Shako: Dealer errors do not result in player loss

Yeah, I have run into him in other threads and came away with the same conclusion. It’s even more difficult because most of what comes out looks like the result of a cat stepping on a keyboard. I’ve just ignored and recommend you do the same.

It was probably because they didn’t consider the fact Sorcs and Barbs don’t have unique helms so they were exponentially more likely to get the Uber Unique when their chest rolled the unique. It’s because Blizzard doesn’t test their stuff to the lengths that they need to.

Yes that’s exactly what happened. A very basic interaction that was overlooked.

Ignore me, why you keep then, smh

Agreed, that is solid advice. :sweat_smile:

You both obsessed with me ahahah you talking more about me than this thread, wtf

It’s blizzard, we already know what’s going to happen.

Blizz statement “there was a bug that resulted in some players having a much greater drop chance for Uber uniques than we intended.

This has been changed and the Uber uniques are back to a 0.0000000000001% chance to drop and you will never get one even if you were to play 24/7 for the next 2 years straight.

Players that got the Uber uniques yesterday will keep the items”

This isn’t the first time blizz has had an issue like this.

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That’s what’s gonna happen, to much envy from people nowadays, they can’t stand other people having something they can’t have

If the machine malfunctions in Vegas, you do NOT win the jackpot. I’d say this is a machine not a dealer.

Edit: I could care less what they do. Doesn’t impact me if they take away because I didn’t get one. Doesn’t impact me if they leave them in because I really don’t care… Wanted to clarify that.

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And neither is it Vegas gambling yet here we are in this asinine discussion…

Who decided that Vegas rules apply here? You?

Huh? If the dealer makes a mistake at the table I will definitely move to another table.

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Before: Getting a Shako was worthy of a reddit post, something to aspire to and grind when u got to endgame and have nothing else to do.

Now: U’ll find one and people will say u got it in the bug, or u’ll find one and realize it took you 300 hours when people got it because of a bug. The entire item is now leaving a bad taste on anyone having it or using it. I’d be changing my profile to private and just not telling people.

Reroll this or nerf Shako and make it a regular unique so everyone can get it and use it.

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None of you are quitting over the bug. Stop being so dramatic.

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Not me, Blizzard (casino / dealer) decides, and based on history and common sense, they will apply that rule and not punish those that got a reward due to blizz fault during the normal course of play.

Roll back or most of us are done. Dunno why you’re telling us what applies to the game. They either respect players time or they don’t.

I personally probably will skip this season and just do Eternal, too much stick not enough carrot again.

They also nerfed super unique drops yesterday without telling anyone.

Speak for yourself. I don’t tolerate exploits especially companies that don’t care about exploiters. I will never spend money on a blizzard game if they don’t delete these drops.

Maybe this was intentional, something to distract players from a sad season 1 stream and lack of fixes/improvements to the core game.

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Yep. The crybabies are just blaming the players because they know it does no good to blame Bizzard.

I didn’t play that Helltide either, but I’m not immature and toxic enough to try and get someone’s fun item taken away.

You’re the one crying about getting items taken away.