So fed up with the dungeons

feel you, hope they add rifts and grifts for more things to do in the endgame.

This. I just like to zone out and grind mindlessly.

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Pretty sure they will eventually add “rifts” back in in some form or another. Remember, they didn’t come to D3 for several years after launch…

But even rifts got extremely repetitive, though they did satisfy the bullhell ADHD itch. As long as D4’s version doesn’t just turn into another “stack maximum mobility and gogogogo,” it could be more interesting. Some hybrid between rifting and greater rifting, where you do need to build around actually being able to do real damage and not die, rather than making builds that one-shot everything while moving at 30000 miles per hour.

I’ll never forget when I finally made a fist of the heavens crusader speed farming build and how ridiculously fast it was at farming T16. So much lightning that it would get you kicked from groups because of it lagging people’s low end PCs lol… But it got exhausting spamming them so fast, no joke, usually <90 second clears every single time. Felt like you spent more time waiting for the rifts to close than actually clearing them.

Some kind of “five minute random rift-like” system would definitely be a good addition to the game at some point.

I can see the dungeons and indeed most of the endgame content getting pretty old eventually. I’m one of the few people who hasn’t played 600 hours yet, so I’ve yet to burn myself out thankfully. They failed to hit the loot itch that D2 scratches nicely. You just simply get nothing good, almost ever, and it’s terrible. The NM dungeons are quite repetitive as well, as others have mentioned, nothing beats a randomly generated dungeon with random enemies and simple objectives. I absolutely do not see myself playing until lvl 100 unless changes are made.

Yeah, man!
I worked all-day
I kept the Kids alive
I made dinner
I already did the damn dishes and I don’t want to do it in game too.
All this running back and forth through empty dungeons to return bloodstones and stone disks can kick rocks I want to slay demons not do more chores.


I know. It’s insane! Them creating a game and putting expectations on a player.

I get it. You want to walk in a straight line holding down right click and killing millions of demons automatically.

I’m not saying they can’t spruce up the dungeons with a little more variety; but removing the variety adders isn’t the answer.

I’d rather not have affixes at all. It reminds me of M+ from WoW which became a toxic sh#t show!


Head straight to the boss? But thy locked doors stand in the way of returning the mechanisms or finding a key or killing all the enemies… So no you can’t go straight for the boss. Plot twist some dungeons don’t even have end bosses.

love the objectives as a solo player, especially when it’s place multiple objects on pedestal. Nothing is as fun as having to backtrack multiple times through empty corridors.
And the monster density is just perfect, start each dungeon running through 4-5 empty rooms only to meet a lonely skeleton! just great. the last thing I want in action rpg is action.


They very easy could have/should have kept the rift system and built on top of it with randomized objectives to switch it up a little bit.

Let me offer you another perspective…

You get good stuff all of the time; you just don’t know what good is. I get so much good stuff; It can take me an hour to evaluate which item is actually better. Understanding which affixes have value in this game is a whole lot different than DIII’s “Main Stat/CC/CD/CDR.”

I’m level 87; and I’m finding more good stuff now; with multiple upgrades per day than any other time in the leveling curve. This is because my clear speed is the fastest it’s ever been.

In other words; good stuff is dropping all the time. I’ve got 36% Critical Strike Chance. 280% Vulnerable Damage. 300 Critical Hit Damage; 26% Cool Down Reduction…

And good stuff that’s better than what I got is literally dropping everytime I play. It’s not RNG, it’s understanding what’s good and what’s not. It’s making use of the occultist, and it’s looking at your Rares; because these are the items that are BiS. If you’re not looking at the yellow items; you’re playing the game wrong.

Yellow ring drops; has CC/VD/CD/Junk stat.

You take that junk stat, you re-roll it at the occultist. You upgrade it 5 times at the jewelry; you add your socket; you take it back to the occultist and you throw your GG aspect in it.

Congratulations! You’ve got a BiS item – it did drop for you, but you didn’t do any of those things, and you looked at it and said “Trash” and sold it to the vendor.

Until they incorporate ChatGPT into dungeon design all endgame content will be repetitive. At least this one gives you 3 options.

  1. NM dungeons
  2. HellTides
  3. World bosses/Grim favors.

I feel this one. I don’t want to do them anymore. I miss the randomization of the other Diablo dungeons. As in I might catch the boss in 5 minutes or 15, I might find the entrance to the next level now or on the other side of creation. There was always an element of randomness.

Now each time I enter a dungeon I know there will be multiple events I have to complete before I can have the privilege of maybe fighting the boss lol. There’s a difference in letting me choose to kill everything on a run and telling me I must kill everything to progress.

As it stands now, I did the dungeons for my aspects and that’s it. Currently, I just do public events and the tree stuff after campaign, that’s it.

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It’s not the repetition we don’t like - it’s that the dungeons aren’t fun to play. D3 rifts and POE maps are more fun cause you just get to go in, kill as much stuff as you can, and try to find the door to the next level or find the boss eventually.

Picking up rocks and backtracking on our slow characters to open a door isn’t fun by comparison. It’s adding a chore that grinds the fun part of the game to a halt.

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To me, the dungeons feel too long. Not because they are, but because they are boring.
The procedural map generation sucks, and the map tiles are bland, if detailed.
There are no secret passages or breakable walls, like Grim Dawn is full of…That alone is a letdown.

But I think the core of it is the procedural generation. “Bespoke” maps are always better. Maybe they can make their procedural generation better with better ‘AI’ algorithms or something, I have no idea…But the fact is, games with designed levels/maps/dungeons are better. All you need to do is play Grim Dawn and Elden Ring to know this about ARPGs. It’s also why the overworld in D4 feels so much better than its underworld.

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I dont mind a couple of dungeons with side mechanics to unlock doors, but every single one of them its getting tedious… I wish there were more dungeons where its go from point A to point B kill whatever you want or dont… get to boss kill boss… done!..

Also think stuff like free the bloody prisioners should be an optional thing to do for extra xp, having to back track dungeons to free one guy you forget from time to time is no fun…


And also all the mechanics are basically designed so you need to explore around 80 - 90% of the entire dungeon. The prisoners are scattered, the door opening keys will be spread at all 3 furthest ends of the dungeon, the kill all enemies… well you’ll need to go everywhere to kill them. Collect all animus really means just “kill all elites” since there’s only enough animus if you kill every elite.

I miss getting lucky and finding the door early to shave off some time. You can’t do that here.

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It can be a unique too. You can even get a gem, or something for your horse !

if they gave us an alternative to level up glyph, it will be a great to reduce burn out from dungeon.