So fed up with the dungeons

Dont play the game if you dont like it the way it is

“I don’t hate it. I just don’t like it at all and it’s terrible.”

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D4 dungeons are a blatant downgrade of D3 rifts, as with so much else. It’s borderline ridiculous how many steps back were taken. Save for the graphics, D4 already feels like it’s a game released 20y ago because of its outdated mechanics.

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I am ok with these types of dungeons. However, I feel like there should be more total variety in dungeon types.

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Never heard of the concept of “feedback” ?

I enjoy the variety.
I hated when I would join rifts in D3 and some dude is just mowing through faster than you can pick up loot… then they close the rift and you have to scramble to make sure you didn’t miss anything. At least with objectives, we can do something different than following a loot piniata all over the map.

Objectives are trash, remove them from dungeons pls

Im only level level 59 and I’m over it. I tried again last night to do a few dungeouns and to level up. I did 3 and didnt even gain half of a level. I just cant…

We really need a dungeon group finder. That would help a lot. At least I wouldnt be slogging through this alone.

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Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 were the same way.

only lvl 55 and already BORED of nm dungeons, and we are ‘forced’ to do them if we wanne level up glyphs. Doing these silly objectives is just stupid, i wanne kill stuff and not run around the same dungeon over and over again with few mobs in it trying to find the objective.
Also i dont have any friends that play D4, playing solo is BORING.
D3 was much beter, join game => get 3 random guys to blast trough a random map layout with random mobs, just kill stuff till the boss spawns.

In current state i wont be playing seasons, its just to boring to start over again

We need somthing beter then NM dungeon as endgame
How about we go in the gates of hell again and we have to fight trough diffrent levels that become harder and harder, just kill tons of mobs till a gate opens and we can kill a boss, at some point the roads splits in 4, each path going to the realm of a lesser evil, each realm having 10 levels themed around that lesser evil, killing 1 will make the others stronger so it keeps scalling up, defeating all 4 will open a path to the realms of the 3 greater evils, killing the 3 greater evils opening a path to a final boss


k bye. can i have your gold?

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Having played D2 and D3, I must say the obsession the devs have with locked doors is very unhealthy. It would be nice that as an event there simply was no locked door sometimes. I miss exploring a massive sprawling map to find the door to the next level.

This is an anti-bot CAPTCHA feature if anything. It’s really not necessary to this degree and the backtracking in these repetitive scenes is insane. Seeing Khava’s Abomination over and over and over again. This guy works more jobs than a struggling college student on a scholarship.

I dont mind the Animus type ones …just make it so there are lots more available so you don’t have to search every nook and cranny. I liked the kill ones that when you got the number low, event happens and it passes the threshold, bug or not.

I’d rather replay quests and/or the story than doing dungeon after dungeon after dungeon after dungeon after…

So, as far as i know now, the people want to log in, go to a room and kill the stuff. In the best case that one room looks different everytime and offers a vast amount of different enemy archetypes, but only enemies that can drop rare items.

Everything else should be a waste of developing time.

Easy fix: dont like it, dont play. Byebye.

All the dungeons are starting to feel the same. Everything explodes. Why does everything need to explode on death? Who thought damage resist was a fun idea? Do they even play their own game?!

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So you come here to complain about it to people that don’t care what you think lol

Then go play some thing else an stop trying to turn the game into another boring Diablo 3. Just because you to lazy to play the game.