Server slam Drop rate is abysmall 7h 0 legendarys

It’s pathetic… would be laughable if it wasn’t so stupid.

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Yep, same here… We were really spoiled last beta.

I got my first two Legendary items as a result of the boss fight that ends Act I, so very much like other D games. I’m not sure D$ really has a lower drop rate than D3 when you’re running at I or even II difficulty (which honestly I can’t really tell the difference between).

Remember max level is 100, so level 20 may be roughly like being level 14 in D3.

Overall it feels pretty good to me right now. Drop rate is a knob that’s easy to turn up, but VERY hard to turn down if you decide you got it wrong.

I got my first rare at lvl 5

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Remember the first commandment of gaming:

“Get gud.”

You can unlock your choice codex of power and easily craft your own legendary items at Demyan. Make it a great day or not; the choice is yours, the choice is mine.

I made it to 20 without any leg drops, made a few along the way from dungeon clears though. Got my first leg drop from Kor Dragan while I was doing my first clear of it, which is pretty nice since it’s a level 30 area and the drop was actually relevant to me.

Drop rate adjustment depression is real. I was feeling it, and will be feeling it again after the dopamine kick wears off during the grind.

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Hopefully they keep the drop rates very very low. I’d prefer even lower than this. Provides more end game motivation. I hate gearing up fully in like 2 days.


Personally, I’m guessing this is a combination of lower drop rates compared to last beta combined with the lower level cap lowering your drop rates further. I hope it’s better than this at higher levels.

Legendary drop rates aren’t the problem, all the drop rates are garbage… all the loot tables are utterly garbage… you’re lucky to see anything you can use within 5 levels of your currant… I got 2 legendarys, both quite nice, a ring and amulet… all the weapons and armour are junk… my druid has a lv 3 hat and chest piece…at lv 20.

Why? What makes difference at sub 20?

The lower legendary drop rate is great. It’s fun feeling more appreciative of drops


Drop is fine. For sub 20 blue and yellow have enough power and attributes to serve any class. I would imagine you will see more legendary in tier 3.

Travis Day spoke at the Game Developers Conference about why games should be generous and drop scarcity isn’t as big of a deal as game developers may think it is. You can go watch his talk on GDC Vault. The drop rate portion starts around the 40 minute mark.

Additionally, one of the problems with D4 is that it doesn’t have ways to keep augmenting skills as you continue to level up (other than with legendaries). Most ARPGs have skill trees that offer continued skill costumization from early leveling through late leveling. Diablo 2 has this; modern ARPGs tend to do it even better. In D4, you select a skill, then you can immediately modify it with the next two points (two nodes that branch off it), then you’re done.

Other than legendary aspects, there is no real sense of continued skill progression in this game.

I also had zero legendary drops at level 20, it feels like they went a little too far with the nerfs, obviously they dropped too much before, but I would like them to drop sometimes.


drop rates aren’t tuned for level 20 lowbie trivial content. dumb post tbh

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This is a flat out fabrication. I got several rares on my rogue before level 9 in just a couple hours.

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Heh. I just hate how in D2/D2R the problem of not finding useful uniques while leveling has never been resolved. The problem stems from items having an iLV such that they don’t drop until well after their usefulness would have diminished. It’s a large part of why runewords dominate the game instead of what you find (up to a point anyway). At least D3 and D4 resolve that by dropping an item at your level. Not a fan of the monster scaling, but alas, it’s a “pick your poison” type affair there.

Up to a point it does. Past a reasonable timeframe interest falls off very quickly. Hopefully we don’t end up in situations like D3 where in the beginning you could literally go months without a legendary or set item. I went from May to the beginning of September before I got my first legendary, and it took a month longer to find the first set item. I would say a good place to be in, since gear defines builds in this game while leveling, is to be right in the middle between D3 launch drop rates and RoS launch drop rates. It’ll be interesting to see how I progress during this weekend here. I suspect I’m going to simply look to do the dungeons that give ms desired aspects first and foremost so I have at least some extra viability. In fact I’m sure that’s how many players are approaching this with the drop rates being tuned to what launch is supposed to have.

Bad design. Very bad design. Remember, gear found defines your build as you’re leveling. If you aren’t finding legendary drops, even for just the aspects they give, you’re going to feel gimped for far too long. Starving a player for an extended period of time is a surefire way to lose that player. RoS shipped with a bad luck protection mechanism. While it seldom triggers now, it triggered a lot early on in RoS. Drothvader and I were two of the most vocal beta testers for RoS that pointed out going north of two weeks without a single legendary drop. That’s why the bad luck protection got put in. Nobody wants to play a game where they are almost assured of getting nothing worthwhile during a given play session. There’s probably not enough time to really test and see if such a mechanism exists in D4 currently, but if there isn’t, expect a rather large drop off of players not too long after launch due to getting the shaft when it comes to RNG. The carrot on the stick is only good for so long before it becomes a moldy eyesore that you loathe even thinking of.

I’ll reserve full judgement for when the game releases though. This is after all a testing phase.


You could try not playing 16 hours a day I know it’s crazy but the drop rates need to be normalized for the average player who might get 16 hours in a week. If they make their balancing especially drop rates around no lifers the game will die incredibly quickly.


Good. Only got one legendary ring and I’m perfectly fine with that.

Legendaries will actually feel legendary and seeing an orange will actually be exciting. D3 just coddled and spoiled people too much with easy loot.

The drop rates weren’t nerfed btw these are the normal drop rates. The drop rates for the last two betas were just increased.

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If we get meaningfull drops in a meaningfull none nolifer timeframe D4 would be done in days and people would complain that there is nothing to do.

Hack and Slays need the grind because if you look objectivly at them there is mostly no content at fresh released Hack and Slays. If the goal is to kill the pinacle boss and then be done with it a lot of people will rip the game appart in little to no time.

I’m all for drops in a timeframe average Joe will be happy about because there are a lot of said Joes arround. Then again this won’t happen because most people only look after themselfs and not for the best possible outcome for the (most likely) biggest part of the playerbase.