So fed up with the dungeons

The dungeons are silly and repetitive… find 5 cat turds and put them in litter box, free 6 midgets, kill all the monsters in your bathroom, finally kill the boss. Just give us a dungeon with a boss and elite packs, stop with all the silly repetitive extra stuff. This is nothing more than the devs trying to FORCE everyone to play the way they want.


Isnt removing those and saying just kill stuff FORCING everyone to play the way you want?


I much preferred the rift system, fill up the bar, kill boss, and move on to the next one. They were fun the first time around though! So I will give them credit for that.


I’ll have whatever you’re smoking


Not at all. You play the dungeon however you want. Explore every inch, kill every monster or head straight to the boss.


Hes smoking diablo 4, and he aint wrong


Ummmmm . That not an option though, ya can head straight to the boss


True they were fun for the first minute, then after a few more is was mind numbing lol

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I’m 20 Blind Burrows away from reaching level 100, its so fun.


I think some of the fetch dungeons are fine… but I really do wish we had more high-density, just kill everything dungeons… Champions Demise/Eridu farming, even repetitively, was some of the most fun I had in D4… because it was just doing what the game is best at… killing stuff.

Even with all the failings, the game still feels good when you hop into a big pack and have to spam everything to stay alive as you mow down waves of enemies… But there’s just too much “other” between those moments right now…


Just so much simpler also. Go to pillar, click it, go into rift and then rip and tear through a randomly generated dungeon filled with random types of enemies, always creating a different challenge.

Unlike now, where every dungeon is always the same and you even have to waste time riding there


I hate the affix system introducing artificial difficulty into keys.

If i could redesign them, i would say change it so when you get a key it has no affixes, its just harder monsters and enemies.
You can then add affixes to it for a cost. You can choose to add a random positive affix, but also you will get a random negative affix. The other option is, you can choose a specific postive affix, but you will get 2 random negative affixes.

You can add up to 4 positive affixes on a key, meaning you can pick 4 positive affixes on a key, but you will also get 8 negative affixes as well.
Or you can pick 4 random positives, and get 4 random negatives.


Diablo smoke, don’t breathe this!


It’s the backtracking that makes it annoying. If you go to the boss/checkpoint too soon, you need to run backwards to complete the objectives.

When you need anima and someone missed a blob, the map doesn’t show it till you’re close. This shouldn’t happen normally, but it did for me once and was super annoying; Blizzard loves these random restrictions and it gets on my nerves.

Killing all monsters has an easy solution that I saw someone else suggest: when you get to the door, have ‘button’ that makes them all come attack you.

My personal change would be to have monsters conditioned to run at you the entire time, so that near the end they will naturally filter into you. So rather than “kill all enemies” it’d be “traverse here while enduring the onslaught.”

Sounds too cool to actually do, though.


Personally i think it would be cool if they added some sort of new dungeon feature without the objectives and things like that. They will probably add something later on, but more different activities would be nice in general. More choice makes for a less boring endgame i think.

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Going to the pits, vs the chaos sanctuary vs worldstonekeep vs ancient tunnels etc

All felt different.

I can’t even remember what kind I did last they are all similar over a few diff tilesets and layout concepts.

It was fun AND it didn’t have objective nonsense, outside chaos sanctuary, but lets be real you knew where those were and you could do it in no time flat with teleport.


Isnt it kinda weird that you are saying the dungeons are repetitive and then mention you want all the different objectives of the dungeons to be removed for just a simple dungeon with elites and a boss?


Why is though that I can farm the D2 pits for hours but after a few NM runs I’m exhausted.


You know…you can do other things, right?

You don’t need to play d4 every waking hour.

Who knows? Apparently you flourish in repetitive tasks and the diversity of the objectives in D4 are too much hassle.