Show. My. Class. Only

It is a no-brainer. The default should be class specific. Some of us don’t know before creating a character what gear we will be using and have to go look through the list of available affixes to see what sounds good.

You’re point about the non-specific class items is a good one, but from what I’ve seen those are not hidden when you choose to show class specific only. That fact makes the only argument for having it the way it currently is irrelevant.

Terminsel I got so curious I had to log into a non-season and check. You are correct. It does show the non-class specific. So, yeah i get it, to those that dislike pushing the button, I feel ya. But still at the end of the day it just doesn’t bother me personally to click a button each time. Which is just my opinion, just like it’s their opinion that it bothers them.

To those that it does, sorry you’ll just have to that extra effort in.

What is your point? That because it is minor, it shouldn’t be improved upon? Your reaction looks like a catastrophized projection.

I didn’t feel that way at all about the OP. In fact, I felt, “Yeah. It is really silly how easy to understand and design defaults, things that can be made without much effort or thought, have to be spelled out to the devs.”

Do you like having to spell out the obvious to people who are making the decisions?

My point seemed pretty clear, that it doesn’t bother me clicking. How could you get that confused?

Actually even more importantly - show duplicate

Shouldn’t have to double-check the whole gear before imprinting something

Guess I’ll make a thread of list of QoL stuff, thx 4 the reminder :thinking:

Because your reaction doesn’t match the posts content. Your approach wasn’t to say “It doesn’t bother me” but to say “This seems to really bother you.” The extreme nature of it makes me feel as if you feel so strongly about what you posted, that you feel people are quitting over something minor, so you mock them instead. Your post shows no concern at all for the experiences of others, and you edited it to backstep it to sarcasm, while also trying to appear chill and silly. Nobody is buying it.

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This made me really sad. Talk about running salt in the wound… May as well just remove the entire damn window at this point, it’s not like it’s used for actual chat.

Remember those days?
The ones with human interaction?
Those days were good.

I miss them.

You’re the one getting worked up, I didn’t say it doesn’t need improved on. I didn’t make any comments in that regardless.

Simply stating, it doesn’t bother me to click it. That’s all.

Nah. I’m not worked up. I promise. I’m just sharing my thoughts with you. I’m not trying to attack you. If I’m wrong, I’m sorry, but please do be aware of how your posts come across. It takes two here, and blaming the other party of missing your supposed sarcasm isn’t cool.

Yeah, it happens tho

Dont forget employee’s are humans =o

In a company, you always have new people too , some things, that you dont think on the fly

Mistakes and things that u did’nt really think about first hand

Countless moments of my life where i was like OHHH, way better to set it like that

This could probably be relatively easily fixed, if they feel like it

And the good news, Its getting a lot of visibility :slight_smile:

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It’s not about it being that bad. The tell tale signs are that there is no consistencies anywhere in the game, even when isolated to specific areas (like just looking at the UI, including menus, etc). I’m not making an excuse for Blizzard, how does outsourcing make it not Blizzard’s fault entirely? Outsourcing is a cheap means to do something; it’s cutting corners that they shouldn’t have done.

Regardless… I’m not making the statement solely on the fact that the “UI sucks”. As I already said, there are telltale signs that show that they in fact outsourced. And they outsourced a lot.

Another sign of outsourcing is how long it takes them to do anything whatsoever in terms of actually changing things outside of just numbers. Buffs, nerfs are easy to do because they don’t require recoding anything, it’s just changing variables. But take for example the issue they just said about the storage space. How everyone’s inventory + stash space is loaded up when you see them, therefore adding space would be an issue atm and make the game run more poorly. Why would it be coded that way? And if it was, and they have the person actually in-house that did it, then it would be a relatively easy fix to rewrite. But it isn’t, and the actual solution is going to take a lot longer.

Take any change whatsoever that they’ve done. It always come with something being VERY broken afterwards; the changes to Helltide Mystery chests for example, and tons of people practically being guaranteed to have uber uniques drop for them.

On and on, I can give you pretty obvious examples. Their game is quite clearly out of their control in many aspect because they are working to fix SOMEONE ELSE’S coding work… and that is notoriously difficult to do.

So, again, this is not much speculation on my part, if you know what you’re talking about it’s pretty clear. The signs are there and in abundance. This game was heavily outsourced.

I also wish it was easier to see what zone the dungeons are located in when you are searching through the Collection UI and still working on unlocking them.

I spend a lot of time mousing over each description one by one and use the pin to map option, but it feels like it takes more time than it should to find the dungeons (if you aren’t just knocking them out randomly).

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They did not outsource the UI development. I will go by the Careers page that has posted the UI positions as Blizzard jobs. The credits on the game for the UI team. Past history for Blizzard games.

They have outsourced some of the art assets and have Blizzard staff who oversee the outsourcing. They do not outsource the main game. The closest they came was Vicarious Visions (a sub studio of Activision) working on a lot of Diablo 2 Resurrected. Then ATVI moved VV from under them to being a part of Blizzard officially.

Here are a few of the UI jobs open this second, note they are direct jobs in Irvine, CA for Blizzard, not some sub company. Search results | Find available job openings at Blizzard Entertainment

The game has been in development for many many years at Blizzard. Design ideas have come and gone. Leaders have come and gone. Direction has changed. Many people moved on and new ones were hired. You are probably not wrong that there are people working on code someone else made, but not because they outsourced it. Because in the 6 or 8? years people have changed jobs.

Fair point. It’s a bit a bad design decision. Was probably to show that there’s lot of content in the game, but it’s pretty annoying to check the box each time.

This OP couldn’t have said it better. At first all the little irritations weren’t that big of a deal. Now they are starting to become increasing aggravation’s that can’t be overlooked or brushed off.

Of course :slight_smile: I would never ever attack individuals. Games are not made by one person, they are made by teams who make decisions, agree on designs, etc.

There are many things I love about D4. Really, there are. I am a casual and enjoy it. I just find some things needlessly frustrating like the Crafting UI.

I dislike that someone said it was because it was outsourced though. No. That really was just Blizzard missing the boat. Not sure if due to suits making them release earlier than the Devs might have wanted or what. It just feels unpolished in some aspects and the UI stands out to me.

I get pretty outspoken any time someone goes after individuals - nobody deserves harassment or abuse.


When you click “my class only” it shows you everything you can use with your class, including the generic non-class specific ones.

Also why in God’s name would you want to have confirmation boxes for literally everything? That’s absolutely insane. Don’t click on Cellars or portals if you don’t want to go in them.

Yup, agreed :slight_smile:

And its those kind of little things, that can be fixed, and I’m sure the dev team is aware and looking like i said

I could already make a list of 5 points, that have already changed since release, to improve the general feeling

And this one could be easily done ( i think ) by changing the default to Class Only to get started ( and obviously have an option to see all classes / seasonal )

Its only the default load up, that would need to have the Class parameters ( i cannot imagine this being that hard to change? ) :o

Just because they have people in-house that do something doesn’t mean they don’t outsource as well, they also don’t typically credit outsourced material to anyone but themselves, regardless. I’m starting to think two things:

  1. You don’t really understand what outsourcing is, or at least how outsourcing works.
  2. I’m starting to think you’ve convinced yourself that you HAVE to be correct about things because your text is green.

I don’t believe this one bit. They were working on Diablo Immortal and this was scraped up as quickly as possible since DI’s announcement debacle. 2-3 years. 4 years, maybe. 6.-8 years? No way.

Anyways… go ahead and have your last response. I’m done with this conversation, it’s boring and you REALLY need a win right now. So… respond and take it. Idc.

The brain drain has been real. UIX is severely underrated by most games, and D3’s was pretty bad. Blizzard seem to have forgotten how to do it.

Which is weird, because one of the most revolutionary things about Vanilla WoW at the time was the UI. Blizzard revolutionized the genre just by making the game accessible via their UI design. Now we’re here, bricking items we just spend millions of gold rerolling because the aspect system is half assed.