Server slam Drop rate is abysmall 7h 0 legendarys

I managed to get to level 20 and have three legendries.

Got 1 legendary in 4 hours of play.

I believe that is what the Paragon system is for. It is not the same thing as D3.

They may tinker with them a bit, but they are low on purpose during the server slam. Just like they were really high on purpose during the other two betas. Legendary gear is very powerful.

Leggo drop rate is REALLY lowā€¦ so far no leggos after farming at lvl 20 for awhile. Think they could up it a tiny bitā€¦

No this is good, this is a game thats meant to be played for hundreds of hours. The previous beta had inflated drop rates, stop listening to streamers telling you that you HAVE TO HAVE certain legendos. You will be OK.

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The average player is not going to put in hundreds of hours per season lol

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Iā€™m level 15 and Iā€™ve only had one rare show up and no legendaries. This is so much harder than it was before, tried for an hour to beat Vhenard and never could beat her. I might have to go back out and farm some and upgrade all my gear before I try again. Itā€™s a challenge but I do like the game, just gotta get a feel for it.

had 4 drop in one session in one area ā€¦

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After they started putting more power in sets, I remember one of you two making a post that basically was asking for higher drop rates because you had other games to get to and wanted to feel satisfied experiencing the sets.

Two weeks with nothing is a bit long but I always disagreed about catering to playtime for other games. It should be perfectly fine to compete with something like WoW as far as time spent on a hobby.

I completed d3 season 28 altar by paragon 760 which was basically 2 weekends complexly solo. There was nothing left to get l gear wise other than better ancients. Never logged in again after. To me thatā€™s pretty unsatisfying.

I donā€™t think drops will be bad here in d4 because you need legendary mats for blacksmith upgrades. Devs know players need a decent amount over time.

go play something else then its not suppose to be free loot

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i bet your the type of guy who plays 15hours a day too

some of us have a life outside video games bud


Not every game should cater to those who play 20 minutes every few days.

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Tf. Iā€™d be annoyed if people were seeing legendaries <12 hours play time.
Im glad theyre not common.

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All effects of the battlepass on gameplay are known, at least for season 1

Iā€™ve played a lot of campaign D3 recently, probably a dozen run throughs some on various difficulties up to low torments on all the classes.

That game is stingy in campaign mode.

Asking for 1 isnā€™t the same as all legendary items

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7 legendaries for me. Calling it a day. Ashava tomorrow.
Remember to log off in normal difficulty for Ashava!

We are level 20. I wouldnā€™t expect legendaries to really start dropping regularly until end game. Even in D3 they arenā€™t that common early on.

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