Shako: Dealer errors do not result in player loss

If you temporary remove the items they don’t drop while working on the solution, is it hard?

  1. Blizzard announced unique drops from helltide chests
  2. Players farmed helltide chests and got unique drops
  3. ???
  4. Profit

Working as intended.

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The point is they could just remove the uber uniques obtained from helltide chests, they don’t need to touch anything else.

I genuinely cannot understand what you are saying or trying to say.

You don’t want to understand, simple

Completely agree.

Zero reason to strip these players of their shakos .

Its an eternal realm, nobody should care.

I think that English is not their first language, which might be adding to the communications issues.

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I actually do but no offense it sounds like maybe english isn’t your first language or something. I actually do not know what you are trying to say.

Common isn’t fun either, really.

Make them reasonably rare. 1:2k or something. Still unlikely to see one every season, but you’ll see one.

1:100 for the common uniques. The “need these to play the build” uniques.

1:1000 for VERY strong uniques.

1:2k for the “I win” button uniques. The ones that will let you push higher NM dungeons than you normally could. The ones that can elevate a weaker class into a killing machine upon acquisition.

1:800k is disgusting.

Yeah I’m getting that impression now too.

The drops happening is the bug, people having it is an issue that spawns from that but isn’t really a bug. Fairness is important but it’s not always as obvious or simple as people with a specific take on it might believe when discussing with people who have an opposite view on what exactly would be fair. I do not believe taking it away from people who innocently got it would be fair. This is not an argument for unfairness, this is a different view of what the fair course of action would be.

The point about your whining isn’t to make it personal, it’s about the impact of one correction vs the other. If, for the sake of fairness, these people lose the item, their enjoyment of the game will be more impacted than if, for the sake of a different take on fairness, they keep the item and you’re upset over something that does not directly affect you.

And seasonals matter because…?

More like dealer consistently messed up for a time, and players played at that specific table, informing friends and family to take advantage of the faulty dealer. People can’t even use probability to win more at casinos without being kicked out and put on no-entry lists.

100 percent agree, I’m a long time diablo player and always used to do grails and have completed 2 in my lifetime and the thought of insanely rare uniques in this game appealed to me and pushed me to farm more and more.
If blizzard doesn’t do a rollback, that’s me out as what’s the point? The item for me was never about it’s power, it has always been about the rarity and the pride of achieving that drop the 1000s of hours of dedication. If people allowed to keep their bugged shakos, it diminishes any persons personal accomplishment when they actually get it as there will be no way of telling if they exploited a bug to get there.
Blizzard have got to make a decision on this.

The problem is that statistically, you and my dead grandmother have just about the same chance at finding them organically.


Don’t fall for this carrot on a stick. They can do better and should be pressured to do so.

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Well they could just boost the drop rate and let everyone keep them. I would be fine with that too. I want fairness, not people to be upset.

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Seasons only matter if a game has an economy and trading. This one does not.

Dont even bother bringing up rare items that scale to level rofl.

I agree with this 100%, I feel the same way. People think it’s just about wanting to take from others, but my sense of wonder about chasing uniques has been shattered by this error.

kinda funny how fast the off season is ruined in d4, d2 it was due to players finding out how to dupe and later how to manipulate items, d3 due to bots and now by blizzards own hands :slight_smile:

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I actually like the idea of super rare items. Just not if it’s ruined by bugs. I wouldn’t mind them boosting the rates though.