Shako: Dealer errors do not result in player loss

If I had a choice between having Blizzard take away the items and leave the drop rates as they are, and leaving the items and making the drop rates more realistic (even if I never ever find one) I would take the latter for sure.

They already removed the uber uniques temporarily while working on the solution, now it’s too late, it’s not fair to remove an item obtained fairly

don’t think you will keep ya earnings if ya dealer is shady and the house finds out.

Does this even matter in the medium run? Game design to gin up sales of expansions dictate item power inflation. Like runs in D2, at some point the new items which are always more powerful to incentive existing players to play more will make the OP items of yesteryear irrelevant.

Further, let’s say they unlock glyph in the future to level 30 and another radius increase. The power level of 6 glphys at max level will make a shako mathematically a rounding error or approx the max limits of DR buffs stacking on each other.

You are starting to sound like someone who got one.

And you starting to sound like someone that know everything without knowing nothing

Yeah the economy of this game is ruined now. All those Shakos will flood the market.
Oh, wait…

Knowing everything without knowing nothing actually makes sense, what you mean by this, I have no idea.

My best guess is you are trying to say “You sound like someone that thinks they know everything, while knowing nothing.”

And to that, I don’t know why you are saying that either…

That dealer depending on mistake will either be bumped off prime time and put on early morning shift never get put on a high roller tables and or buried in the desert.

Well, people are actually selling them for real money. The accounts.

Narrator: “That was a lie.”

Someone that think knows everything while in reality knows nothing is synonym to ignorance, yeah makes sense

You don’t have to think too much, no need it

They need to roll it back, that simple.

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I’m sorry but your English is so bad that there is no point in discussing anything with you. All meaning is getting lost.

Remain lost, i can’t help you, go do something else

Perhaps I will do something else. I recommend the same for you though. You should probably be studying english instead of posting literal nonsense on the forums.

If you weren’t obviously an a hole, I wouldn’t be so critical.

I don’t care, if you are focused on my grammar, you have nothing better to do

Why do you keep replying if you don’t care

I think it is quite simple, the way how blizzard will handle this will reflect on how they handle future issues like this :blush: imagine this happening during a season and this is the reason why some get ahead of others.

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Yea but now every other player loses forever. That’s the difference. A Dev error effects everyone playing the game forever till it’s fixed. Which means removing the unintended drops. It’s not complicated.