So, went back and actually played D3 for awhile

Lol not coping, just appreciating the good things the game does currently offer. There is no reason a live-service game has to be 100% perfect on release when subsequent content releases are included for free in the base price of the game. This isn’t the olden days where you got your cartridge/CD/DVD and the game will never change.

Hypothetically if the base game was perfect upon release and nailed every aspect of the game, how exactly would you propose to add new content? Doing so would only risk ruining the already “perfect” gameplay.

If you are already bored go play something else and come back in a future patch.

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It’s pretty simple. You add content through the dungeon and open world systems.
New monster types, mechanics, boss fights, tilesets. You can add more game systems as the game evolves.
Right now, there is the absolute minimum amount of gameplay engagement required to complete the campaign and push a little bit into endgame. That’s enough to satisfy the majority of players (again, most people will spend a month just going through the campaign).

There is no way to craft your character.
There needs to be more options between level 70 and 100.
Lilith being an entire Capstone Dungeon rather than a one-off boss encounter would’ve added immense value.
Expand on the Elixirs/Crafting/Consumable system.
We don’t even have to “Level up” the jeweler/blacksmith…
They are the same at the end of the campaign as they are at level 100, what?
And I GUARANTEE you, all of those items I just noted, will be addressed over the course of 2 years. Instead of being in at launch, they took the safe route in ensuring a steady drip of content without having to constantly run ideas.

At face value, it’s a decently fun game to play through the first time. I can’t see the majority returning seasonally.

They have the content roadmap laid out up until the first two expansions. They know exactly what they are adding and when. They are a big money game developer, not some indie studio developing with a passion for their game. Diablo’s passion is overshadowed by the entity that is Activision-Blizzard. The game looks and plays like a modern ARPG, but the underlying mechanics is something you’d put together in an intro to game development course.

It’s actually worse than this… not only did they not listen to what the players wanted they seem to have gone out of their way to give us everything we didn’t want.

13 stash tabs in D3 and players scream for more. D3 developers – sorry, we can’t do that, the servers can’t handle more without crashing. D4 developers – clearly we need way less stash space… oh, and we’ll make everything take more space and not stack beyond 20 items per slot.

Monsters that take multiple seconds to die and explode in fireballs are universally hated in D3. D4 developers – I know, let’s make monsters slowly swell and die then launch poison, shadow, frost, stun, AND fire bombs!

Players in D3 complain about useless affixes and stale legendary items. D4 developers – let’s make 10 times as many affixes that are all impossible to understand and make special legendaries that are worse that anything else except for a couple of good ones that are so rare players will be lucky to find one in 10 years.

Players complain about maps that are long, boring slogs with backtracking like the shrouded moors. D4 developers – Let’s add pointless fetch quests to distract from even more backtracking!

I’m trying to think of a single thing in D4 that’s actually better than even vanilla D3. I guess it’s got a “grittier” feel or something.


Let me guess, you did rifts. Repeatedly. If that’s what floats your boat, that’s great. But I don’t see how it makes it better (or worse) than D4.

Aspects = Kanai’s Cube (only more robust)
Tree of Whispers = Bounties
Nightmare Dungeons = Rifts
Hell Tides = ???

I don’t know about you, but I think D4 has more to offer.

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D4 got issues, sure, but nah, it is still far from being down there with D3.

After seeing that season announcement video however, D4 probably will crash down there soon enough.

Gameplay aside, here’s 2 objective ways that D3 is better than D4:

  1. Interface. The “character doll” gear slots, the ease of seeing resistances/crafting mats, the artwork and design and icons for the stash tabs… they all look and feel SIGNIFICANTLY better than D4. D4’s interface looks like MS DOS vs. Windows 11. Barebones and boring. It looks like a wire mesh CGI model before the skin and textures are applied.

  2. Character models. D3 characters look 3x cooler than their equivalent classes in D4, lower resolution aside. Too many D4 faces are just boring and expressionless with vacant stares. Don’t get me started on the super square-jawed female sorcs…


No… Aspects are not “more robust” than Kanai’s. The ones you can guarantee place on items are often junk compared to the ones you can find. And, because of the way item leveling works, you have to keep finding perfect/near perfect ones to upgrade your items over and over. Add in some aspects almost never seem to drop (like the whirlwind aspect that pulls in mobs). Compare that to the cube that always gave you the full power of the effect. Hands down a better setup than the Occultist.


No… no I won’t. The thought of playing D3 made me sick. People are trying to forget that terrible game. If I want to feel good all over I’ll log into D2R.

Ding ding ding.
Haven’t logged in for two weeks because there’s no exciting loot to chase (with achievable, non-lottery odds).
Hopefully D4 turns around in a few years, because I do want to love it. :slight_smile:


I think its a basic project management thing, the priority in project management may have been to make the game stable for the launch date. Better to fix a stable game later than have a fun broken game with promising features now. From a project management POV, releasing a game as complex under the hood as this is with no delays is a big accomplishment. The last thing we need is another console Wolcen.

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S25/26 and just enough to complete the altar of the current season. Yea I know 75 isn’t optimal. What I was getting at is the power creep of the game has invalidated and trivialized pretty much anything below gr115 or so.

I’d love to see everything they added but back down to a power level of where the Uber bosses were at least relevant difficulty-wise and the journey took more than a weekend.

I also went back and played D1 - D2R - D3 - Immortal - and I’m lvl 100 on HC D4. I certainly did not end up at the conclusion that D3 was better lol.

My summarized analysis is:
D1 is super gritty, simple, straight forward, dark ARPG, and pretty fun for as old as it is.
D2R is just flat out amazing. The best Diablo to date.
D3 and Immortal are actually VERY similar and should be considered their own separate spinoff games within the overall Diablo universe but certainly not canon.
D4 is pretty decent but obviously needs some work.

So I put D1-2-4 in the main bucket, and then D3 and Immortal in their own side bucket as like “sort of” diablo games. As of writing this I have since uninstalled D3 and Immortal but D2R and D4 are still installed. So that’s my 2.

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What if I told you that you were allowed to like both games? I do.they’re different games we don’t need to compare apples and oranges just enjoy the tender sweet moist fruit

I am really feel sick someone saying sth when D2 release when D3 release how bad is it. Do you expect RTX4090 is better than RTX5090 when release? all bad things happened before need happen again? that’s not make sense

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I agree for the most part with everything you said. This game will improve like the others have. But, I’m wondering why it was released with so many features missing. A couple examples: stash search, loot filtering, proper chat & socials. There’s just a lot of decisions that add up right now to a weird experience. It certainly can be fixed, but the direction it wants to go is very vague.

D3 is fun, challenging (when pushing GRs) and enjoyable… D4 is just annoying af, the absolutely horrible NM affixes, coupled with MoBs that have worse affixes and can actually stun lock you… that’s not “hard” or “fun”… it’s just plan annoying. I could go on and on… but there’s no point. Anyway, I agree with you.


I’m guessing seasonal content

d3 release was insanely bad!

The OP is a troll. probably was 9 years in 2012.

Op, leave the game to the real VETS.


If I had to guess the Covid pandemic and work from home likely took a toll on development for a while. At that point it makes sense to have the game engine running well and to focus on building the world with a polished artwork style.

You can tell a lot of focus went into building the open world environments. Different ecosystems (snow, swamp, deserts, etc.) and a really solid roster of dungeons (100+?). They have a ton of headspace to now work on expanding content and gear/character progression systems.

All the QoL fixes will come in due time.

For the bloody last time stop with this stupid strawman of an argument. D4 doesn’t exist in a vacuum and is expected to have adopted the current arpg standards at release, not those of 20 years ago. Game as a service was a possible excuse until the last developer stream where they behaved like they had Alzheimer’s and didn’t address any of the major complains. The devs you simp for have yet to even acknowledge stash, itemization, class balance, resource management, skills, enemy variety, use for gems, lack of endgame as problems, no need to hope for them to commit to find solutions and god forbid offer a time table. There is no excuse for their attitude given the lack of quality for their overpriced product. They believe themselves to be rockstars but are actually clowns about to be drowned in rotten fruits, veggies and eggs. The only people who honestly enjoy this exercise in masochism and frustration are their competition who probably just cant stop laughing. Oh and their executives and shareholders - those are laughing all the way to the bank as well.