Seriously where is the RAWHIDE and IRON?

I just saw this after i put this comment. stay away from Evadeborn, dont waste your mats. It is going to be nerfed.

That list grosses me out…

Because we didn’t spend our first week spamming boss runs with RMT’d mats. Which is the ONLY way for you to have amassed that much.

The only ones with an abundance of mats are people who we spamming UBER bosses and the only way they did that many is with RMT’d mats.

So are the amount of cheaters and with the amount of materials you claim to have means that you are clearly one of them. Pretty sad when you come here trying to talk a big game when all you have done(or the people you are running with has done) is cheat by buying RMT materials to run Uber boss after Uber boss. The best part is that you will try to deny it but you already told us all the truth by stating you have 50K of each which is impossible in 6 days with out spamming UBERS.

It is not salvaging that is doing that with that mighty 1 iron and 1 rawhide for each legendary. It is the UBER boss spam. That is the only consistent and reliable way to farm them and the only way for people to be doing that many this early into the season is through RMT.

I would 100% agree.

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where did u get 10k rawhides

You not read the comment.

Blizzard want players to already have masterworking from torment 1.

So is a basic activity for people play in torment for Blizzard.

But instead Blizzard stealth nerfed the Infernal gold chest, they don’t answer to question about it so it isn’t a bug, they are trying to hide the stealth nerf.

And your comment show alot of confusion, masterworking isn’t perfect gear, perfect gear is gear with perfect stats, masterworking is a secondary things, a basic activity for start endgame like Blizzard state.

So no a basic activity can’t be so much time consuming, specially not in arpg, because the main point of arpg should be farming perfect gear, not farming materials for a basic activity, this is a mmorpg.

You right, there is an high probability people defending this situation are people cheating with trading or directly use real money to buy things.

It is 100% the only way for people this early into the season to have been able to farm that many mats and have their gear done.

Your acting like it takes long to aquire mats. Mats are common.

You can easily farm 30-50 boss runs in a few hours, do some rotas with friends.

But you can get materials from boss because Blizzard introduced an automatic scrapping for blue/yellow items the bosses drop.

Then why blacksmith scrapping give less materials for the same items?

Bug or Stealth nerf?

We already talked of this in other thread, you don’t need to answer, it’s only to make people in this thread know the situation.

Right and it’s a bit sad if Blizzard doing this stealth nerfs for pushing people to use trading/rtm.

yeah , i almost cant be bothered . dead seat joke

1 hour ladder boss rota will net you 2k rawhides. It is not sufficient for a 8/12 Masterwork if you just want to target a particular affix.

I already got all the gears I need, now I have to do boss rota for the raw hides only. The game is fun :joy:

Blizzard seems to want people spend more time get basic things like mats and gold instead playing more time in the endgame getting gears.

They even stealth buffed(no hint in the patch notes) the drop rate and the quantity of summon materials from elite and events, without counting the reduce the quantity needed to summon boss and the new two methods to get summon materials with the dlc.

Seems Blizzard is make diablo 4 in the opposite way an arpg should work,

I agree, these mats(iron and rawhide) should be amassed in plenty organically. These are not something we should have to target farm. Its just another way to stall the game and its tiring. POE2 can’t come fast enough.

they didnt stealth nerf the gold chest. that was part of the updates they worked on for s6. it gave too much in s5.

and to reset and try and get triple crits if you are doing that on subpar gear then your a moron. you only do that on perfect gear.

Basic materials and gold are the more basic things players from torment shouldn’t need to specifically farm anymore, but instead blizzard stealth nerfed blacksmith scrapping and the infernal horde gold chest.

After all in an arpg the main point is farming gear, but in diablo 4 the main point is farming materials like an mmorpg.

First Blizzard said Masterworking must be used for access Torment 1, so for Blizzard masterworking isn’t an endgame activity need to me used on perfect gear.

Second there is nothing patch notes about nerf of the gold chest of infernal horde, so is a stealth nerf, community manager even avoid to talk of this if you ask to him, tried 6 times in 5 days, even with only 1 minutes after he answered to another guy and he even answered about a bug of infernal horde, so he can talk of it.

Third next time reported if you insult again.

he isnt wrong. it is moronic to reset for triple crits on subpar gear that you are going to replace

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He is wrong because Blizzard stated masterworking is something you use to access to Torment 1, so not need to be used on perfect gear.

Blizzard is really confused on how an arpg need to work, when the main point is farming materials is more an mmorpg.

he isnt wrong. masterworking being accessible doesnt mean min/maxing for triple crits on specific stats in the first week. masterworking accessible means you do 12/12

Again you are confusing arpg with mmorpg.

When main point is farming materials is mmorpg, when main point farming gear is arpg.

Actually diablo 4 main point is farming materials.

A 12/12 gear isn’t a perfect gear, a diablo is about farming gear.

Blizzard said you must have done masterworking to access Torment 1, surely you don’t have perfect gear, so he is simple wrong or don’t have the game, people play the game can easily see what Blizzard have writed.

Add to this stealth nerfs is always wrong, Blizzard should be clear on what he want to do, not talking of this nerfs make seems they know this nerfs are wrong.