Shako: Dealer errors do not result in player loss

But the innocent didn’t go there on purpose to find that, do you want to ban the innocent too? How do you know who is and who is not when both did the same thing?

if they would roll back it would have already happend

its to late for that now

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He didn’t say anything about banning, just removing the item.

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In my opinion, fair is fair and a bug is a bug and should be fixed. If it doesn’t matter, then they should just let everyone get one. Or they should take them away. Either way is fine with me.

If you want to make it personal and say I’m whining about an issue in a game. I would say it’s more ridiculous to sit here on the forums and whine about people whining. That’s just me though.

But you also apply an unfair penalty to the innocent, following this logic they should remove all the items that have been found during this period, which is impossible, you can’t apply only a part of the rules, or you apply all or nothing

What are you “out” exactly?

+4 skills on a character that won’t really matter in 3 weeks? Not getting the item when you could have? Wait til you find out some classes are significantly better at level 100 than others, you’ll really be mad. You getting an extra 4% DR and 1k sheet damage wasn’t changing the game at all.

Your anger is misplaced. If you think that you missed the boat to get these items because you didn’t abuse a poorly implemented patch, the issue isn’t with those who got them - it’s with the drop rate on the item that was only really findable with the screw up.

Wait til you see that Shako sorc get one tapped in a level 90 NM dungeon that a Druid/Rogue absolutely delete.


As magnafides pointed out, I do not believe anyone should be banned. Not even people who exploited it knowingly. The items should just be removed.

All items found? impossible (not only the unique you want, count rares and other stuff too)

Ummm people already got that. It was not only Shako it was all uber uniques. Some players got multiple doomers.

No, not all items found. All of the specific uber rare uniques that were found due to the bug.

Practically, you are most likely correct, but technically, incorrect. If Shako’s drop rate was even 0.000000001%, and the INTENT of Blizzard was to make helltides chest drop uniques, then yes there was a chance that someone that got it via the bug would have hit that 0.00000001% drop rate and got it anyways.


Removing an item that shouldn’t have dropped isn’t a “penalty”.

The only “penalty” would be removing actual legitimate uber rare drops, and it’s very likely there were none during that short time period. They can probably even narrow it down to those obtained from Hellfire chests.

RIGHT, no it does not, only if you have problems with imagination infringing on reality.

Yesterday I had Blizzard nerf an aspect in my helm because of a bug on their end. I don’t hear anyone saying they shouldn’t have done that. I threw away a lot of aspects thinking I was good to go. I don’t see a difference here.

The unique was not the problem as stated, either you remove all the items found during that period or nothing, you can’t have half and half

Yeah! Everyone who got a season yesterday needs to be rolled back too!


I agree with you that there was a chance. It is most likely however that no one would have. And if there was 1 player who legitimately would have gotten it, I think that is less damaging than leaving them for everyone that got them.

That’s why you don’t ban them unless you have real evidence of exploiting, like videos explaining how it’s done.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t fix the problem by removing the items or making them common, so everyone can get one.

Why, exactly?

The only time these players interact with other players is PvP, and world events that simply do not matter.

As for PvP, it’s barely even in the game. An afterthought. There’s no leaderboard, no tracking, nothing. It’s worthless, added only to satiate people who need to PvP because they did so in D2 (where you could have a friend drop you BiS gear the first 10 seconds you joined the game).

If every single player on earth had Shako tonight and I didn’t - it would change nothing. I’d still be doing the exact same NM dungeons at the exact same levels. My class is a bigger detriment to Uber Lilith than me not having a shako.