So fed up with the dungeons

You don’t think the 5 cut-and-pasted sections of long, narrow hallways and wide-open, empty rooms are good???

I’m furious I breathe the same air as people that think D4’s “”“procedurally generated”“” dungeons are better than D2’s complex and sophisticated procedural map generation. It’s VERY EFFING SAD that a 2000 title with a shoestring budget and a handful of people still absolutely MOGS a modern dev team with a nigh infinite budget and hundreds of employees.


Diff builds would go to diff maps and also levels took into account, it helped the dungeons weren’t all the same either and had diff layouts/ideas.

Objectives don’t make up for that. In fact they make it worse.

Why are you even doing them they are not the best way to gear not even remotely. Devs dropped the ball with end game design. also yeah screw back tracking they are so poorly designed it’s almost intentionally annoying.

We get it, you just want rifts, go back to D3.

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Nah it’s valid criticism nobody likes back tracking constantly and poor mob density is boring. They are not rewarding enough compared to doing other things in the game. I’ve seen loads of people complaining about it.

I dont mind the objectives in dungoens i think they are fun even…what i dont get is…why does jt take longer than just click to free them? Why does every click need to be 2 seconds?
I never understood the logic behind freein the hostage in an arpg that takes longer then just click.
Its almost like but we put so much efford into this.
Thy shall stand and watch our efford

If the time sink that is dungeons was balanced compared to doing cellars and instances or other things it might be ok. It’s not it’s a worse way to farm for items and it’s an more unenjoyable way. The dev team has talked about it and they want to make them more appealing.

Oh my god I can actually picture dungeons I played last time. Hahahahaha :laughing:


Don’t forget the boss drops a yellow 99.9% of the time even on T4 and the one item you get is a forced legendary drop at the end.

There is more context here you are leaving out.

What dungeon are you referring too?
Why are you only running dungeons?

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Don’t worry:
Nightmare Dungeons are getting an XP buff and Direct Portal added.
The future is looking grim… 95% NMD - 5% overworld. al la D3 GR style.
I’m hoping they have more planned than cellar dweller gogo NMD slam-fest as ‘end game’ and activities that are RELATIVELY worthwile in the Overworld.
yes, ofc not equal 50/50xp. Harder content should yield more xp.
But 60/40 vs 85/15 xp ratios much like Solo vs Group xp disparity, would be quite refreshing for activities outside of NMD.

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Everthing takes a 2-second bar and poison can interupt that. So good deisgn.

plus it was randomized - random set of enemies, random environments, random boss. Here, it’s just so painfully repetitive from run to run because they’re exactly the same always.

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2X Quit Posting 4X Quit the game.

I like it and you and your 50likes can’t do anything about it. Btw i would love to see quest for findind cat turds or midgets… /i off

here i corrected it for u:
“This is nothing more(more what?) than the players trying to FORCE everyone(other players) to play the way they want.”

I don’t want to free the midgets…

I havent found that one yet, but it was only a matter of time before a poop quest showed up.

Its a role playing game… you are not opening a door where you grab a handle, you are untiing an hostage… taking it 1sec is not an issue…btw it is affected by attack speed or cooldown reduction

I play diablo games for several reasons:

1.) i enjoy going straightforward killing endless amounts of enemies
2.) i enjoy a loot shower at the end of my task
3.) i love the fact that i can get in a flow of not thinking and just do my thing (killing monsters)

Diablo4 fails at that - totally.

I need to run left to find out that right has the item i need for left when back with item at left i need to go up and right to find item 2 for the left i was before (all those places are not containing any more monster as i already run through them the third time and killed all monsters at first walk by) — yes i am sure you need to be a very special person as a game designer to think this is fun.


Not to mention the bosses are the weakest monster in the dungeon

And Monsters damage doesnt usually do much but because resistances are bricked any elemental damage or affix destroys you, when the mobs hit for like 40 damage…