Yes, loot sucks, nothing exciting ever drops. This is also why skimpy endgame feels even worse than it is - because nothing cool drops, there’s nothing to ever look forward or anticipate.

  1. Uniques suck - not only 95% of them are unusable D-tier, but they don’t even have unique looks… Seriously blizzard? Unique item is not having unique art set… at multi-billion development studio as if this was some budget indie game.

  2. There’s absolutely no loot variety - it’s just basically mundane rare gear drops and aspect drops - which just can’t make anything exciting. Like for real - have you been excited for legendary drop in this game? lol

I’m sorry Blizzard, but exciting loot is driving factor behind these game. You have a gem in your library - Diablo 2, if you lacked competence to make new system from scratch - you should have simply reiterate on D2 itemization with small adaptations for more modern take - but it has cool uniques, sets, runes and rune words, charms - hell even magic items were usable. Now ofc some minor adjustment would be needed such as charms pouch - as no one would want to be wasting inventory on charms in 2023 and being able to only pick up 1 item - but Last Epoch is using basically exactly this in form of dedicated slots for idols which you have to tetris in, as they come in various sizes. Everything can be solved and adapted for modern feel.

We need to cement the fact, that nothing exciting ever drops in this game and it should be TOP PRIORITY to address.

Add runes and runewords, charms, make uniques unique and not suck - we need more than just gear drops, add farmable endgame bosses with specific loot tables - where for example boos can drop 4 uniques - scaling from common to very rare based on how powerful they are - so that when you farm up that rarest one it’s an exciting drop (like 1/100 chance or something - rare but realistic unlike your garbage uber uniques that don’t exist to 99.9999999% of players).

Current loot is utter embarrassment with near unlimited resources you have - hundreds of employees, massive funds and ability to hire any talent you please. And in the meanwhile you say it’s gonna take 4 months to fix resists?? PATHETIC


You are 100% correct. Loot isnt exciting. You do a NM dungeon and you already know that nothing cool can drop, cause it doesnt exist.

D4 just needs more stuff that can drop. Rare items is only “exciting” for so long. The game needs more than equippable items that can drop. They missed an opportunity with glyphs too. Instead of giving them out as freebies they could have made many more and made them drop with different rarities (similar to runes) and make them tradeable.

I compare to PoE a lot, but again. Rare items on the ground in PoE is not really that exciting (similar to D4). But it is everything else that can drop that is cool. Div cards, currency (chaos orbs, divine orbs etc etc) Jewels, splinters for different endgame activities, boss fragments to fight bosses with UNIQUE loot tables. and so on.


Good post. They are too busy counting $$ to read it though and nothing will be done about it.


Nah, the problem is not that the loot is not good but that there’s an unnecessary 50 level grind between the start of the end-game and finish of the levelling process where you get to see the same loot again and again and for 30 of those levels you might or might not find the best version of that loot.


We can describe loot system in D4 :

Going through the trash in hope someone by mistake lost engagement ring.


That’s the loot in every aRPG.


thats what happens when devs wanting to try and do the PoE success in a diablo game…


Yes thank you, ive been saying this the whole time.

Loot is what keeps you grinding the end game. If the loot is garbage and theres nothing to gain, there is no end game.

Thats what made D2 awesome. But dont forget the developers of D2 were gamers themselves and knew what was up. Now the developers are just employees working for the share holders.

I thoight D4 would bring back the loot style of D2… its what i was hoping for. But its just a worse version of D3 itemisation and loot.


A looting game without the interesting loot. What is the point of grinding anything when we know there is nothing worth looting.


Not even GOBLINS are exciting in this game, because you know they will drop trash items

I cant believe how they miss that hard with itemization


I had a exciting drop yday, and this morning.
Not sure where you head is, by posting such nonsense

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We need to have a post performance stats… that way you can tell if an item you picked up is really worth it or not. Otherwise the loot appears / could be marginal changes.

Those perfect gloves I had … switched them out for some unique, but with all my other gear did I even notice a difference? Like will I see a difference switching out my condemnation with a sword giving more crit damage - losing x% close damage with y% crit damage all the while weapon mastery giving me z% in overall dmg.


The problem is that you get no feedback / reinforcement from the game when an item drops. You just collect a bunch of items until your bags are full and then return to town to sort through it. It’s like a casino where pulling the lever at a slot machine instead gives you a token that you have to then take to the main desk to find out if it’s worth anything. It’s that feeling of instant gratification that’s missing. An exciting drop should be something to look forward to after killing monsters.

This could be improved by a implementing a good loot filter into the game. You would see many fewer item drops, but when something does drop off a mob, it’s something to feel a bit excited about.

Also, the game should just drop pure aspects, again with the option to filter only those with the stats you want.

I agree that itemization still needs a lot of work to make it a more interesting system.


I’m more exited when i drop a blue monarch in d2.
One of these days … i’ll get that JMOD :smiley:


I am playing D3 again, started the campaign with a barb. Got wrists to drop early that completely transformed the game for an ability.

I dont have that feeling with anything in D4.


It’s kind of funny when you you do a dungeon and your bags get full: you just port to town and you just sell everything in bulk, you break it down for mats, D/E legendaries or toss them into the bank for later.

It’s very rarely that you look at stats and go: “Oooo, that’s an upgrade!” even less :“Now that is cool!”

It’s a bit funny that in a loot piñata kind of game you only mostly get doodoo instead of candy!


All it would take is a filter that lets us choose exactly which stats we are looking for on a piece of gear, combined with a unique color for the drop and sound.


Still waiting on one myself, along with Death’s Web, and Death’s Fathom.

Even the rare items in PoE have more potential to be exciting than the rares in D4, becasue they are tradable and there is a more usable crafting system. Rares in PoE have a more interesting pool of mods, including special modifiers from certain areas/mechanics, extremely rare rolls, and more. Trade makes finding one of these special mods potentially valuable/exciting, instead of guaranteed garbage if your character cant use it.

PoE is just such a better, more polished game in so many ways.


I wouldn’t mind if rare and legendary items were completely removed from the game. The loot is so damn depressing.