Shako: Dealer errors do not result in player loss

I reply to your replies, you forgot how it works? Stop then and you won’t get replies

We could pull the last boss using a Mechanic in Molten Core WOW when first released, We didnt they banned the ones that did even though it was just using a spell

Alright, I guess you don’t understand what you are saying when you say you don’t care. You might want to look that up. And I’m not focusing on your grammer, I’m focusing on trying to gather any meaning from whatever the hell you are trying to say or think you are saying.

If you continue you like it, if you like it you are a hypocrite since until now you have complained about my grammar but you continue to argue when you said you won’t,

Go do something else for real

Anyways, totally get why you guys are upset, I was there in D2 when duping first happened, but reality is Blizz messed up, and they aren’t going to punish those that got it from regular game play.

I would be absolutely shocked if they rolled back.

They don’t have to roll back, they can just remove the specific items from accounts.

The way you put it makes it sound like there’s any trust left.

There isn’t.

They won’t, don’t worry, the only people whining are the jealous ones who didn’t get it

It’s pretty obvious you are an exploiter yourself by the way you are trying to defend it.

This isn’t vegas it’s a wendys sir.

no it was pretty clearly understood that it was a bug and that it was not right, because so many of them were dropping. Thus, it was an exploit if the person was aware something was likely wrong while doing it, which most people did due to the viral nature of it

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I hope they take away your exploited shako kid.

Did players play normally or did a number of players see the bug on yputube/ twitch/ forums and exploited it before it was fixed?

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GO away troll,

Jealous rat


Look, I don’t want to assume that you’re just talking non-sense – I’ll assume that you’re either having trouble understanding what I’m saying, or having trouble communicating what you’re thinking due to a language barrier.

The uber uniques that were obtained due to the bug were not “obtained fairly”, and that’s all anyone is saying might be removed. Nobody is saying to remove all of the items found during that period, JUST the uber uniques. I hope that makes it more clear.

I don’t care, i’m pooping now

This guy is someone who benefited from the exploit and is just trying to defend it. It’s obvious now.

It’s also obvious that he has no intention of a good faith discussion and is just a complete a hole.

Go away you, Jealous rat, blizzard won’t remove the items, get peace

No people got hurt irl, no fluffy animals were killed.
Everythings fine. Enjoy your drops :partying_face: