Server slam Drop rate is abysmall 7h 0 legendarys

Impatient? How is next to no legendary drops fun? Are you angry because people would have fun? In video game? Seriously?


Great, lot of us didnā€™t get a single legendary after 5 hours of playing past lv 20

Drops feel fine. Too many games make ā€œlegendaryā€ drops rain down like theyā€™re common.

I played for around 8hrs, got Barb to 20, and along the way got 1 legendary ring. Came across a few rares that gave ranks in skills too. Was interesting. But did spend most the time in blues. So yeah, think itā€™s fine.

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Level 13 Rogue, Level 17 Sorc, 0 legendaries. Game is a snooze fest.

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I ran into him about level 14. It was the first time I ever seen him. I heard the stomp noise or whatever it is and I was likeā€¦could it be? and then boom here he comes. Proceeded to rofl stomp me lol. It was cool as hell but I had no chance.

As for loot, I have seen zero leggos. Rolled I think 12ish gloves. Two blue rest grey garbo. I think it makes it feel special when you see one but I think its a little too rare myself. Considering some of them are class defining and not in the codexā€¦ you may never see the one you looking for. Even last beta I didnt see the two or three I was looking for. That kind of feels bad too.

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I got 3 legendary drops on my Necro lv 20 now, and 2 legendary drop on my barb also lv 20 now. But this may be a lot of luck.

I leveled to lv 20 in 2.5h, gambled one useless legendary, nothing ever since.

How the hell do you know ā€œhow itā€™s supposed to beā€ lol you didnā€™t design the game or work on it

Nah, bad take. I played Diablo 2 for years and still do occasionally, but I love Diablo 3 and think itā€™s by FAR the more fun game. Maybe stop and think that the reason games moved away from D2ā€™s loot system is because the majority of people donā€™t actually enjoy it, you just have stockholm syndrome because it was the only game of its type around at the time.


Itā€™s fine and as we go up tiers drop rates get better. come live world tiers.

Iā€™m happy with it as is makes the game worth thinking about instead of steam rolling.

Items mattering is important.

Fun is subjective. But you do you.

Diablo 2 is still played in LoD form. But you do you.

Diablo 2 got a remaster. But you do you.

By the way, just because something isnā€™t done any more does not mean it was a bad idea. Humans innovate and change comes from innovation. When we innovate, people tend to find more things to do.

We moved on from Diablo 2 because we innovated and found more things that we could potentially design to make games ADDITIVELY more fun.

Adding fun on top of fun = more fun.
It does not invalidate the fun we had before it was added.


You do you fam.

ā€œdiablo 2 is still played in LOD formā€
Find me some numbers on it. Cite your sources. Iā€™ll wait. People still play any game you can possibly name, this isnā€™t an argument.

Jesus f-ā€¦ Really?

Hereā€™s my source.


I am sorry. I cannot with you after that. That was the dumbest response tonight.
You do you.

Finally got two legendaries and they are useless for my build. LOL

And thats a good thing, I hope that it will stay this wayā€¦Legendaries should feel legendary and be super rare, not like in Diablo 3 raining from the sky and being worthles after a short time. :wink:

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Dude, what? Are you serious? I can do that too. Warcraft 3 Reforged. Look at how many people are still playing that. Grow a brain you imbecile.

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Keep the drops as they are this is a L take.


And you just shot yourself in the foot - twice I might add.

Congratulations, you proved my point.


You also denounced your position by detracting from your original point to start a strawman with me. Why? Why oh why?

You havenā€™t even tackled me on anything but the fact that these games are still played many many many years later (two decades even!) and are trying to use their age as a basis to fuel your narrative that old = bad.

Get a grip man.

Iā€™m done with this particular discussion.

Oh, by the way.

You do you. You fabulous person you.

Noooo I didnā€™t~ Read again~ Reading comprehension 101, take it~

All youā€™ve done was deflect and not respond with the very simple thing that I asked you to. You asserted that people are still playing Diablo 2 LOD in very large numbers. I asked you to post numbers to prove it, you refused and said some non-point about Resurrected, which is also moving goalposts, I might add because you specified LOD and not Resurrected, which also, incidentally, does not have that many people still playing it. You also are now putting words in my mouth.

Lol, because it is what they said. Legendary drops during the server slam are going to be closer to how the game launches. They dropped a lot in the first two beta tests just to well test them. :roll_eyes:

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