This is correct. 20 characters.

you are correct, dropped items are unid, and are auto id’d upon picking up

that guy wants it so he can use a loot filter to say “only show items with XXX stats on the ground and hide everything else” to guarantee when an item is picked up it has the stats he wants and doesn’t have to actually look at any items ever

Uber-strict loot filter. Pick up what makes it through. A lot of the rares are still garbage, but it’s important to understand why the loot filter highlighted it in order to refine your understanding of the PoE economy. Often times it highlights because one of the mods on the item was special, such as temple modifiers, elder/shaper influence, synthesized, etc. Eventually you start to recognize even this garbage and skip over it, but you also find the occasional gem that you’d have missed otherwise. I’ve sold some random rares for 1 div or more, and listed about 20 more for every one that actually sold. lol. Just toss it in the 1 div sell tab and continue mapping. If someone insta-messages, PC it before responding, otherwise drop the price every couple days and rotate tabs

Have one rogue at level 92 and one wiz at level 72 and I don’t think I will continue playing. I will give season 1 a try.

D4 is Not very interesting.
Itemization/loot grind not there like D2 -Right now D3 has better itemization then D4
Public games -being able to hop on with other players not there like D3 and D2
Set items and followers not there like D2 and D3

Really had high hope for D4, but right now it’s just not interesting at all.


I need an upgrade to my gloves so whenever some rare Ancestral Gloves drop on WT4 i feel super excited to see if its an upgrade! Its just me?

-The biggest issue with the whole system is the lack of quick respec for paragon points and the costs associated with doing that. I have a pulverize build that I enjoy playing but I am getting zero gear drops for that spec. I get several hundred items each day and literally every piece is for storm/werewolf and not earth/werebear. The aspects I need to upgrade from low level gear are also non-existent since I hit level 40. At 73 this druid is hampered not so much by the playability but by the inability to use anything that has been dropping which would increase it’s damage output for the higher level mobs.
I don’t want to have the level a second druid just to play another style or build for game progression. I have one of each class and this is the only one that is hampered by a laack of gear in progression.

Too bad my purchase of the game isn’t eligible for a refund anymore. This game is a hot steaming pile of garbage…

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Have you seen the loot at Nightmare dungeon 100?

Oh wait…lmeow it drops the exact same things as a random fallen in T4 XDDDDDDD

Others are doing it wrong, totally justifying this game to do it wrong. Good logic.

last epoch has that exact filter, its amazing

This is why I love poe. Even if you can’t get the rarest gear instantly, that’s is fine. You can at least sell some drops and work your way towards what you need. Hell, I can even remember the names of items that sell. Auls uprising, maze map, aegis Aurora. Poe has unique items that are exciting to find and satisfying to sell to others. Diablo 4 is completely missing that dopamine hit.


What happens is an ancestral glove drops and you’re excited but then disappointed because it’s not an upgrade. Then another drops that’s not an upgrade. And another and another. At a point… for me around 50… you realise the ancestral glove drop will not be an upgrade. You check and yes not an upgrade. At this point every ancestral glove is not an upgrade, and when an upgrade finally drops there is no excitement, just a mechanical process of socked/gem/upgrade and equip. Being beaten down with no upgrades for an extended period of time sucks the fun out of the game.


Most exciting drop I’ve found between my 85ish sorc and 65ish druid is the spectral horsie. Literally can’t think of a piece of gear, even the pretty decently rolled ones, that was remotely as exciting.

i do not understand the concept they had of uniques that are absolute trash. like why even bother with them at that point?

All uniques should be good (maybe not BIS) but good. i would rather have uniques that drop less often and open up new builds than the bad uniques we have now.

Well that doesnt happen to me, i surely get tons of “not-upgrades” that i salvage or sell for gold at the vendor but when i get a Rare Ancestral item with some rolls that i want oh baby im really happy, i just cant stop thinking about the money sink that will be rolling the stat that i want to make it perfect Ancestral before imprinting the Aspect.

Yep you’re early in the grind. I’m going to assume early WT4 so around the mid 60s?

Some uniques are BIS what are you talking about? Druid have almost all uniques BIS, tempest roar, staff, Vasily, Unique Chest makes you perma Werebear is BIS

yes i realize there are some BIS uniques that are usually ultra rare. but there are many out there that are vendor trash.

that is what i am talking about

Level 70 doing Helltides and NMD, surely when i get good gear the probability of getting an upgrade for that same gear will be less likely to happen. Its common sense.


Diablo 4 will drop BG3 on August, 3 can’t see better drop than this!