Show. My. Class. Only

Yup, agreed :slight_smile:

And its those kind of little things, that can be fixed, and I’m sure the dev team is aware and looking like i said

I could already make a list of 5 points, that have already changed since release, to improve the general feeling

And this one could be easily done ( i think ) by changing the default to Class Only to get started ( and obviously have an option to see all classes / seasonal )

Its only the default load up, that would need to have the Class parameters ( i cannot imagine this being that hard to change? ) :o

Just because they have people in-house that do something doesn’t mean they don’t outsource as well, they also don’t typically credit outsourced material to anyone but themselves, regardless. I’m starting to think two things:

  1. You don’t really understand what outsourcing is, or at least how outsourcing works.
  2. I’m starting to think you’ve convinced yourself that you HAVE to be correct about things because your text is green.

I don’t believe this one bit. They were working on Diablo Immortal and this was scraped up as quickly as possible since DI’s announcement debacle. 2-3 years. 4 years, maybe. 6.-8 years? No way.

Anyways… go ahead and have your last response. I’m done with this conversation, it’s boring and you REALLY need a win right now. So… respond and take it. Idc.

The brain drain has been real. UIX is severely underrated by most games, and D3’s was pretty bad. Blizzard seem to have forgotten how to do it.

Which is weird, because one of the most revolutionary things about Vanilla WoW at the time was the UI. Blizzard revolutionized the genre just by making the game accessible via their UI design. Now we’re here, bricking items we just spend millions of gold rerolling because the aspect system is half assed.

You are a prime example of everything wrong with this game. Someone points out something that needs correcting in the game, and your first thought is to mock them for it. Seriously, you need to get a life, kid.

It’s designed purposely to make you spend time for nothing.

And by the way, you have to press buttons 3 times, not one!

  1. Filter button
  2. Select “my class”
  3. Close filter button (to be able to see all aspects, selection blocks part of them)