Shako: Dealer errors do not result in player loss

I don’t really understand what you are meaning by this. Can you elaborate?

“an issue with Helltide Chest drops”, the unique is not the problem as you stated

Someone needs to make a gif of one of those shady guys wearing a trench coat. It opening the coat and saying “You want shako? I got shako right here”.


Think its even simpeler, nuke all shako’s dropped from the helltide chests. you can’t tell me blizz dont have the tools… oh wait… they didnt even manage to have a proper leaderboard for the names on the lilith statue… :blush:

You can’t, because not only shakos drop from helltide chests

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I believe I’ve already explained my personal reasoning in this post but I will explain:

I know there is not a tangible or direct effect on my gameplay from this. It does however affect my experience in a negative way. They mystery and excitement of uber uniques is a big grinding motivator for me.

If I find one in 2 years of grinding, that sense of excitement I should feel will be greatly diminished for me in light of the fact many people have gotten the item in an hour through a bug.

It isn’t a logical thing, you don’t have to agree, but I cannot change how I feel about the situation and it has had a negative impact on my experience with the game.


While it is that simple I do not see the Dev team doing this. Again as numerous people have said they released a crap batch of code. The players simply said hey look increased drop rate of this helm at the fault of blizzard. I do not see them rolling this back the player base is nothing more than a dollar sign and a number. They already got your dollar and you already took a number so leave if you will they won’t care.

I really don’t know where you are going with this. Do you not know that the issue with the helltide chests was that they were dropping uber rare uniques at an extremely high and unintended rate?

Nope, if so, everybody would have one wich is not the case, a minority got that item,

Helltide chests don’t only drop uniques, but tons of rares, you see the point?

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Nerf the item and make them common and add new chase rares.

No I don’t. I think you are really confused about the issue and there is no point in continuing this discussion with you.

The issue is not the unique, but was a drop rate in the helltide chests, wich include toghether with unique, rare items aswell, you either remove everything or nothing

Buff the item for all the tears and anger the jealous people shed.

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The fix was the remove the uber uniques from dropping in game, not to disable helltide chests. So yes, the issue was specifically uber uniques dropping from helltide chests. Regular uniques can even still drop from them.

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Why do you remove everything or nothing? No one cares if someone got a rare from a helltide chest during the exploit. People do care that others got an extremely rare item they should not have.

I genuinely don’t understand why are saying it has to be all or nothing.

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No, I’m not trying to change your mind, either.

They’ve got you chasing the carrot on a stick. No matter how statistically unlikely it is that you’ll ever get it (unless you catch the next bad patch in time). I was out there too on my one character. I didn’t get a single thing.

I understand the frustration within this context, but as I’ve said before - the anger is misplaced. Taking these items from these players won’t get you one. When the TW guy found Shako did it bother you?

The reality is that people are slowly coming to terms with these Uber uniques being a bit too “uberly unique”. If they had a reasonable rate of acquisition (as in, not our entire lifetimes), it wouldn’t be an issue. The reason you are mad is because you know there is a 0% chance you’ll find this thing without another event like this, and you missed the boat.

Rail against Blizzard to give you an actual chance here, so your motivation can be well placed.

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An issue in the drop rate, not the item, it’s a temporary solution to prevent that items to drop because the game is still affected by the issue

The drop rate OF UBER UNIQUES, not anything else.

You can’t only care only what you want, to ez then

No, it doesn’t bother me if people got them through normal means. I know taking them from players that got them won’t give me one. I don’t want one right now. I want everyone to have the same chance to get one and that it is fair as the game was intended.

My issue is with the fact that many obtained it unfairly from a bug.