Server slam Drop rate is abysmall 7h 0 legendarys

you max at level 20. relax guy.


I understand what your saying, but if they rain down like D3 they become as exciting as blue items. You can go get aspects, and its only lvl 20 up to world tier 2. Make your judgement at end game at higher world tiers

I am almost 20. So far, the lower drop rate makes what I do get, feel more valuable. I enjoy the leveling process so this is something I prefer.

The one Legendary I got was class specific and it was a sword for my Necro. It let me turn into a better blood mist. I was not using Blood mist yet, so that was a good reason to try it. Also, the sword looks cool.

We shall see how it goes. I would rather have fewer items and have to think about matching skills to them than have them rain down on me.

D3 was just plain too fast.

As time goes on, drop rates, esp in Seasons, are subject to change. They always are.


It’s ok to have different expectations for a game in 2023, the industry doesn’t have to remain stagnant to appease everyone

That being said rarer items = more satisfying to find so I agree with mostly everyone else


While I agree with the general idea that change can be good, incredibly rare loot helps maintain the longevity of a game as Diablo 2 has proven.
Raining loot does the exact opposite.

With the current state of Diablo 4, we’re matching loot frequency to Diablo 2 where good loot seldomly drops before level 35. This is the way it needs to be if we’re to have Diablo 4 be even remotely successful.

Later on, frequency can increase but hopefully not too much that we’re just back to raining legendaries. Ideally, actually useful loot could be kept difficult to find while “progression” loot could drop more frequently, similar to Path of Exile.

In general, I feel legendary and unique loot needs to remain difficult to obtain, period. Most people will agree, just not everyone, but it’s better to do what will make the game survive longer.


It needs to be within reason, playing for 7 hours and never even seeing a rare is a concern to me.


Again, this is early game. That is very much within reason.

If this were levels 50-100, then maybe re-evaluation would be needed, maybe not.
That being said, rares drop pretty frequently after level 12 from what I’ve noticed, so if someone doesn’t see rares much, if at all, after level 15, then that’s just very poor luck.


Hard to say what they intend, but in closed beta, your legendary drops increased as you got higher in level. You usually didn’t get your first one until into the 20s, but they were a lot more common in higher difficulties.

I did get one legendary leveling to 20, but it was from butcher that my friend and I kited in circles for awhile. I imagine he has a much higher legendary drop chance.

I ran into The Butcher by chance and was promptly butchered at level 18. |:
Couldn’t really say what he would drop myself, lol.

That’s just it. I got a rare and 5 blues on my way to the first dungeon. All hail RNGesus

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Blizzard never strikes a good balance. They drop a lot, they nerf to oblivion where it doesnt drop anymore …

Why cant they balance in between ?

Also i kind of smell % increase with battle pass… i hope im wrong

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Yea, it’s kind of unfair for solo players vs groups since he doesn’t despawn if someone dies but another is still alive. If one of us died we just had to survive briefly for the other person to get back from a checkpoint.

Also kited him around a little wall thing which makes it a lot easier if you have any kind of dot damage. Luckily I had hydra and firewall with the DoT talent at the time he attacked us.

I much prefer these drop rates to the earlier betas. I was in full legendary upgraded synergizing gear after a day. It was boring af. These drop rates are good. If we are going to change drop rates they need to increase the drops when killing a treasure goblin. Found 1 only, dropped a single blue.

Rare or Legendary?

Rares are yellow and should start showing up after around level 10 I think. I have a dozen or so and am not quite 20.

We are playing only on World Tier II. We were spoiled during last beta. We shouldn’t be getting legendary drops every 5-10 minutes on WT2. Now, only have 2 yellows drop and at lvl 15, yeah that’s pretty stupid.

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D3 wasnt always too fast. It got to that point sometime after RoS. And id much rather find interesting legendary items during leveling than not at all. And later id much rather have too many dropping than not ever being able to find items we really need.

I find it very frustrating that people all want different things and so many people end up on the losing side because of it.


he meant legendary. if he spent 7 hours and only found 2 rares then he was playing blindfolded :rofl:

omgawd i didnt have full legendaries by 7 hours of game play omg the horror


The leggo drop rate was boosted last time for testing reasons.

This is still a beta and it’s called ‘server slam’ so they can stress test the servers.

Boo hoo on no leggos dropping on a soon to be deleted character

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HAHAHAHA straight up predicted these threads were going to be made.

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