Shako: Dealer errors do not result in player loss

“Exploit” would often involve some sort known malicious intent. An example would be duping in D2, which had to be very intentional (which most duped items weren’t even taken away to my recollection).

How would players know that it wasn’t intended for super rares to drop more often? I didn’t get one, but I recall when it was happening streamers were saying “wow not sure if they intended for the drops rate to be raised so much!” It wasn’t a 100% bug. Many farmed during that time and didn’t get it either, so for all people know, it was intended for Blizz to raise the change from 0.000001% to 1%.

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Agreed, crap like this made me quit POE and D3.

Not entirely true. If a bank accidentally deposits money into your account and you spend it, youre on the hook for that.


They need to roll it back, that simple.


This is hilarious XD

It was explained exactly how to take advantage of the bug in youtube videos with over 100k+ views.

It was exploited by lots of people, not all.

You’re right, and barring any SEC / Fed banking laws, it’s up to the bank (blizzard), not the other customers on whether or not they get to keep it. Banking is a crazily regulated, hence may not be up the bank. My Wheel of fortune example would be better served here as this is A GAME.

History would say there is almost NO chance that blizz takes these away given the circumstances. I would bet a good amount on that :slight_smile:

None of that happened :slight_smile:


Facts. Literally many were saying on stream that they didn’t know if this was intended, because again, it was STILL RARE. It’s not like it was guaranteed drop.

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Oversimplification of how variations of “ignorantia non” principles apply, not exactly accurate in the situation.


lol wut? Are we playing the same game? Thanks for telling me what is pointless and not.

Your wheel of fortune example is silly because it doesn’t count for the majority of people that obtained it after being told how to exploit the bug.

Next Error Incoming:

Doombringer for everyone :kissing_heart: :dagger:

It’s not because you simply cannot identify who did it intentionally vs accidentally. It’s not possible. Therefore by removing all, YOU WILL mess with the innocent contestant in the example.

I was about to write to him this aswell xd:

“People didn’t know if it was intentional or not since they increased the drop rate in the latest update”

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Hard disagree. It’s fine if it doesn’t matter to you. It does matter to a lot of people.

The innocent people who got them would not have gotten them either if not for a bug. So I think it’s fair to remove the item from anyone that got it from the helltide chests during the period the bug was active.

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Someone getting the excitment of dropping an incredibly rare thing through a bugged interaction they weren’t aware of only to have that taken away because others cried about it is far more affected by that than someone who just knows others got an item they didn’t that others were getting and they weren’t (just at a far smaller rate) anyway.

Your whining is something you’ll likely get over whenever the next thing happens to focus on that instead. That removal from those who didn’t exploit could easily drain their excitment about cool drops for the rest of the time they spend in the game.

Are you sure that you want to cite gambling rules? Casinos can nullify a jackpot on a slot machine, if it’s found that a bug was present that caused the jackpot to pay out incorrectly.

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It was Blizzard mistake.
Should the players be punished for Blizzard mistake?
You are asking for them to remove it from everyone, those that knew and those that didnt.
I didnt get it and it doesnt matter to me.
If it matters to you, so its fine if they punish you for exploiting something in S1 and you didnt know it was?
Pretty sure S1 is coming with lots of bugs too.