Seriously where is the RAWHIDE and IRON?

i understand you are having a hard time accepting reality and facts.

masterworking be accessible means you just have access to it. so the fact in the first week you were able to masterwork is having access to it.

you are complaining you weren’t able to constantly reset your gear and get perfect triple crits on desired stats in the first week of a season, that has nothing to do with accessibility.

you are wrong here.

Ok i see you not playing the game.

I suggest you to see some video where you can see selecting the difficulties, there in the description of Torment 1, you can see Blizzard state you must already have tempering and Masterworking.

Next time play the game before talking of it.

And remember the main point of a diablo is a farming gear, changing it, experimenting new build.

You instead are talking of how work an mmorpg where you farm materials to get one time the ending gear, maybe Wow is more similar to what you are searching.

oh im in torment 4. and having masterworking on gear doesnt mean perfect triple crits on your desired stats. its ok to be too ignorant to understand that

Sure you are in torment 4 and don’t even known the description of the difficulties.

Like i said buy the game and play it then we can talk.

Add to this stealth nerf is always wrong, Blizzard created a bug with infernal horde and blacksmith scrapping or have shame to show this nerfs in the patch notes, knowing they are wrong and clumsy attempt to hide the endgame problem of the game.

your ignorance is showing again. people cant even post in these forums without owning a valid license

I not live on the forum, so i don’t care of this things.

So you simple are in denial, considered you should have the game and you can quickly check it the Torment 1 description.

But seems the problem is you not know how an arpg and a diablo should work, you want an mmorpg, maybe wow is more in line with what you are searching.

having masterworking done on gear simply means masterworking your gear to 8/8 or 12/12. it doesnt mean resetting a ton of times and triple critting on your desired stat. you being ignorant of that fact is the problem here. you think you should be able to get perfect masterworks without the need to farm for mats in week 1 of a season is laughable.

You continue to talk of mmorpg instead of arpg, showing you don’t know what is a Diablo.

Farming mats is exactly what an mmorpg, Diablo is arpg main point is farming gear and search the perfect gear.

Is always more obviously you want an mmorpg, i presume you even think a masterworked item is perfect.

farming mats is what is required in diablo 4. i guess you don’t play the game, because that is the game i am referring to. maybe you should try playing it.

Again not true, again i doubt you really play the game if you don’t know this.

Diablo 4 you can easily get mats from scrapping gear you farmed before season 6 and the stealth nerf to the blacksmith scrapping.

im sitting at 50k rawhide and 50k iron chunks right now. seems like i play the game a lot more than you. i think you should load it up

in case you are wondering what the game looks like that you obviously don’t play

I see you ignored the comment i writed.

Seems you really not know you can easily get mats without farming from blacksmith with scrapping gear before season 6.

So you already confirmed to not known the game after you have said you need to farm mats.

And seems i have 1k more rawhide and 1k more iron chunks, why you have only 10k herbs, i have 50k, really only 22k obducite i have 71k.

https ://

Joke aside really the quantity of mats don’t show you know how to play, if you farmed this mats specifically, you not know you can easily get it from blacksmith before the stealth nerf.

there was no stealth nerf child

Oh why you not talk of mats anymore?

Really you want be banned…

Post here the part of the patch notes where Blizzard state there is a nerf to the Infernal horde gold chest, if you can’t find it is a stealth nerf.

(post deleted by author)

Farming for rawhide isn’t challenging. It’s just a mindlessly boring grind. I don’t want rawhide to be the endgame chase item. The drop rate was fine last season. Why fix something that wasn’t broken.


That’s a good point and I’m pretty sure this was an unintended consequence from filtering out the blue and yellow gear from the endgame. I’ve found that if I focus on whisper only content the raw hide pinch becomes more manageable.

I think it was actually more then intended and was done intentionally in order to slow people up; however, just like every other horrible choice they have made this last year it is blowing up in their faces again.

Go cash your obols in at the purveyor for some boots and look at the raw hide return on the blue/yellow gear. Kind of feels like a whoopsie situation created by a whoopsie dev team.

Here you go. Just wanted to let you know they fixed the exploit.