So no campfire chat in near future?

I would rather they spend that time working rather than getting paid to sit and make a video.

Glad to hear. I am looking forward to the next campfire then. Please, take all the time you need. I think the community would love to hear ā€œBlizzard Soonā€ again.

Wow we actually have a mod now. Please read through the forums. Most of us are not happy, this game needs a miracle


Community managerā€¦ Not a moderator. This is like the Metatron in dogma. The one voice of Blizzard. Curious though. Where is Adam?

Plottwist: You are actually talking to him :sweat_smile:

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Some more dev playing type videos would be cool too. I liked hearing their perspectives on design and their experience creating some of this stuff. Was fun to watch!

Nah. The post quota already too high.

Even better then. Tell the devs to add WAY more uniques, runes, runewords and set items. Maybe even a charms tab. Open up trading to ALL items. If i wanted BoP items Iā€™d play WoW.

Game is so incredibly boring. Whoā€™s idea was it to make the game end at 100??

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This word and the concept that having the ONLY valid items Uber Uniques be gated behind an RNG wall of 1,000,000,000 to 1 in a game that is designed to last 3 monthsā€¦ā€¦ Explain this since itā€™s not your first rodeo.

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Heā€™s around, and will continue to be. Just have two of us here instead of one now


Itā€™s obvious a bit of restructuring is happening. Give them some time.

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I paid $100 for the ultimate edition and even got some neat cosmetics because I wanted to support the gameā€¦. I made it to 100 and hit a hard wall called Uber Lilith on my WW Barbā€¦, that got nerfed into the ground. Since WW Barbs need better gear to progress into end game and they nerfed me the only way to progress was gearā€¦ Gear that is broken and gated.

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With all due respect theyā€™ve had enough time. Iā€™m still upset that I paid extra money for early release, then on ps5 I got license error for two hours, until the ā€˜fixā€™ was to buy the horse cosmetic for $7.99 would actually let you log in.

Most of you PC users donā€™t even know about that little predatory gem. Iā€™ve spent so much money on blizzard games and subs and have had nothing but praise for them in the past.

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Glad to have you. Looking forward to what is next. Did you have a little welcome biography somewhere? So we can know a bit about our manager?

Okay this is actually funny in a dark sort of way. I donā€™t think it is intentional but I can see how one might rib Blizzard for it by pretending it was.

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Havenā€™t posted one yet, but I can throw one together soon


I thought I was getting trolled but it actually let me log in after spending two hours trying after a 9 hour work shift. Honestly sickening.

Funny thing is I would have been happy to buy it if the game was actually good.

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Hi Lyricana! Will you/do you have a Twitter account where youā€™ll be posting updates like Adam does, or will you be hanging out on the forums mostly?

Thanks :smiley:

Iā€™ll be around the forums, Reddit, and I chat in the Sanctuary Discord now and then


I have been with Blizzard 25 + years and Activision since pitfall and river raid. I am probably the most critical. 100$ was nothing to me at this point of my life. Keeping this IP as a quality video game is more my goal. Frustration is boiling over but itemization and fun will not happen over night. I like medieval aarpgs and the picking is slim. This game is no where near my expectations.

I read your link and that is horrible of true. They should make the mount free to fix everyone now and refund it if people used it.