Show. My. Class. Only

I agree 100% with OP.

It’s annoying. There is no scenario in this universe where I would ever want to see the Aspects of another class as I play whatever one I am playing. It was better before as a check box. Now it’s a stupid drop down.

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I want this feature as well. I only want to see aspects available to my class.


Just going to repeat part of my earlier post supporting the Crafter UI changes. There IS a case where I would want it to default to show all - and that is the Collections main tab in the UI. Seeing which ones I still need to collect as a whole is helpful. I can collect them on any char and it helps with tracking which dungeons I have done.

CRAFTER is where it needs to default to my class only.


I agree. It is pretty annoying. There is zero value in the other class-specific aspects to the class you’re playing at that moment.

It should just filter by default.

I feel the same whenever I’m at a loading screen and the game gives hints on a class. My necromancer could care less about tricks on being a sorcerer.

Seriously seeing my class only should be the default, it’s just one of many of the small annoyances through baffling design decisions this game is full off.
Hell even if they keep it as now, why can’t the game remember I clicked it if I exit the enchanter.
Similar with gear comparison, why do I have to click shift every time I log in to see gear in my inventory compared to the gear I equipped, why isn’t it default or at least a setting I can turn on permanently?


Nah I’ll keep calling you a troll instead, thanks.

This is a VERY good question. The default should be the thing most applicable. Nobody adding an affix to gear is looking for an affix that doesn’t apply to their character.

On a side note, I just realized yesterday that there tabs across the top for different types, so that even if you check the box to show only my class you still aren’t seeing all available unless you switch tabs. I got to level 100 on my main prior to season without realizing there were affixes available I didn’t even know about. Point being, the UI could be more intuitive.

OK, both great ideas, I don’t think anyone would argue with either statement.


They made it worse too… smh.

It used to be just checking a box every time (which still really sucked), but now you have to use that s__ty drop down menu. Terrible… outsourcing is real in this game.

Becaue[quote=“Luftballoons-1119, post:54, topic:96946, full:true”]
I don’t even know why they would code it that way.

Because they’re incompetent and out of touch. Same as the option to mark items as junk instead of marking items to keep. They don’t play their game. They have no idea what they’re doing, and when people suggest the correct way to implement QOL features, they simply do not listen.

I really don’t think this was outsourced. The UI is just sucks and that is on Blizzard. Not intuitive, has extra steps that are not needed, does not have the features/view we NEED when crafting. WORSE on console I have been told where moving and clicking the menus is more time consuming.

It was absolutely outsourced. It has all the tell tale signs of it.

Again, don’t make excuses for Blizzard. The UI was not outsourced to some overseas shop. The fact it is poorly done is all on Blizzard. As far as I know by the hiring positions, UI is in-house. You might want to think it had to be someone outside to be that bad, but I really don’t think so. I think it is in-house and STILL that badly done.


They just added this because they think we want to seperate the new seasonal aspects…so its probably gonna stay for a long fkkkkn time.

It is annouying as all hell because you have to select…then deselect the drop down. In total its three clicks I shouldn’t have to do and a general slow down in the UI.

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Eh. If you had to click the button only fewer times than clicks/taps it took to enter his post, then yes your statement is correct. But over time, clicking on that button several times an hour, multiple hours a day, multiple days a week, it’s definitely more effort to click the button. He has an issue with it. Let him vent. I kind of agree that it’s annoying, but it’s not so big a deal to me that I’d create a post about it. There are many, many more glaring issues that the devs need to address to make this game good.

Yeahhhh, to each their own, this to me is a non-issue. I’d actually prefer if the system did indeed confirm I want to enter a cellar, as someone asked. Or if I really wanted to travel right back through the portal i just came out of. i don’t mind the .007 miliseconds of effort to click that confirmation.

I’ve assumed the reason it asks is because of the non class specific aspects. It honestly always seemed like a no brainer to me.
No, let me see everything that I can apply…

or Yes, let me see only my class specific stuff.

Even if they made this change, it would just be a matter of time before someone would be in here complaining why the always have to click SHOW ALL because some of these aspects are not specific to class and doesn’t show up under the default SHOW MY CLASS setting. I’d bet a paycheck or two on it.

That said, people need to shed that paper thin skin and get a tad bit of a tougher layer on there.

Imagine teleporting to a location, waiting on a load time, then clicking to enter the location and waiting on anotger load time.

…oh wait. We have that.

Selecting the class filter option also shows the non-class specific ones you can use. It’s literally just filtering out the ones you can’t use on that character. Learn how things work before arguing trollish positions.

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just because someone doesn’t jump on your bandwagon and immediately agree with you, doesn’t make them a troll.

Just because someone doesn’t mind what you see as an inconvenience, doesn’t make them a troll.

Just because someone enjoys something you dislike, doesn’t make them a white knight.

Saying those things just makes you a biggot.

I even gave the courtesy of putting “I’ve assumed”, clearly letting the reader know I do not know for sure. the reason being, to me it’s a non issue and I’ve not dissected it down that far.