d4s current state ANY BETTER.

If your sequel is not at the very least on the same level as the current title, DONT RELEASE A SEQUEL.


The problem with D4 is the systems wont change or arent likely to change.

I doubt we will see a paragon system rework by the equivelent of the reaper of souls. D4 Devs seem commited to number manipulation instead of game mechanics if you watch the latest dev stream.

So we just have to wait 3 years?
And how do you know current Blizzard management won’t implode?

Clearly D4 has the potential, but after some careful consideration, I can see some issues with the design philosophies being pushed by whoever is in charge of the Diablo team.
Despite all of that, if we get great boss fights and normalized arena PvP, then it’s all good, but man oh man, some of the hardwired choices we’ve seen coming through D4 kind of screams mediocrity

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Not this again. It’s the same company - why do think it’s ok to forget previous installments and start from scratch without learning any lessons? D4 should be compared to D3 as it is now, not on release.


This x1000, hit lvl 63, got to t4 with blood necro. Played 5 more hours and hit 70 and got gear to il 800+, just run around doing helltides and NM now and bored at lvl 72. :joy:

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Hoping D4 will get better is absolutely pathetic you know. Blizzard had 10 years to learn from their D3 mistakes and they completely ignored any lessons learned and they successfully repeated all the failures of D3 vanilla. D4 is the worst ARPG ever created. This franchise is 100% dead. But who cares, just move on.


Lucky you, I’m necro 73 and still wearing a lot of sacred because ancestrals that drop are utter garbage (shrine duration and all that jazz), with maybe only one close to 800.

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I remember that. I also remember killing diablo on inferno difficulty and then printing out screenshot of the achievement, lol. I still have it in my game box. Good times.

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Maybe so, ive ran the howl gloves since around 62 because i kept getting them. I think about an hour into wt4, i got il 810 howl gloves with pretty much max rolls. :joy:
Hate using the dang things though and wish i could find some over power ancestral ones.

It is, vastly superior. Unfortunately I’ve played the holy hell out of it for far too long. I just can’t play it anymore.

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I agree entirely. It’s madness. There had to be a reason though. Hmmmm. Just maybe it had a little something to do with stock manipulation to pump out a copy of Diablo Immortal and call it Diablo 4 b/c Microsoft will acquire Activision Blizzard for $95.00 per share, in an all-cash transaction valued at $68.7 billion. I’m sure every executive and Diablo developer are just waiting for the deal to finalize before cashing out and retiring.

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The biggest thing is that the game has no chase gear. It seriously needs set items added back into the loot pool as well as better uniques and the unique drop rate improving on the higher rarities.

Also wouldn’t hurt to add some possible chase aspects as well that are harder to get but have better aspects and maybe even add stats or % boosts on top of the base aspect itself.

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I mean… the first time I saw d4 classes I said “Wow, how lazy is this?!”, and now seeing the content, item customization, features and the lack of, I said “Wow, how really really lazy!” xD

So D4 is bad, but that is ok because D3 was bad back then too? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
I don´t get that reasoning.


Ah you have also missed out on a chase! Apparently people got to chase uber rare uniques last night in helltides. Uber uniques are disabled at the moment - now you don’t really have anything to chase after!

D3 is a great game in its current state. D4 is missing so many QoL features I was expecting. No group finder is shocking. Are the folks at Blizzard anti-group finder?
Just maybe it had a little something to do with stock manipulation to pump out a copy of Diablo Immortal and call it Diablo 4 b/c Microsoft will acquire Activision Blizzard for $95.00 per share, in an all-cash transaction valued at $68.7 billion. I’m sure every executive and Diablo developer are just waiting for the deal to finalize before cashing out and retiring.

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That’s correct. Look at every expansion from WoD to DF, the proof is in the pudding.

Yea i saw after i woke up. Lol played the helltide right before the update went live, went to bed. Woke up and saw that shako was dropping like blue mob trash from helltide chests but was stopped because these devs don’t think chase items are a good thing apparently.

Usually these type of deals require higher level employees to stay on a term [3 years typically] to get that golden retirement parachute. Unless they want you gone that is.